Observations from Sideline (FSU)

They bought in early and then the season fell apart. I don't blame any of then for not buying in at this point. It's human nature to give max effort when there's hope, but when that's flown the coup you naturally don't go as hard. That's the domino effect we're seeing IMHO.
Dunk Fail GIF
I’m gonna get destroyed for this but here it goes.

When sabag got to bama the first workouts a ton of guys puked. Some guys left after a few more. Guys quit at the end of the season etc.

Now sabag is a great gameday coach as well as a defensive mind. So we got that team to 7 wins. Whereas we’ll end up with 4. But I’m thinking similar things (to a degree) will happen here. It’ll just take longer cause Mario isn’t as good a coach and the talent sabag inherited is probably better than what Mario inherited
not really. It's all about recruiting and development. 2 full Mario cycles should effectively purge the roster when you think about recruiting, portal, and attrition.

Mario has a blue-print that had Oregon going into the horse-shoe and taking it to OSU with a non-throwing QB.

It will happen, just let the man work.
Can you imagine if we'd hired Dorsey and had the injuries and mental check outs that we've had? This place would have been claiming they knew he would be terrible because he'd never called plays before.
Not to mention how Dorsey would react to kids not buying in?
If you are a player here is the problem; You dont put up numbers or show flashes you will sit in the portal. No offense but even under Lashlee I dont think you would see laundry list of P5's fighting over our roster. Rambo and Harley and TVD made most of the plays. Aside from Freshman and players leaving name 3 guys that top 40 programs would be fighting for? Maybe Arroyo. Brashard?

So these kids who are checking out for whatever reason better realize getting to the NFL is much easier at Miami then the schools that most of them will likely end up at.
Most of them have given up on NFL at least in the short term.... my inkling is the disparity of $$$ and NIL deals among team mates. Envy has a way of sowing discontent
It all started with the archaic complex Gattis offense that was being shoved on them since spring... none of the players seems to have grasped it. Gattis keeps shove square peg into a round hole...
I mostly agree but he also wasn't able to make them care. I'm not sure if Mario doesn't have a deft enough touch or he just miscalculated, but I can see how his heavy-handed approach probably turned off the players Manny recruited, which has led to this mutiny.

It would have worked if Gattis was better prepared to deal with his unit.

The majority of the players don’t mind hard coaching as long as the coaches are competent and authentic.

At the beginning of the season, Mario made it a point to let the world know, “We can push these guys.” Now all of a sudden, we need to send everybody packing?

What happened? Gattis happened.

NO TEAM can excell with toxic coaches and terrible decision making. NOBODY.

All that other stuff is rah rah bullshyt. Man, I was so wrong about this dude. I thought he could at least look somewhat like his first year at Michigan, especially with the best quarterback he has had since he was at Bama. I figured there would be growing pains but we would get better over the year.

Every time I give a coach the benefit of the doubt, it always ends in disaster.
Attended the game with a field pass of sorts. I'll keep the details light and won't mention names because that's an abuse of privilege and this stuff isn't anything the entire world hasn't already noticed anyway, but by golly it's a bleak state of affairs right now. I spent all night trying to find one player who gave a **** and never found one. Team was totally checked-out from start to finish, didn't want to be there --and dare I say even spiteful. Spiteful meaning crewmen who are glad the ship's going down just to spite the captain. Coaching staff had lots of energy. And you saw that contrast manifest in multiple instances of players walking away from positional coaches as they got chewed out. My "inside look" to the sideline for one game doesn't extend to the locker room, practices, and meetings, so I won't pretend to know who is to blame. But I no longer have any doubt that it's true the players and coaches on this team are not on the same page and not getting along. There is a major rift. In my opinion, both sides are probably to blame because that's how real life works. CMC and Staff have probably mismanaged some aspects of keeping the locker room and/or getting the players to buy-in; but on the other hand, no excuse for the players to not be trying or caring at home against FSU even if for selfish reasons only. Just very disheartening and frustrating.
Just a post to say thank you...for your obvious honesty (a rare commodity these days), , civility (also rare), and realism (pretty much gone).
🎯 , all this is so true, how can anyone blame Mario this man has very few with the stomach for battle players eye look empty waiting to get home and sleep in.

Soon we’ll have plenty Restrepo Parrish type players who show up for battle.

Awesome post
Quoted from OP: "both sides are probably to blame because that's how real life works. CMC and Staff have probably mismanaged some aspects of keeping the locker room and/or getting the players to buy-in"

OP laid appropriate and fair, IMO, levels of blame on both coaches and players. If anything, maybe even could've gone harder on both....but, there's always value in diplomacy.

Win as a team. Lose as a team. IMO, the U has had less than a handful of teams in the last 20'ish years that could even manage to lose as a team much less win as one.
He also didnt make them care.
If all you hear from his croots are "he keeps it real, he's honest, I believe in what he's doing, he's building something real" - then why can't the same apply to current players he sees everyday.
Valid counterpoint. I don't know the answer.
Can you imagine if we'd hired Dorsey and had the injuries and mental check outs that we've had? This place would have been claiming they knew he would be terrible because he'd never called plays before.
I dont think the team would have had the same offensive issues under Dorsey as they are having under Gattis, thus they would have bought in leading to a better overall record.
Attended the game with a field pass of sorts. I'll keep the details light and won't mention names because that's an abuse of privilege and this stuff isn't anything the entire world hasn't already noticed anyway, but by golly it's a bleak state of affairs right now. I spent all night trying to find one player who gave a **** and never found one. Team was totally checked-out from start to finish, didn't want to be there --and dare I say even spiteful. Spiteful meaning crewmen who are glad the ship's going down just to spite the captain. Coaching staff had lots of energy. And you saw that contrast manifest in multiple instances of players walking away from positional coaches as they got chewed out. My "inside look" to the sideline for one game doesn't extend to the locker room, practices, and meetings, so I won't pretend to know who is to blame. But I no longer have any doubt that it's true the players and coaches on this team are not on the same page and not getting along. There is a major rift. In my opinion, both sides are probably to blame because that's how real life works. CMC and Staff have probably mismanaged some aspects of keeping the locker room and/or getting the players to buy-in; but on the other hand, no excuse for the players to not be trying or caring at home against FSU even if for selfish reasons only. Just very disheartening and frustrating.