Off-Topic Mass killings

Appreciate the reply. I agree with some of your points, e.,g the collective desire for "fame," the publicizing shooters, the Internet as a conduit for antisocial behavior, mental health/obesity as problems, etc. .

I don't buy the cars and guns as equivalent lethal weapons. Maybe if we had another couple hundred or so instances like what happened in the Xmas parade to the Dancing Grannies.

Also don't buy that we have more mental illness here. Or, that we are more fascinated by violence in the US than elsewhere. Heck, on the latter point, we still have media outlets who won't show the airliners flying into the Twin Towers. Our stomachs are too squeamish for that visual I guess.

Imagine if the damage to a human body (esp kids bodies) from getting hit by a round from an AR 15 type weapon was shown to all? When I was growinbg up in NY, the NY Daily News and Post used to regularly show close up facial photos of Mafiosi who had a revolver emptied into their heads in a mob hit). I guess somewhere along the line someone (in a far, far less woke period) decided that was in bad taste (although it did energize public sentiment/political action in a positive way).
U don’t realize that doctors in this country are pushed and incentivized to prescribe certain medications???

Kids are getting all sorts of uppers and downers and they are getting all sorts of messed up. Just this morning we were listening to the police scanner and right around the block a 16-yo was threatening himself with a knife. This happens multiple times a week in our small city, so I can’t imagine how prevalent it is in a big city like Chicago or NYC

Another thing… do u also not see what they are pushing in schools to talk about *** in elementary school and talking to kids about transitioning them without their parents permission.

I mean… if u don’t realize what is going on in this country and the types of indoctrination that many school districts are getting away with now… I don’t know what else to say.
U don’t realize that doctors in this country are pushed and incentivized to prescribe certain medications???

Kids are getting all sorts of uppers and downers and they are getting all sorts of messed up. Just this morning we were listening to the police scanner and right around the block a 16-yo was threatening himself with a knife. This happens multiple times a week in our small city, so I can’t imagine how prevalent it is in a big city like Chicago or NYC

Another thing… do u also not see what they are pushing in schools to talk about *** in elementary school and talking to kids about transitioning them without their parents permission.

I mean… if u don’t realize what is going on in this country and the types of indoctrination that many school districts are getting away with now… I don’t know what else to say.
People are just ignoring the bull**** pushed on our children. Its all the guns fault.

Funny that all these anti gun people refuse to list all the school shootings in the 50s-90s. The reason is it doesnt fit their agenda.

By the way. Cant wait for the day the first teacher talks to my daughter about *** or *** ****. That day is gonna be fun!!!!!
Then why does a certain side fight Red Flag laws and other mental health initiatives?? Since it’s mental health after all.
Why would I voluntarilyy submit to being put on a list, accessible by any state agency or law enforcement actor, decided by bureaucratic fiat, and only appealable (at best) in front of administrative court judges (almost entirely female, btw)?

Explain why I should do this willingly.
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People are just ignoring the bull**** pushed on our children. Its all the guns fault.

Funny that all these anti gun people refuse to list all the school shootings in the 50s-90s. The reason is it doesnt fit their agenda.

By the way. Cant wait for the day the first teacher talks to my daughter about *** or *** ****. That day is gonna be fun!!!!!
They have programmed most of society to blame the object, not the person.

Gotta admit, these people are sponges for their propaganda and fell for it, hook-line-and-sinker
Why would I voluntary submit to being put on a list, accessible by any state agency or law enforcement actor, decided by bureaucratic fiat, and only appealable (at best) in front of administrative court judges (almost entirely female, btw)?

Explain why I should do this willingly.

It isn't voluntary, is it??

If you or someone owned several guns legally and started talking about dying soon or killing others, one should be able to keep your guns??
It isn't voluntary, is it??

If you or someone owned several guns legally and started talking about dying soon or killing others, one should be able to keep your guns??
That's the point. I've just explained what red flag laws are, in practice. Why would I advocate, or willingly agree to any of this? You're not addressing my question.

After answering that question, be specific as to how my ownership of firearms constitutes a violation of anyone's rights.

To address your query, I require a much higher standard of proof than the vague statements that you are talking about, if the consequence is depriving someone of due process and/or the right to defend oneself.

I am increasingly of the opinion that the anti-gun crowd simply:

1) Dislikes the idea of firearms;
2) Feels more comfortable if there were a vastly expanded police state to track, monitor, and punish existing gun owners.

#2 is backed by force (police armed with firearms) by the way.
I find it funny that these tards are literally asking for America to be **** germany.

a police state where you own no guns and the government does. What could go wrong? Only if history could tell us how that ends......
Where tf have I said ban guns or take them? I said it somewhere else, I am against both.

If it’s mental health like most you say, what is your idea to combat it? If not red flag laws, what??
Having seen photos of a self inflicted shotgun wound to the head, I can understand not putting kids in a position to accidentally see that.
Glad I haven't seen that, JD.

