Oregon Article about CiS

Not thrilled with how things have gone so far for us this season but this Oregon "hit piece" on MC is ridiculous. He took a struggling program & turned it around massively. Two conference titles, a Rose Bowl, 10+ win seasons and a loaded roster by the time of his departure. We certainly have the right to be upset about how things have gone for us so far this season but denigrating what Mario did at Oregon is just plain stupid (when you look at his overall body of work).
Meanwhile, Oregon in year 1 under Dan Lanning, after getting demolished by UGA week 1 (which most people expected), has won 5 straight scoring 40 points in each game. Imagine if Miami had a Kenny Dillingham type of OC
Happy to see they used my line that he had a roster filled with talent and couldn’t make the playoffs.
This article says a lot more about them, then it does about us and our coaching hire. Interesting how its signed "Dazed and Confused." This person has been hitting some of the hard drugs that have been decriminalized out in Oregon while stalking Mario and our fan page. The fact that this person took the time to learn all of our lingo and our internal strife reads like the angry ex, who can't get over the ex that left her. She is trying to rationalize the stalking of her ex and his new girlfriend by highlighting all the negatives the new girl has to feel better about herself. Oregon is a program that for all the Nike money behind it, just can't seem to get over the hump. They've been close. Twice they had the opportunity to go from bridesmaid to finally being the bride, but came up sort. They've had several coaches leave them. Chip Kelly got them to the promised land once, and then bolted for the NFL. Willie Taggart left a program that would treat him like a king and give him whatever he wanted after one year for a program that Dumbo Fisher left because he got tired of fighting for resources. Now Mario after winning ten games 3 times in 4 years, bolts as well. There's something about Oregon that doesn't let these guys stick around and like the angry ex who refuses to look in the mirror, the writer is deflecting

Is Mario the guy? I don't know, but this school has certainly abandoned its football program. We're like the supermodel that let herself go after a winning the beauty tournament or pushing out a couple of kids. I think after finally being called out by Herbie for not caring, we're finally back in the gym trying to get our figure back. We're not getting that buff guy that all the girls are drooling over right off the bat. Whether Mario gets us to where we want to get, I don't know. However, we weren't going to get anyone much better until we've shown some commitment.