New Stadium

Going to speak up here as someone who is currently enrolled in a masters program at the school.

1. The majority of student body can give 2 ****s about the football team - this isn't the 80s
2. There is absolutely NO ROOM for a Stadium at or near campus in CG. They've just now knocked down 4 different buildings for the new dorms. That's their plan in the future - tear down what isn't efficient and build something that is.

You're a ******* imbecile if you think a 50k seat football stadium PLUS parking PLUS the traffic it would cause is feasible.
Yeah after seeing that pic from google maps, It's hard to believe you could accommodate the student body let alone a stadium. Student interest over the team is that low?
Miami will never get a stadium but when did our fanbase just settle on Hard Rock as some great place. That place is a bottom 10 NFL stadium and that's being nice. Renovation has improved things but let's not act like we get to play in the Cowboys stadium every week. If it could somehow be done, I'm all for having our own stadium and leaving Hard Rock behind. Miami has never won anything there.
Easily one of the top stadiums in the country, only behind AT&T. LMAO at bottom 10
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**** of a job they're doing filling their stadium. How convenient that it is filling up when they're winning. Did 2017 fly over your head? We had SIXTY SIX THOUSAND people at the VIRGINIA game that year. Winning sells seats - **** you if you think otherwise.

ROFL at the idea that our fans are now going to give up shade, cover from rain, and chair back seats, not to mention tailgate space, to attend games at a rinky dink little stadium like this. Even if there was room for a stadium, I don't think there's any going back from Hard Rock, especially after the massive improvements Ross (love him or hate him) made. The fans aren't suddenly going to accept a stadium like this.
Yeah after seeing that pic from google maps, It's hard to believe you could accommodate the student body let alone a stadium. Student interest over the team is that low?

interest is still high for the core student body (Americans). But with the emphasis being put on the exchange programs were seeing roughly 30% of the classes taken up by those cats. So if you take that 30% plus naturally some people just don’t care about football - I’d say 40-50% of the student body is checked out.

which lines up with the student section allotment in the stadium. Only about 7k seats are reserved.
I knew there was a disagreement about wanting/needing a stadium but I didn't know they switched up with something so ridiculous after the money started pouring in. Crazy how inept and corrupt this administration has been going on at least 40 years
Yeah there was those discussions but school could never just say it didn't want a stadium. It was one on the conditions when Howard took the job -- he saw on-campus as a necessary item. So they play a game thinking he would never get the pledges. When the drive took off quick they had to cahnge the rules to stop it.
I use to be on the On campus/ Tropic park stadium train then I realize if fans showed up to HRS then no one would care where is the stadium is placed. If the stadium had 60k attendance every Saturday no matter the opponent and the stadium was 2 hours away from Campus no one would say a word about the location of the stadium.

Anyone saw the turnout for the on campus basketball stadium vs #5 ranked Louisville? Atrocious. There is probably a higher % of people who attend the stadium 30 minutes away then on campus basketball stadium and it only has 8k seats to fill.

It all comes down to this fan base and it constant excuse making. HRS got rid of all the typically rain, hot excuses and so people are looking for more excuses. Those same people will get into a heated argument with a UF or FSU fan on twitter about how they bleed orange and green but haven't been to more then 2 game in a single season since 2002.
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I also agree that we should tarp or cover 1 of the end zone top decks seating. Which ever side is constantly empty to the brim most Saturdays then cover that end. We need to treat one of our top end zone seating like the OB extra seating bleachers and just use it for big games/names only.

Because having this many top deck seats empty is dumb Tarping it makes it look a lot less worse. Just have those people seat on the other side or bottom bowl it hopes to create a more filled stadium. I rather the seats be tarped off then have this (from a video):

Going to speak up here as someone who is currently enrolled in a masters program at the school.

1. The majority of student body can give 2 ****s about the football team - this isn't the 80s
2. There is absolutely NO ROOM for a Stadium at or near campus in CG. They've just now knocked down 4 different buildings for the new dorms. That's their plan in the future - tear down what isn't efficient and build something that is.

You're a ******* imbecile if you think a 50k seat football stadium PLUS parking PLUS the traffic it would cause is feasible.

