Most disrespected Porsters.

A historical breakdown for the annals of CIS...

Very early this year @Go Canes!! was making 13-0 noise. He'd been pegged as a slurper very early in the slurper v. mope wars of 2020-2021. Not yet being a Maude, and for the LoLz of it all, on 1-29-2021, I publicly and voraciously called @Go Canes!! out as a mope for somehow predicting we'd beat Bama and win the ACCCG, but not having the full testicular fortitude to predict a 15-0 Natty (link). A few days later, having fully pondered this sad state of affairs and the dilemma he faced, @Go Canes!!, undeterred, responded back "15-0" with the fire of a thousand slurpers on 2-1-2021 (link to that epic first post). And thus, 15-0 was born. Had I know then what I know now, I would have never made that infernal porst.

What followed was a CIS bloodbath. Slurpers and mope hostilities reached their zenith. Vigilante posters, convinced @Dwinstitles was a closet Bama fan, hunted him across the board from one thread to the next. Several known Forfeit State trolls, such as @blackvern, went into hiding for fear of their CIS lives. No amount of @PIPO and @Baba Yaga booty gifs could calm the masses. It was a dangerous time to voice a reserved opinion on CIS, and not a soul was spared.

In utter shame and as penance for my role in this debacle, I was pressed into service by @RVACane and his motely rabble of Maudes in the summer of '21, when pro-UM hysteria was so palpable, even the fiercest of Maudes wouldn't dare patrol the CIS streets alone. And then, as quickly and thoughtlessly as it had begun, on 9-4-2021, Nick Saban broke his foot off in the a$$ of Manny Diaz, and 15-0 was dead.

Nowadays, you don't hear much about slurpers. After a brief period of slurper re-education and public shaming initiated by @who (link), and championed by newly resurrected @Dwinstitles, CIS has mostly (everyone except @Andrew, actually) unified against the Anti-Manny/Anti-Blake flag. Simply put, there's more important **** to deal with these days.

Let us never forget these lessons. UM's future brings CIS challenges and heated debate about the next corch selected to lead UM. We've already seen it in the 326401 threads about UM's future HC (notwithstanding Diaz isn't even gone... yet). Some will be too quick to claim "we byke" no matter what unqualified clown we hire, others will be mad UM didn't hire their preferred corch and stalk every misstep until his firing, and a handful of others preaching patience and reason will be completely ignored by the polarized extremes.

But for today, there is unity on CIS against Manny. Let us enjoy this period of relative slurper/mope peace... while it lasts.
Super Troopers Good Job GIF by Searchlight Pictures
A historical breakdown for the annals of CIS...

Very early this year @Go Canes!! was making 13-0 noise. He'd been pegged as a slurper very early in the slurper v. mope wars of 2020-2021. Not yet being a Maude, and for the LoLz of it all, on 1-29-2021, I publicly and voraciously called @Go Canes!! out as a mope for somehow predicting we'd beat Bama and win the ACCCG, but not having the full testicular fortitude to predict a 15-0 Natty (link). A few days later, having fully pondered this sad state of affairs and the dilemma he faced, @Go Canes!!, undeterred, responded back "15-0" with the fire of a thousand slurpers on 2-1-2021 (link to that epic first post). And thus, 15-0 was born. Had I know then what I know now, I would have never made that infernal porst.

What followed was a CIS bloodbath. Slurpers and mope hostilities reached their zenith. Vigilante posters, convinced @Dwinstitles was a closet Bama fan, hunted him across the board from one thread to the next. Several known Forfeit State trolls, such as @blackvern, went into hiding for fear of their CIS lives. No amount of @PIPO and @Baba Yaga booty gifs could calm the masses. It was a dangerous time to voice a reserved opinion on CIS, and not a soul was spared.

In utter shame and as penance for my role in this debacle, I was pressed into service by @RVACane and his motely rabble of Maudes in the summer of '21, when pro-UM hysteria was so palpable, even the fiercest of Maudes wouldn't dare patrol the CIS streets alone. And then, as quickly and thoughtlessly as it had begun, on 9-4-2021, Nick Saban broke his foot off in the a$$ of Manny Diaz, and 15-0 was dead.

Nowadays, you don't hear much about slurpers. After a brief period of slurper re-education and public shaming initiated by @who (link), and championed by newly resurrected @Dwinstitles, CIS has mostly (everyone except @Andrew, actually) unified against the Anti-Manny/Anti-Blake flag. Simply put, there's more important **** to deal with these days.

