Michigan vs Alabama CFP Semi Final

Asking for a friend, is that sabans fault the snaps? Or do we just let certain coaches (because of resume) have it? It’s always the guys in uniform he can’t control snaps, but it seems like certain coaches are untouchable. Now Belichick is not untouchable cause the vail has been taken off (Brady). Now people can see
Maybe he's over the hill? Not taking anything away from Brady but that was still Bills team.
Harbaugh gets tight in big games; seen it in the Super Bowl, & the games become closer than need be b/c he gets away from doing what got his team there in the first place. Pete Carroll also had that same rep, which is y he’s missing both a national title & SB from his trophy case.

With that being said, I’m taking both coaches 10/10 over Mario. It’s not like Michigan is just loaded w/ uber talent either. Here’s what scary about us:

This UofM team is composed of the class of 2018-2023:

UofM class rankings since that time:
2018 - 22nd
2019 - 8th
2020 - 10th
2021 - 13th
2022 - 9th
2023 - 17th

Avg. class rank: 13th. Avg. recruit rank: 90.00

Miami during this same period?
Avg. class rank: 14th. Avg. recruit rank: 90.52


Just don’t bring back out that chart that shows Oregon’s NFL Draft picks vs Miami’s…

You have Rutgers 3rd and long at midfield. You call the timeout there and then force a punt. Idk what to tell ya lol maybe in Mario’s school of playing not to lose you do. It left us with no time to get to the end zone before half. But whatever you say man
There was an incomplete pass on the 3rd and long, why would they call a timeout lol. If Brown were to get sacked, they would have been screwed. If Restrepo failed to get out of bounds, they would have lost time if they didn’t have timeouts. It saves them from having to spike the football when they lined up for the field goal
There was an incomplete pass on the 3rd and long, why would they call a timeout lol. If Brown were to get sacked, they would have been screwed. If Restrepo failed to get out of bounds, they would have lost time if they didn’t have timeouts. It saves them from having to spike the football when they lined up for the field goal
This sidebar is the closest miami has been to being in a playoff conversation in 20 years tbh

good hijack
Asking for a friend, is that sabans fault the snaps? Or do we just let certain coaches (because of resume) have it? It’s always the guys in uniform he can’t control snaps, but it seems like certain coaches are untouchable. Now Belichick is not untouchable cause the vail has been taken off (Brady). Now people can see
Individual plays, on the player(s). It's a coaching issue if the problem has been recurring and has not been resolved.
There was an incomplete pass on the 3rd and long, why would they call a timeout lol. If Brown were to get sacked, they would have been screwed. If Restrepo failed to get out of bounds, they would have lost time if they didn’t have timeouts. It saves them from having to spike the football when they lined up for the field goal
After the second down loss of 2. Call the timeout. It will be 3rd and long. If they convert, Rutgers had plenty of time to score either way. You call the timeout to preserve that 30-40 seconds to set up your drive before the half. Idk what’s so unclear or not logical about it. You always want as much time as possible for when you get the ball.
Harbaugh gets tight in big games; seen it in the Super Bowl, & the games become closer than need be b/c he gets away from doing what got his team there in the first place. Pete Carroll also had that same rep, which is y he’s missing both a national title & SB from his trophy case.

With that being said, I’m taking both coaches 10/10 over Mario. It’s not like Michigan is just loaded w/ uber talent either. Here’s what scary about us:

This UofM team is composed of the class of 2018-2023:

UofM class rankings since that time:
2018 - 22nd
2019 - 8th
2020 - 10th
2021 - 13th
2022 - 9th
2023 - 17th

Avg. class rank: 13th. Avg. recruit rank: 90.00

Miami during this same period?
Avg. class rank: 14th. Avg. recruit rank: 90.52

Excellent post as usual.
bob uecker- just a bit outside there milroe
charlie sheen film GIF
Asking for a friend, is that sabans fault the snaps? Or do we just let certain coaches (because of resume) have it? It’s always the guys in uniform he can’t control snaps, but it seems like certain coaches are untouchable. Now Belichick is not untouchable cause the vail has been taken off (Brady). Now people can see
Come on Brohamus. You already know if player doesn't perform at Miami its the coaches fault. If players doesn't perform at another school, it's never the coaches fault.

I guarantee if Matt Lee did that, the smooth brains on here would find a way to blame Mario.
For sure - Miami has done less with more than any other program. It is beyond comprehension how bad the program has performed; on multiple levels. In the end I’m just in misery and was looking for company. Poor take on my part.

Nah, u good my brotha. We all have made or suggested bad takes. Lord knows my former self who was a kool aid drinker made hella bad takes on this board in the past, until I said F all this. Lol. Now? I take the emotions out of it, use my eyes, mind, & data only. No longer do I allow me being a fan of the program cloud my judgment. I’ll always hope, but facts r facts. Right now, facts r Mario is behind the curve compared to his peers & predecessors at other programs who inherited difficult situations.
Michigan’s offense is so boring.

Texas will stomp both of these teams if they win tonight
Individual plays, on the player(s). It's a coaching issue if the problem has been recurring and has not been resolved.
Just curious, jacoby george being emotional immature on the field consistently to where its cost his team. What category does that fall under coaching? Or player?
Just curious, jacoby george being emotional immature on the field consistently to where its cost his team. What category does that fall under coaching? Or player?
Allowing George make consistent mistakes is not holding him accountable. Coaching problem. Reduce George's playing time or bench him for another player. If there isn't another player, also a coaching problem.