Not very optomistic

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Dec 6, 2012
right now on finishing this class. Unless there are at least 3 silents then we are going to finish with an ok class which is not what we signed up for with Richt & Co.

We need to land Dean, Thomas and McFarland to be a B+ class overall. Right now we are at a B-
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right now on finishing this class. Unless there are at least 3 silents then we are going to finish with an ok class which is not what we signed up for with Richt & Co.
Jeff Thomas Just got crystal balled to Miami
Anthony macfarland is very likely committing to the U in 2 weeks...
Dean flip to Miami is coming
In sure there are others
Brown said last week that we have some silent commits so let's see

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right now on finishing this class. Unless there are at least 3 silents then we are going to finish with an ok class which is not what we signed up for with Richt & Co.

We need to land Dean, Thomas and McFarland to be a B+ class overall. Right now we are at a B-

It is a wait and see but if we dont land those 3 then nobody can be very happy about the class on paper.
We shall see. We need some positive thing to start happening if we are going to close strong. IMO
I would not be counting anyone as part as of the class that is not committed.
As far as Brown saying we have silents....didn't Golden say he had silents one year and we didn't end up signing just kids that were publicly committed?
Time will tell.
Grow a pair an nut up or stop following recruiting. **** will turn out the way its suppose to.
It is a wait and see but if we dont land those 3 then nobody can be very happy about the class on paper.

When did they start playing the games on paper?

Why even respond to this post then? If recruiting on paper means nothing then come back and reply in 3 years after they come in a play games.

I suggest you double down on your anxiety meds until 2/1. We aren't back but we are certainly trending in the right direction.
Way too many threads on here of dudes talking about their ******* feelings.

News flash: No one gives a **** if you are not *optimistic.
At WR, we are trending for Thomas and Pouncey
McFarland seems likely at this point
Dean seems likely at this point

Not seeing where the pessimism is coming from
You're probably "Not very optimistic" about whether you're going to fornicate after she's sent you countless nudies either

Sack up and stop being afraid of greatness- Pastor Richt is gonna spread his gospel throughout the land we're going to crush this close
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