Let us never forget these lessons. UM's future brings CIS challenges and heated debate about the next corch selected to lead UM. We've already seen it in the 326401 threads about UM's future HC (notwithstanding Diaz isn't even gone... yet). Some will be too quick to claim "we byke" no matter what unqualified clown we hire, others will be mad UM didn't hire their preferred corch and stalk every misstep until his firing, and a handful of others preaching patience and reason will be completely ignored by the polarized extremes.

But for today, there is unity on CIS against Manny. Let us enjoy this period of relative slurper/mope peace... while it lasts.
Really? You thought 15-0 in every thread was more enjoyable than "which of these top 10 247 ranked QBs will be our starter"?
Yes, because it's just a few characters vs a paragraph restating the exact same point that 400 other people already made every day for the last 3 months.
Dwins says liar, you say actual Slurper and I’m thinking troll…. We should do a poll.
I mean I don't think he was actually dumb enough to think we would go 15-0, but I don't think this whole "ya I knew we were going to lose all of our p5 games this year, but I wanted to troll everyone all off season" was the real story either. Had we actually went 15-0 he wouldn't have came out and said "ya it was just a joke guys!"
A historical breakdown for the annals of CIS...

Very early this year @Go Canes!! was making 13-0 noise. He'd been pegged as a slurper very early in the slurper v. mope wars of 2020-2021. Not yet being a Maude, and for the LoLz of it all, on 1-29-2021, I publicly and voraciously called @Go Canes!! out as a mope for somehow predicting we'd beat Bama and win the ACCCG, but not having the full testicular fortitude to predict a 15-0 Natty (link). A few days later, having fully pondered this sad state of affairs and the dilemma he faced, @Go Canes!!, undeterred, responded back "15-0" with the fire of a thousand slurpers on 2-1-2021 (link to that epic first post). And thus, 15-0 was born. Had I know then what I know now, I would have never made that infernal porst.

What followed was a CIS bloodbath. Slurpers and mope hostilities reached their zenith. Vigilante posters, convinced @Dwinstitles was a closet Bama fan, hunted him across the board from one thread to the next. Several known Forfeit State trolls, such as @blackvern, went into hiding for fear of their CIS lives. No amount of @PIPO and @Baba Yaga booty gifs could calm the masses. It was a dangerous time to voice a reserved opinion on CIS, and not a soul was spared.

In utter shame and as penance for my role in this debacle, I was pressed into service by @RVACane and his motely rabble of Maudes in the summer of '21, when pro-UM hysteria was so palpable, even the fiercest of Maudes wouldn't dare patrol the CIS streets alone. And then, as quickly and thoughtlessly as it had begun, on 9-4-2021, Nick Saban broke his foot off in the a$$ of Manny Diaz, and 15-0 was dead.

Nowadays, you don't hear much about slurpers. After a brief period of slurper re-education and public shaming initiated by @who (link), and championed by newly resurrected @Dwinstitles, CIS has mostly (everyone except @Andrew, actually) unified against the Anti-Manny/Anti-Blake flag. Simply put, there's more important **** to deal with these days.

Let us never forget these lessons. UM's future brings CIS challenges and heated debate about the next corch selected to lead UM. We've already seen it in the 326401 threads about UM's future HC (notwithstanding Diaz isn't even gone... yet). Some will be too quick to claim "we byke" no matter what unqualified clown we hire, others will be mad UM didn't hire their preferred corch and stalk every misstep until his firing, and a handful of others preaching patience and reason will be completely ignored by the polarized extremes.

But for today, there is unity on CIS against Manny. Let us enjoy this period of relative slurper/mope peace... while it lasts.
This is basically facts holy **** u dug deep. So it's low key your fault lmao. Nah nah go canes trolled and got away with go canes your a god. I would get banned immediately if it were me responding fire Manny for everything
Yes, because it's just a few characters vs a paragraph restating the exact same point that 400 other people already made every day for the last 3 months.
Alright, I get where your coming from with that. However, we are all really excited though. We all saw two years prior how, with the worst QB in p5 history, we almost went undefeated in the regular season and played in a NY6 bowl. We figured, we were just a QB away from a really good team. If Malik could get us to a NY6 bowl what would a top 10 or even our 2 top 5 QBs get us. We were all very wrong, but no one knew at that time. Especially with all the insiders talking about how great Jarren and the other 2 were looking pre season.
A historical breakdown for the annals of CIS...