As I said earlier, they are putting in two new academic buildings, one by Richter and by the engineering school.
I use to be on the On campus/ Tropic park stadium train then I realize if fans showed up to HRS then no one would care where is the stadium is placed. If the stadium had 60k attendance every Saturday no matter the opponent and the stadium was 2 hours away from Campus no one would say a word about the location of the stadium.

Anyone saw the turnout for the on campus basketball stadium vs #5 ranked Louisville? Atrocious. There is probably a higher % of people who attend the stadium 30 minutes away then on campus basketball stadium and it only has 8k seats to fill.

It all comes down to this fan base and it constant excuse making. HRS got rid of all the typically rain, hot excuses and so people are looking for more excuses. Those same people will get into a heated argument with a UF or FSU fan on twitter about how they bleed orange and green but haven't been to more then 2 game since 2002.

Actually, it was embarrassing. The student section was filled but I doubt there were 4K in the arena. Louisville brought about 1K. FAU was really bad. I doubt they had more than 50 fans. Yes, homecoming activities were going on at Lake Osceola, but I doubt there were 1.5K in the arena and maybe 20 students tops.
Yes, and the students will still have to take a bus to the stadium. Let's say they chose some place like Tropical Park. How are you getting to the stadium from campus? Bird Road or Miller Road? It would take you an hour to go 4 miles. Coming north or south there is never a good time on 826 unless it is 9 pm or later.

Bird or Miller for 2 miles seems a little easier than 95 or 826 for 20 plus miles.
Going to speak up here as someone who is currently enrolled in a masters program at the school.

1. The majority of student body can give 2 ****s about the football team - this isn't the 80s
2. There is absolutely NO ROOM for a Stadium at or near campus in CG. They've just now knocked down 4 different buildings for the new dorms. That's their plan in the future - tear down what isn't efficient and build something that is.

You're a ******* imbecile if you think a 50k seat football stadium PLUS parking PLUS the traffic it would cause is feasible.
I actually saw a **** load of undergrads getting bussed up on "fraternity row" for a mediocre GT game a couple weeks ago. it was a **** show.
No one is saying build on campus or in Coral Gables. Won't happen.
I know exactly where TP is ,I walk the park 2 times week , Bird Road is MAD-MAX thunder dome in traffic now even though it's PERFECT as far as size and family picnics and so on.

The Palmetto would need to be redone for exit/entry ramps , hey I would love it there I'd walk to the games LOLOL the traffic is the issue there the site is AWESOME though.
Tropical is perfect. Miami is High school football Mecca. Build a 40-50k stadium for canes and have a couple high school fields/ stadium. High schools could play there too, and maybe we can host states for High School instead of always having to go North.
There is plenty of room. Those complaining about traffic at Tropical, there is no traffic on Saturdays. The Thursday/Friday games will be a problem anywhere, but nowhere near what we go through now, like the Friday UVA game nightmare.
I think all we need is 45 k stadium. Build it right and it would be just as loud and a home field advantage as Hard rock
Same discussion, different season.

The Canes will be playing at Hard Rock for a very long time. Tell yourself whatever you want in disbelief....but you're only trying to convince yourself. No one is really listening that matters

I actually saw a **** load of undergrads getting bussed up on "fraternity row" for a mediocre GT game a couple weeks ago. it was a **** show.
No one is saying build on campus or in Coral Gables. Won't happen.
It's a **** show because most of them are drunk as a skunk and they leave at the last minute.
I see this pop up from time to time, where certain influential past players talk about having an on campus stadium or converting Tropical Park. I don't live there so it is hard to know what is really a possibility. Do we really have no room for a stadium on campus? Is Tropical Park a possibility?
What the **** is wrong with our stadium? That it's in Miami Gardens? Stop complaining, this stadium host Superbowls, has seats with back support, holds 65k, decent food, enough parking, and much more that a ****** stadium in tropical park can't do.
To suggest that a stadium with bleachers is in any way superior to a full stadium with all the amenities is beyond asinine.

Also, we're one of 5 teams that play in an NFL stadium.

To suggest it as a positive is beyond moronic.

Situational influence is everything. I'll laugh the rest of my life at the fools on this site and elsewhere who prioritize centralized location and freeway access. This is a college football program. You are basically bragging at your own idiocy by insisting the ideal location is anywhere but on campus.

