OT: Former Packers DB Sam Shields Now Says He Regrets NFL Career (SI)

Yep, Soldinger and everyone else had it out for Willie. Don has come out on the record on MULTIPLE occasions and said that Willie was a BS artist, was someone that just didn't get it, and didn't want to listen to anybody. Willie managed to flame out at EVERY SINGLE SCHOOL he attended. Ever thought that maybe, not just maybe he was a guy that refused to do the right thing? Nah, Randy Shannon just had it out for this uniquely talented guy that could have won him games. He let Lawrence Taylor rot on the bench for no good reason.

Don't get me wrong, there's plenty to criticize Randy for, but the Willie Williams thing isn't one of them. Willie is a low rent Lawrence Phillips, the only difference is that Lawrence Phillips managed to be a productive college football player, while Willie was a complete nobody when the lights came on.
Lol...you have no idea wtf you're talking about....
Yep, Soldinger and everyone else had it out for Willie. Don has come out on the record on MULTIPLE occasions and said that Willie was a BS artist, was someone that just didn't get it, and didn't want to listen to anybody. Willie managed to flame out at EVERY SINGLE SCHOOL he attended. Ever thought that maybe, not just maybe he was a guy that refused to do the right thing? Nah, Randy Shannon just had it out for this uniquely talented guy that could have won him games. He let Lawrence Taylor rot on the bench for no good reason.

Don't get me wrong, there's plenty to criticize Randy for, but the Willie Williams thing isn't one of them. Willie is a low rent Lawrence Phillips, the only difference is that Lawrence Phillips managed to be a productive college football player, while Willie was a complete nobody when the lights came on.
I must say.....you are one loyal sun of a gun. You would die on any sword for those coming outta the HECHT.

I dont know why Don Soldinger is brought up....but yea...Randy Shannon was fired and has never been a HC since. If you think Glenn Cook should have been playing over Willie Williams i dont know what to tell you..and i grew up with Cook as well. Funny you brought up Lawrence Phillips as he was a coach on my college staff for a year and yea....WW wasnt Lawqrence Phillips.

Ornery *** dudes like Shannon and Soldinger think the same way
I lived 2 miles from the Citrus Bowl in 09....not to hard to attend.
That makes sense but you have a story for everything UM related. It wasn’t a knock on you, in fact it was a compliment. Your stories are AWESOME, and I love hearing them. You should get some type of OG award from CIS!!!!! Plus you got pictures to back in up. That’s the dopest **** ever so please keep the stories coming bro!!!!
I must say.....you are one loyal sun of a gun. You would die on any sword for those coming outta the HECHT.

I dont know why Don Soldinger is brought up....but yea...Randy Shannon was fired and has never been a HC since. If you think Glenn Cook should have been playing over Willie Williams i dont know what to tell you..and i grew up with Cook as well. Funny you brought up Lawrence Phillips as he was a coach on my college staff for a year and yea....WW wasnt Lawqrence Phillips.

Ornery *** dudes like Shannon and Soldinger think the same way
@gogeta4 ...don't even get me started on his entire worthless post...I know for a fact WW was the best LBer on that squad. Everytime he was in a game, he made huge plays....TFLs...Fumble recoveries, etc....He mentions Sollie, (Sarge, for people who know him) IS ornery af and I absolutely Love him. Butch and Schiano would've made WW an AA....I have absolutely no doubt, and Butch so happens to agree. Lol at talking sh*t about Hester...had the nerve to say, "Quote"...Jack of all trades, Master of none....Lol.....
I must say.....you are one loyal sun of a gun. You would die on any sword for those coming outta the HECHT.

I dont know why Don Soldinger is brought up....but yea...Randy Shannon was fired and has never been a HC since. If you think Glenn Cook should have been playing over Willie Williams i dont know what to tell you..and i grew up with Cook as well. Funny you brought up Lawrence Phillips as he was a coach on my college staff for a year and yea....WW wasnt Lawqrence Phillips.

Ornery *** dudes like Shannon and Soldinger think the same way
The same Lawrence Phillips who pummeled a woman??...and had no business playing in the 95 Orange Bowl??....That guy??...Lol...Peeps gonna Dog WW...and give LP a pass....only on CIS
You guys didn't read the article. The main point was about a life-changing 2017 concussion.
aint nobody got time for that GIF
That's sad to reach a pinacle and feel that way; for some reason this clip comes to mind after reading that:

I must say.....you are one loyal sun of a gun. You would die on any sword for those coming outta the HECHT.

I dont know why Don Soldinger is brought up....but yea...Randy Shannon was fired and has never been a HC since. If you think Glenn Cook should have been playing over Willie Williams i dont know what to tell you..and i grew up with Cook as well. Funny you brought up Lawrence Phillips as he was a coach on my college staff for a year and yea....WW wasnt Lawqrence Phillips.

Ornery *** dudes like Shannon and Soldinger think the same way

WW wasn't Lawrence Phillips, as I said before. Lawrence was actually productive in college. In fact, Lawrence was so productive, people were willing to overlook the fact that he was a violent sociopath. The reason why Soldinger was brought up was because unlike you, HE WAS ACTUALLY THERE AND ABLE TO WITNESS EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENED. You really think that Don Soldinger, one of the most brutally honest guys out there would lie for Randy Shannon of all people? It's obvious that no matter what happened, you would run with the narrative you've created in your mind, because you think your relationship with Willie means that the dude could do no wrong.