Very early this year @Go Canes!! was making 13-0 noise. He'd been pegged as a slurper very early in the slurper v. mope wars of 2020-2021. Not yet being a Maude, and for the LoLz of it all, on 1-29-2021, I publicly and voraciously called @Go Canes!! out as a mope for somehow predicting we'd beat Bama and win the ACCCG, but not having the full testicular fortitude to predict a 15-0 Natty (link). A few days later, having fully pondered this sad state of affairs and the dilemma he faced, @Go Canes!!, undeterred, responded back "15-0" with the fire of a thousand slurpers on 2-1-2021 (link to that epic first post). And thus, 15-0 was born. Had I know then what I know now, I would have never made that infernal porst.

What followed was a CIS bloodbath. Slurpers and mope hostilities reached their zenith. Vigilante posters, convinced @Dwinstitles was a closet Bama fan, hunted him across the board from one thread to the next. Several known Forfeit State trolls, such as @blackvern, went into hiding for fear of their CIS lives. No amount of @PIPO and @Baba Yaga booty gifs could calm the masses. It was a dangerous time to voice a reserved opinion on CIS, and not a soul was spared.

In utter shame and as penance for my role in this debacle, I was pressed into service by @RVACane and his motely rabble of Maudes in the summer of '21, when pro-UM hysteria was so palpable, even the fiercest of Maudes wouldn't dare patrol the CIS streets alone. And then, as quickly and thoughtlessly as it had begun, on 9-4-2021, Nick Saban broke his foot off in the a$$ of Manny Diaz, and 15-0 was dead.

Nowadays, you don't hear much about slurpers. After a brief period of slurper re-education and public shaming initiated by @who (link), and championed by newly resurrected @Dwinstitles, CIS has mostly (everyone except @Andrew, actually) unified against the Anti-Manny/Anti-Blake flag. Simply put, there's more important **** to deal with these days.

Let us never forget these lessons. UM's future brings CIS challenges and heated debate about the next corch selected to lead UM. We've already seen it in the 326401 threads about UM's future HC (notwithstanding Diaz isn't even gone... yet). Some will be too quick to claim "we byke" no matter what unqualified clown we hire, others will be mad UM didn't hire their preferred corch and stalk every misstep until his firing, and a handful of others preaching patience and reason will be completely ignored by the polarized extremes.

But for today, there is unity on CIS against Manny. Let us enjoy this period of relative slurper/mope peace... while it lasts.
This is the greatest post of all time ...basically wrote a book now I relived this shytl
This is basically facts holy **** u dug deep. So it's low key your fault lmao. Nah nah go canes trolled and got away with go canes your a god. I would get banned immediately if it were me responding fire Manny for everything
It’s because it’s negative. They’re both annoying acts but the negative one always gets a harder look and treatment.
Alright, I get where your coming from with that. However, we are all really excited though. We all saw two years prior how, with the worst QB in p5 history, we almost went undefeated in the regular season and played in a NY6 bowl. We figured, we were just a QB away from a really good team. If Malik could get us to a NY6 bowl what would a top 10 or even our 2 top 5 QBs get us. We were all very wrong, but no one knew at that time. Especially with all the insiders talking about how great Jarren and the other 2 were looking pre season.
Oh, it was awesome having the discussion until around May, then it just didn't stop.

Were we all very wrong? How much potentially good talent was lost here because it lacked a strong leader to provide guidance? I question my opinion on pretty much every bust we've had since 2004. Some people need that development that we haven't been giving them.
This would have some validity, if he didn't attack any poster that disagreed with his porsts.
How do you feel about the new @Go Canes!! role which ironically is questioning all the Mario Slurpers as to why Mario during the pre-replacement of Manny phase?

I actually like it in principle as long as he’s not saying he’s the same thing as Manny. He’s better than where we’re at but that’s not saying much.
Sissies beating around the bush. @hemslysalmons or whatever @SmokeyRone and @reformedsteven (ignored) There's a few others that follow each other holding hands that I ignore but don't hate. Every time I see them porst I just rolls my eyes.. I throw them on ignore cause I don't want to waste the time to read 8 words before I start scrolling. I'm slow and that **** can take all day.
How do you feel about the new @Go Canes!! role which ironically is questioning all the Mario Slurpers as to why Mario during the pre-replacement of Manny phase?

I actually like it in principle as long as he’s not saying he’s the same thing as Manny. He’s better than where we’re at but that’s not saying much.
Your honor!!!

I would like to enter exhibit A in which @Go Canes!! did not respond to my post above in which he insinuates exactly what you just said and when given the opportunity to clarify, he ignored me

Post in thread 'Interesting stat on Miami/Mario'