McMurphy has UM ranked #4

Another question for the CIS credentialed to ask. " Mario, McMurphy has us ranked #4. With the tremendous change in personnel and physicality enacted since you got here, ARE WE INDEED ******'??"

I believe no less than 80% of questions from CIS jurno's should be leading and appropriately answered in some form of "Are we ******' or na?"

Holy crap…

When I first heard #4 for Miami, I thought, wtf. But then when you look at the top 25, there are the top 3 in one tier and then there's everyone else. You can argue that the "everyone else" 4-25 is one big tier and virtually anyone there can make some noise. I guess he's pinning his hopes on Miami b/c it's just as random as pinning your hopes on anyone else in that group. JMO.
I hope he is right obviously but I feel that is a bit high for us.
Not to mention, he loses a ton of credibility with Nebraska ranked in the top 25.
It’s our ceiling! Someone else pointed out that there is a top 3 and then everyone else. This could be us…but the reality is that this squad has 6 practices under their belts and who knows what they are going to look like.

Stating that our schedule is pretty easy is one thing. So is saying that we SHOULD get to the ACCCG given our side of the conference. But to declare us ranked 4th right now is quite generous.

We have all of the tools (on the surface) but o have no idea how this will come together and I think the 9-3 hopes are certainly in the realm of reality. But to be 4th, we must be 11-1 at worst and win the ACCCG. While it’s possible, it’s not very likely.