During a recently completed trip I attended Canes/Pittsburgh one weekend then Purdue/Nebraska the following weekend. There was zero comparison. Pittsburgh is okay but too much like Hard Rock. Forced atmosphere and tailgating. Venue too big. The only aspect that places Pittsburgh above Hard Rock is the tremendous relevant location, alongside the river with Point Park clearly visible along with the incline, with a train station and city activity on the other side. I howled when I looked at the nearby new casino and a billboard aiming at the stadium that read, "Winning Isn't Everything, Covering Is."

I never thought I would view that type of slogan from a football stadium. The bustling location was similar to the Orange Bowl and makes Pittsburgh a clear choice above Hard Rock.

However, that Purdue game was another league entirely, and one of the most enjoyable experiences I have had on a trip in years. For a change it was actually a college football atmosphere. I was sampling all the great venues and campus activities going on, like tailgating on several hills and adjacent to the stadium inside Mackey Arena. I was amazed at the Cordova Recreational Sports Center. I saw tours of that building going on, with prospective students and their families sampling campus before going to the game. That is real world college football across the country, no matter the comical denial that is so established here. Miami loses out every home game by placing elsewhere than campus. Drip, drip, drip. Forfeit the vital one percent here and one percent there. We've got geniuses here who think big screens are more significant.

I saw the Boilermaker statue. The Tyler Trent Student Gate. Purdue is hardly one of the premier college venues but it blew away anything in Miami Gardens, unless you thrill to be stuck on NW 27th Avenue for an hour after every game.

Purdue accomplished a late comeback win via a 3rd string quarterback. Everyone rejoiced and the celebration spilled over onto campus, where I stayed another 90 minutes and it could have been longer. There's a great track and field venue across from the stadium. Students were running impromptu laps around the track. Drunk, yes. I had one of them say to me, "This keeps us alive for the Motor City Bowl. But who the **** wants to go to Detroit?" Then he ran another stumbling lap.

I respect the big picture, don't change opinion, and it seems to serve me well. Despite all the annual recruiting hoopla, offseason hype, and frantic changing of mood around here during each season -- we are an 8-4 level program that is regulated by playing away from campus. We'll have a net loss of recruits virtually every year, once direct comparisons are made to top tier programs where everything is front and center on campus.
To suggest it as a positive is beyond moronic.

Situational influence is everything. I'll laugh the rest of my life at the fools on this site and elsewhere who prioritize centralized location and freeway access. This is a college football program. You are basically bragging at your own idiocy by insisting the ideal location is anywhere but on campus.

During a recently completed trip I attended Canes/Pittsburgh one weekend then Purdue/Nebraska the following weekend. There was zero comparison. Pittsburgh is okay but too much like Hard Rock. Forced atmosphere and tailgating. Venue too big. The only aspect that places Pittsburgh above Hard Rock is the tremendous relevant location, alongside the river with Point Park clearly visible along with the incline, with a train station and city activity on the other side. I howled when I looked at the nearby new casino and a billboard aiming at the stadium that read, "Winning Isn't Everything, Covering Is."

I never thought I would view that type of slogan from a football stadium. The bustling location was similar to the Orange Bowl and makes Pittsburgh a clear choice above Hard Rock.

However, that Purdue game was another league entirely, and one of the most enjoyable experiences I have had on a trip in years. For a change it was actually a college football atmosphere. I was sampling all the great venues and campus activities going on, like tailgating on several hills and adjacent to the stadium inside Mackey Arena. I was amazed at the Cordova Recreational Sports Center. I saw tours of that building going on, with prospective students and their families sampling campus before going to the game. That is real world college football across the country, no matter the comical denial that is so established here. Miami loses out every home game by placing elsewhere than campus. Drip, drip, drip. Forfeit the vital one percent here and one percent there. We've got geniuses here who think big screens are more significant.

I saw the Boilermaker statue. The Tyler Trent Student Gate. Purdue is hardly one of the premier college venues but it blew away anything in Miami Gardens, unless you thrill to be stuck on NW 27th Avenue for an hour after every game.

Purdue accomplished a late comeback win via a 3rd string quarterback. Everyone rejoiced and the celebration spilled over onto campus, where I stayed another 90 minutes and it could have been longer. There's a great track and field venue across from the stadium. Students were running impromptu laps around the track. Drunk, yes. I had one of them say to me, "This keeps us alive for the Motor City Bowl. But who the **** wants to go to Detroit?" Then he ran another stumbling lap.