Think it's a weird coincidence that the ONLY levels Willie found any success in college ball was in places where the talent level was no better than HS ball? There's a reason why. You can do the crap he wanted to do in Juco and D3 ball, because those guys lack the overall talent to punish someone like Willie for having awful instincts. You can't freelance and be an effective linebacker at the FBS level. Glenn Cook didn't have WIllie's physical skills, but he was also less likely to do things that would sink the entire defense. The entire "Beason wanted Willie on the field" thing is more a case of why players shouldn't be entrusted to make major decisions, because a fair number of them don't look at the overall picture. Again, there's a reason why despite his physical limitations, Glenn Cook has a thriving career in football, and Willie spent a good chunk of his adult life in either dead end jobs, or in prison.
The same Lawrence Phillips who pummeled a woman??...and had no business playing in the 95 Orange Bowl??....That guy??...Lol...Peeps gonna Dog WW...and give LP a pass....only on CIS
The same Lawrence Phillips who died IN PRISON?

You’re right. Only on CIS.

And F-Tom Osborne while we’re at it.

As hypocritical a MFer as anyone ever. Hope he went to Phillip’s funeral.
@gogeta4 ...don't even get me started on his entire worthless post...I know for a fact WW was the best LBer on that squad. Everytime he was in a game, he made huge plays....TFLs...Fumble recoveries, etc....He mentions Sollie, (Sarge, for people who know him) IS ornery af and I absolutely Love him. Butch and Schiano would've made WW an AA....I have absolutely no doubt, and Butch so happens to agree. Lol at talking sh*t about Hester...had the nerve to say, "Quote"...Jack of all trades, Master of none....Lol.....
Soldinger was ornery but he definately got the best out of his units...and likely knew how to play that game better than Randy.

You essentially dont run off talent like Willie Williams had or not find ways to utilize that talent just to be a hard ***. And i mess with Randy Shannon as a coach and wanted/want him to do well
WW wasn't Lawrence Phillips, as I said before. Lawrence was actually productive in college. In fact, Lawrence was so productive, people were willing to overlook the fact that he was a violent sociopath. The reason why Soldinger was brought up was because unlike you, HE WAS ACTUALLY THERE AND ABLE TO WITNESS EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENED. You really think that Don Soldinger, one of the most brutally honest guys out there would lie for Randy Shannon of all people? It's obvious that no matter what happened, you would run with the narrative you've created in your mind, because you think your relationship with Willie means that the dude could do no wrong.

Think it's a weird coincidence that the ONLY levels Willie found any success in college ball was in places where the talent level was no better than HS ball? There's a reason why. You can do the crap he wanted to do in Juco and D3 ball, because those guys lack the overall talent to punish someone like Willie for having awful instincts. You can't freelance and be an effective linebacker at the FBS level. Glenn Cook didn't have WIllie's physical skills, but he was also less likely to do things that would sink the entire defense. The entire "Beason wanted Willie on the field" thing is more a case of why players shouldn't be entrusted to make major decisions, because a fair number of them don't look at the overall picture. Again, there's a reason why despite his physical limitations, Glenn Cook has a thriving career in football, and Willie spent a good chunk of his adult life in either dead end jobs, or in prison.
Wow so which one of your gfs Willie hit?.

Your whole first paragraph is just assuming sh*t especially the last bolded line. At what point did i infer of Soldinger lying for Shannon?. Soldinger didnt coach WW.
When Willie got reps he flashed here actually. Do you know the Randy Shannon vaunted defensive scheme that "freelancing" narrative was a problemt with?.
Glen was similar to Randy Shannon as a player. I mean sh*t we kind of have the same thing going on currently with Corey Flagg and some fans wanting others to get reps.
Again not to sh*t on Glenn...like ive stated hes from my area i grew up with HIM TOOO.Beason has been my friend since middle school, Randy did the same to him early on in his career as well. Glen and him didnt play the same spot essentially as a lb. Beason wanted to get to the middle to allow WW to get on the field and showed he could be productive there later on in his career and in the nfl.

But it is what it is ...you going a bit to hard about this seems personal.
Wow so which one of your gfs Willie hit?.

Your whole first paragraph is just assuming sh*t especially the last bolded line. At what point did i infer of Soldinger lying for Shannon?. Soldinger didnt coach WW.
When Willie got reps he flashed here actually. Do you know the Randy Shannon vaunted defensive scheme that "freelancing" narrative was a problemt with?.
Glen was similar to Randy Shannon as a player. I mean sh*t we kind of have the same thing going on currently with Corey Flagg and some fans wanting others to get reps.
Again not to sh*t on Glenn...like ive stated hes from my area i grew up with HIM TOOO.Beason has been my friend since middle school, Randy did the same to him early on in his career as well. Glen and him didnt play the same spot essentially as a lb. Beason wanted to get to the middle to allow WW to get on the field and showed he could be productive there later on in his career and in the nfl.

But it is what it is ...you going a bit to hard about this seems personal.
@gogeta4 ...come get ya boy....
I feel bad for the guy, but he seemingly lacks the maturity or experience to understand that once you no longer have $, a lot of "friends" won't be interested in you any more.
Huh? He's expressing sadness and regret at the fact that he realizes many of his friends were just using him when he was in the NFL. How does he lack maturity or understanding?
Great post, brother.

Big issue for athletes is that life after you're done playing that sport. For some, they prepare mentally and prepare their lives for after the sport and they transition very well. Some do not and they really struggle with their identify and purpose after their sport.

Did you read that Marcus Lattimore article ESPN did a few weeks back? Very similar...for some...it takes a long time to figure out what your next step or next purpose or greater purpose is. It is much more difficult when you don't have mentors, old heads, or others guiding you there.

Maybe someone get Sam back in touch with Zo or some other former 'Canes that really advocated for him as a man. I believe it was Zo that pounded the table for Green Bay to give him a shot.
Richt set up a mentorship-type program for UGA football players that was very successful at helping guys transition to normal life after their college playing days. He tried to set the same thing up at UM. I don't know what became of it but he may not have been around long enough for it to stick.