I would not be surprised at some point if there aren't graphic photos of adult victims who have been "blown away" in a mass shooting. I could be wrong but I seem to remember some family members actually being OK with/wanting such photos released to the general public to further their anti-gun stance.

Sort of like what Emmitt Till's mother did in the 1950s when she demanded an open casket viewing by the tens of thousands attending his viewing. THAT def moved the needle in this country, jump starting the Civil Rights movement even more than Rosa Parks. MIllions of others saw the pics of his bloated, disfigured corpse and were revolted at racial practices in the South. Everyone had always known what went on but, until they actually saw ...
Where tf have I said ban guns or take them? I said it somewhere else, I am against both.

If it’s mental health like most you say, what is your idea to combat it? If not red flag laws, what??
well this is a very tough issue.

Guards at all schools. Either ex cops or ex military.

no more indoctrination of children.

More guidance counselors that actually talk with students about mental health

Stop medicating children for adhd, anxiety, and depression.

no social media for anyone under 18.
Where tf have I said ban guns or take them? I said it somewhere else, I am against both.

If it’s mental health like most you say, what is your idea to combat it? If not red flag laws, what??
1) Guard the schools;
2) Be better parents;
3) Stop outsourcing child-rearing to pills and babysitters;
4) Don't have kids if you can't afford the time, money, and energy to do #2 and #3.
We have developed into a sensationalized society in the US. People in this country ... for a LONG time have idolized people in Hollywood and sports stars. People want their 15 secs of fame.

Columbine destroyed this country. To this day... including with this Nashville shooting... we talk more about the shooter than the victims. It's played non stop on the media for a day or two or three or longer. They say to be on alert in the days following a mass shooting for copycats.

I think there are a lot of factors though. The internet... the demographics of our country... the serious mental health problem in this country (exacerbated by politicians shilling for Big Pharma and doctors pushing massive amounts of brain-******* drugs on KIDS!)

People after these shootings like to talk about guns. Yeah, well cars are dangerous too. If a lunatic drives a car into people and kill or injure them, do we blame the car (well, besides CNN)?

Mental health in this country is a huge problem. That and obesity (which is also being normalized in this country for some reason... and was never talked about during Covid by the "EXPERTS" even though it was one of... if not the top cause of death with Covid). Mental health is also becoming a bigger issue as young kids are pushed into being transgender before their mind is fully developed to make that rational decision... and then more drugs are pushed on these kids. It's absolutely disgusting.

How did I do?
Tough times create strong men, strong men create easy times. Easy times create weak men, weak men create tough times.

I think we all know which part of the timeline we are in and are barreling toward.
Tough times create strong men, strong men create easy times. Easy times create weak men, weak men create tough times.

I think we all know which part of the timeline we are in and are barreling toward.
When I was growing up in the 60’s and 70’s, the most violent thing I saw on TV was Tom & Jerry trying to outsmart each other. Not trying to be funny or cute, just a fact.

Today, violence in our society is as pervasive as roaches. It’s seen everywhere. On TV, In video games, and constantly on the 24/7 news (I say that loosely) cycle.

Add in mind/mood altering drugs used as babysitters for lazy *** parents, excuses for every “ailment” under the sun, government (at the federal level) over reach, technology (I’ve seen 8 year olds with cell phones) - mostly used as babysitters, and overall lack of self accountability.

Sadly, the current state of our society will not get better any time soon. If anything, it’s going to get worse. I’m not a fatalist or an alarmist, just being realistic. The issues triggering all the violence we see today are so embedded in our society that they won’t go away anytime soon.

I do have some hope in that I do see some who hold themselves accountable for their own actions and some who are present in and raise their kids to be productive members of society. Our only hope is that the aforementioned people stand firm in their beliefs, raise a generation that embraces the same values, and withstand the onslaught of the self destructive behavior of others.
When I was growing up in the 60’s and 70’s, the most violent thing I saw on TV was Tom & Jerry trying to outsmart each other. Not trying to be funny or cute, just a fact.

Today, violence in our society is as pervasive as roaches. It’s seen everywhere. On TV, In video games, and constantly on the 24/7 news (I say that loosely) cycle.

Add in mind/mood altering drugs used as babysitters for lazy *** parents, excuses for every “ailment” under the sun, government (at the federal level) over reach, technology (I’ve seen 8 year olds with cell phones) - mostly used as babysitters, and overall lack of self accountability.

Sadly, the current state of our society will not get better any time soon. If anything, it’s going to get worse. I’m not a fatalist or an alarmist, just being realistic. The issues triggering all the violence we see today are so embedded in our society that they won’t go away anytime soon.

I do have some hope in that I do see some who hold themselves accountable for their own actions and some who are present in and raise their kids to be productive members of society. Our only hope is that the aforementioned people stand firm in their beliefs, raise a generation that embraces the same values, and withstand the onslaught of the self destructive behavior of others.
The sad thing is the parent / parents aren’t there much. Even if they’re around they just hand the kid a phone or tablet where they can get back to theres. Kids are being raised by the internet. Society is f’d on so many levels.