Oregon Article about CiS


Feb 21, 2021
SIAP. A lot of hating below

The Mopes and The Slurpers’ Battle Line

The crux of the battle is that Mario isn’t going to ever maximize TVD’s potential or get the Canes to the Playoff, according to the Mopes. On the way to underachieving… Mario is going to corch it up along the way. The Mopes’ aspirations for the Miami program are more than being good under Mario; they want another Natty!

Mario couldn’t get a loaded Oregon team to the playoff, and the Mopes say he isn’t the guy to get Miami there! I can’t argue with their logic, Duck fans.

The Slurpers, who slurp up all things Mario, and say Mario coaching them to an ACC Title and a New Year’s Six bowl game, is better than Miami has been in ages. The Slurpers aspire to settle for Mario, warts and all, and pay him $80 million for that!

Ducks fan would bet their money with the Mopes, as we have seen this story play out with Mario.

In 2019 Mario corched the Ducks to the Pac-12 Championship and a Rose Bowl win over Wisconsin. Along the way Mario corched Herbert in his senior year to worse numbers than his sophomore year. Unfazed, Mario corched the Ducks to a late-season loss at ASU, who finished with a 4-5 record in the Pac-12, costing the Ducks a sure playoff spot!

This year Mario Cristobal will regress TVD, lose a game to a team he should beat, and will under-achieve — because Mario is a corch. Duck fans will take joy in beingrid of Cristobal while they watch Dan Lanning achieve what Mario couldn’t — with Mario’s players!

The icing on the cake for Duck fans will be when Mario has his first big corching moment, and the Mopes come out from under the rocks for Mario with their knives out!

I know I’ll have my popcorn right beside me while I watch the Miami fans go to war over Mario, and I’ll enjoy the bloodbath. What do you think, Duck fans; is Mario going corch it up? Share your thoughts in the OBD FORUM!

Stay Mad GIF
That person is probably going to drink themselves half way to death once UGA puts 50 on the Ducks and basically ends their season before it even gets started.

Then they will be crying for Mario to come back by week 5 or 6.
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The one concern I had with Mario was game day coaching. No one seems to acknowledge the mitigating factor of the support staff he brought in.
Coordinators will call the plays and make 90% of game decisions.
FYI, some people won’t remember but they had the same concerns about Jimmy Johnson after year 1. and the PSU game. He turned out OK.
The one concern I had with Mario was game day coaching. No one seems to acknowledge the mitigating factor of the support staff he brought in.
Exactly. That's what no one wants to account for. Previously he's had questions brought up about game day. Well now he brought on what's arguably the best staff in the country or atleast top 3-5 and crossed out that concern. That's the difference between a leader running your program and a sheep herder pushing cattle. Mandy brought in a tremendously under qualified staph full of yes men and stayed away from entire units. Mario brought in TONS OF EXPERIENCE & put them each in a position to thrive. Complaints right now is crazy for anyone who follows this team.