Nadab Joseph uga signee

That is not the point I was trying to make. My point is you here people all the time "crime doesn't pay", "if you start crime you will end up dead or in jail", etc. Now these are good points to scare children away from doing crime, but its not really true. If you are from the burbs you probably know 0 non white collar criminals. Because of this the only exposure they have is people that get arrested so by they assume everyone that does crime gets arrested(because they don't see the guys that never get arrested). There are plenty of dudes that get a bag before they hit 30, clean the money, and start businesses. Just look at Jay-Z and J prince, but lots of other dudes did it on smaller levels. They start up restaurants, corner stores, etc. I can only speak for NYC, but some of the most powerful dudes in the hood are 50+ year olds and they have been doing this **** for a long time and never got knocked. A taxi driver could die in a car crash everytime he goes to pick someone up too.
That is true, but Jay Z and J prince are outliers and you and I know most get knocked off or locked up. I grew up in Baltimore and West philly..I know nothing but hustlers and it's very few that actually were able to do that. I agree tho some dudes are out there making money clean again.
That is true, but Jay Z and J prince are outliers and you and I know most get knocked off or locked up. I grew up in Baltimore and West philly..I know nothing but hustlers and it's very few that actually were able to do that. I agree tho some dudes are out there making money clean again.

Ya Jay and J are outliers, but their are plenty of dudes that like I said buy small businesses like restaurants and then just stay straight from then on. As far as most getting knocked or locked I disagree. I can't speak for Baltimore or West Philly, but in NYC that is definitely not the case. A lot of people did get locked up or are dead, but way more are not in either of those categories. In my building I would say 90% of the guys where banging or hustling. I still go back and hang in my building all of the time. I can name all of the dead ones/guys doing long bids off the top of my head. Everyone else either never got locked up, only did jail time, or maybe a couple years of state time max.
Miami is like #47 last time I saw

That is a very misleading stat. First of all no real jobs actually use the rankings as some sort of standard as in they will pick Miami kids over UGA guys because they are a few places ahead of them. Also, I can only speak for NY, but as far as banking goes. The vast majority of the guys hired for the best entry level banking positions are Ivy league guys, Stanford, Duke, and schools like that. Then you have some kids from Miami, UNC, and schools like that, but those kids usually have like 3.7+gpas with a ton of internships and extra curriculars. Schools like UGA, FSU, etc. get their resumes shredded upon receipt.
James Cook is a very good RB. I like Lo and Cam better, so really don't care where he ended up. It's not about him. But Kirby Smart is as dirty as they come. And I hate the fact he's buying up South Florida recruits through his illegal booster network (which we all know is what's going on).
James Cook is a very good RB. I like Lo and Cam better, so really don't care where he ended up. It's not about him. But Kirby Smart is as dirty as they come. And I hate the fact he's buying up South Florida recruits through his illegal booster network (which we all know is what's going on).
They are the inverse Bama now. Instead of going after the top WR in S. Fla every cycle, they are going after the top DB.

The only saving grace for the SEC East is Curby ain't half the coach Saban is. If the sidelines were switched in the NC, Saban would've won with UGA's squad against Bama.
**** what a front runner that kid is.

To be fair, that's half our football team with their football transfers.

Just so someone doesn't get their panties in a bunch, half is an exaggeration. When it's one of ours though, it's dressed up by saying its to play against the best, get more exposure, etc. Some of that may be true, but you don't see quality players transferring to losing teams.
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lol U got to be pretty clueless to commit to UGa as a dB from out of state?? Pass I’m sure he will never be heard from again like TC.
Look man ima just as much a cane fan as anyone ..but real talk TC will be heard from again. Too much talent.
I just came in this thread and deleted a massive amount of post. That have nothing to do with the thread topic. In the process one member will be gone for a month and some others got warnings.

Keep to the topic at hand. If someone can't come correct in a debate. Don't take your personal beef any further in a thread. Handle it behind closed doors or just walk away.