Noles get another 5*

Well that's just great news at 10:30am

FSU is currently doing laps around us while we're just floating around in the shallow end
I remember back like 5 years ago where we would see this n say "oh he will be a bust". Now we fell so far we can't say ****.
They also got Bryant & Thomas in 13' & neither has done much of anything so far...

You slurpers don't get it- their 5 "busts" sitting on the bench like Wilder, Williams and Thomas didn't prevent them from winning the championship last was the ones that weren't who won it for them- Winston, Jernigan, Oleary, Joyner, Darby, Edwards, Ramsey, etc.
****. Well when you are one of the two hottest teams around (ALA) get the spoils that come with it. Ole boy is a beast. Lets hope he doesn't pan out like MThomas. lol. And Thank god and Art Kehoe that our Oline recruiting has been on point. I like our guys toe to toe against theirs. Should be fun to watch.
Say what you want but jimbo sticking up for his players while the media and coaches feast on them has actually helped them on the trail crazy
The talent discrepancy is crazy.

Waiting until next year will truly be the death nail. Good job by the BOT