I respect the big picture, don't change opinion, and it seems to serve me well. Despite all the annual recruiting hoopla, offseason hype, and frantic changing of mood around here during each season -- we are an 8-4 level program that is regulated by playing away from campus. We'll have a net loss of recruits virtually every year, once direct comparisons are made to top tier programs where everything is front and center on campus.
No wonder Purdue kicks our *** in recruiting every year.
Bird or Miller for 2 miles seems a little easier than 95 or 826 for 20 plus miles.
Has anybody been to Santa’s enchanted forest on Friday or Saturday night? Have you seen that sht show for small as rinky dink carnival? Now imagine a 55 k stadium for an FSU game. Go jump on a trolly and see how long it takes your *** to get to the game from campus on that day.
Mfers were complaining about the traffic a few weeks ago for the uva game. And that’s with hardrock having 826 tpike and 95 access.
Gonna go through all that so like 2-3k students can make it to he game easier? Anything you build at tropical park is a serious downgrade to hard rock on all aspects. Parking, traffic seating, appearance, locker room, concessions, suits, club level etc. And even then it’s still an off campus stadium that everyone keeps *****ing about. So we want to have a serious downgrade in where we play so it can be even more of a negative recruiting tool? Then there is the cost and naming right. Who the heck is gonna put their name on it? And are they going to pay anywhere in the neighborhood to make that field profitable.
Have you tried to get off on bird at 530 pm to go east towards tropical? It takes at least 30 minutes at that time. How about going west on bird from us1 to tropical. That’s a treat that will make you pull your hair out.
To suggest it as a positive is beyond moronic.

Situational influence is everything. I'll laugh the rest of my life at the fools on this site and elsewhere who prioritize centralized location and freeway access. This is a college football program. You are basically bragging at your own idiocy by insisting the ideal location is anywhere but on campus.

During a recently completed trip I attended Canes/Pittsburgh one weekend then Purdue/Nebraska the following weekend. There was zero comparison. Pittsburgh is okay but too much like Hard Rock. Forced atmosphere and tailgating. Venue too big. The only aspect that places Pittsburgh above Hard Rock is the tremendous relevant location, alongside the river with Point Park clearly visible along with the incline, with a train station and city activity on the other side. I howled when I looked at the nearby new casino and a billboard aiming at the stadium that read, "Winning Isn't Everything, Covering Is."

I never thought I would view that type of slogan from a football stadium. The bustling location was similar to the Orange Bowl and makes Pittsburgh a clear choice above Hard Rock.

However, that Purdue game was another league entirely, and one of the most enjoyable experiences I have had on a trip in years. For a change it was actually a college football atmosphere. I was sampling all the great venues and campus activities going on, like tailgating on several hills and adjacent to the stadium inside Mackey Arena. I was amazed at the Cordova Recreational Sports Center. I saw tours of that building going on, with prospective students and their families sampling campus before going to the game. That is real world college football across the country, no matter the comical denial that is so established here. Miami loses out every home game by placing elsewhere than campus. Drip, drip, drip. Forfeit the vital one percent here and one percent there. We've got geniuses here who think big screens are more significant.

I saw the Boilermaker statue. The Tyler Trent Student Gate. Purdue is hardly one of the premier college venues but it blew away anything in Miami Gardens, unless you thrill to be stuck on NW 27th Avenue for an hour after every game.

Purdue accomplished a late comeback win via a 3rd string quarterback. Everyone rejoiced and the celebration spilled over onto campus, where I stayed another 90 minutes and it could have been longer. There's a great track and field venue across from the stadium. Students were running impromptu laps around the track. Drunk, yes. I had one of them say to me, "This keeps us alive for the Motor City Bowl. But who the **** wants to go to Detroit?" Then he ran another stumbling lap.

I respect the big picture, don't change opinion, and it seems to serve me well. Despite all the annual recruiting hoopla, offseason hype, and frantic changing of mood around here during each season -- we are an 8-4 level program that is regulated by playing away from campus. We'll have a net loss of recruits virtually every year, once direct comparisons are made to top tier programs where everything is front and center on campus.

You are the most self-important delusionally-in-love-with-your-own-opinion posting blowhard on this site.

Nobody cares about your personal likes and dislikes. They are relevant to no one. You have an audience of one. Yourself.

Also after a couple of sentences....
