My pitch to Flowe.

I would start by having him sit through highlights of UM in its glory years. The big games, the pageantry, the big wins. Just show him how relevant we once were. How much we mattered to CFB
I would then outline the following
1. You will be great anywhere you go
2. You will have a chance to start pretty much anywhere you go.
3. Your leader Clemson, is elite and will continue to be elite with or without you.
4. There are an awesome array of young and explosive front 7 players to support you and allow you to flow (no pun intended) to the ball.
4. Miami will never be elite again until we start to getting players like you.
5. You will make the biggest difference to college football if you are part of the awakening of a “sleeping giant”. Your legacy will be that are one of the main reasons Miami is elite again. CFB will be better for it.
Are you ready to make a difference? Are you ready to make history?

Terrible pitch. stick to your day job. That wreaks of a desperation and is begging.

If you want to close someone you make it about them and show them how you can get them to their ultimate desire. You telling a guy he can reach his goals wherever he goes doesn’t help your cause. If you want to close this kid you’ve got convince him that the ONLY place that can give him everything IS MIAMI. No one wants to be in a one sided relationship.

1st thing you gotta figure out is what is his true desire. He wants to make the NFL cool, but why? Is it for money, is it for fame, is it to move his mom out the hood. Does he just love football so much that nothing else matters and it’s purely for the game?

2nd figure out his fears in general and his fears related to the U.

then you make a pitch. But in no way shape or form should any aspect of that pitch be “think of what you can do for Miami”

You want to talk depth chart make it about him and tell him what that means.

i.e. we have a favorable depth. Which means for you that you’ll have an opportunity to play right away. Which means you’ll have a chance to make freshman all American and rookie of the year. That means you’ll be a preseason all American and watch list player moving forward in your career. Players who are freshman all American have better odds becoming all Americans over players who don’t make freshmen all america. Players who are all American get draft % higher than those who don’t. Being a freshman all American is crucial to your goal to getting to the NFL. And Miami is the only place that can get you those snaps.
He has to see/believe he will become one of the next greats & that product/team is worth the effort
Terrible pitch. stick to your day job. That wreaks of a desperation and is begging.

If you want to close someone you make it about them and show them how you can get them to their ultimate desire. You telling a guy he can reach his goals wherever he goes doesn’t help your cause. If you want to close this kid you’ve got convince him that the ONLY place that can give him everything IS MIAMI. No one wants to be in a one sided relationship.

1st thing you gotta figure out is what is his true desire. He wants to make the NFL cool, but why? Is it for money, is it for fame, is it to move his mom out the hood. Does he just love football so much that nothing else matters and it’s purely for the game?

2nd figure out his fears in general and his fears related to the U.

then you make a pitch. But in no way shape or form should any aspect of that pitch be “think of what you can do for Miami”

You want to talk depth chart make it about him and tell him what that means.

i.e. we have a favorable depth. Which means for you that you’ll have an opportunity to play right away. Which means you’ll have a chance to make freshman all American and rookie of the year. That means you’ll be a preseason all American and watch list player moving forward in your career. Players who are freshman all American have better odds becoming all Americans over players who don’t make freshmen all america. Players who are all American get draft % higher than those who don’t. Being a freshman all American is crucial to your goal to getting to the NFL. And Miami is the only place that can get you those snaps.
Sounds like you done this one or twice!!!!!
What Ray Lewis did at Miami 20+ years ago has nothing to do with the program now.

Ray Lewis is a HOF. What he did will always matter no matter how long ago it was. And he still in the public eye. Every kid who plays LB knows who Ray Lewis is. This kid’s idol is Rohan Marley. So has everything to do with it.
Why don’t you just take your “Mario Christobal” lovin a$$ to another thread? Better yet, go to the Oregon board with all your fake insider BS.
Learn to spell Mario's name. Been a canes fan since 79? What about you punk?
Why don’t you just take your “Mario Christobal” lovin a$$ to another thread? Better yet, go to the Oregon board with all your fake insider BS.
Jessica your going to be in tears when he doesn't come here. We are not there yet when it comes to getting these elite players.
It’s embarrassing that we think we have a chance at this kid.

I don’t care what any insiders say.

He’s not coming here.

I pray to God this thread gets bumped and I get dunked on, but we know how this is going to turn out.
This happens every year on this board with me included ... get our hopes up only to be disappointed