Off-Topic Mass killings

Let me break this down for the group.

Demonizing people who sexualization children or encourage them to mutilate themselves is not any type of hate. In fact, it should be standard practice.

This shooting (like all shootings these days) is being used to try to stop the conversation around my previous point. Blaming libs of tik tok for posting real videos, is political propaganda. You should blame the shooter and push back on the rest of the nonsense.
I think you are naïve if you think an LGBTQ shooter can't be hateful towards the LGBTQ community.

Get a load of this guys father. A person who is LGBTQ raised in this environment is going to be seriously conflicted with self-loathing. Some might excape relatively unharmed but some react by hurting themselves or by hurting others.

The father seems more concerned about him being *** than actually being a murderer. That can **** a kid up and I would absolutely stand by my original thoughts after seeing this.

I didn't say he couldn't be... I just questioned you saying that it was the least likely case.

Usually if you are a member of a race/religion/orientation/etc... your motive isn't because you hate people in your own group. That doesn't mean you couldn't attack them, just that the motive usually isn't against that group you fit into
I would also point out that the twitter guy you are linking to is engaging in exactly the kind of behavior that is a problem.

He is going after the military veteran that stopped the shooting. Rather than praise him for the heroic actions that saved lives, he is questioning why he was there. It goes quickly downhill from there as his followers start calling him all kinds of names,

This is not helpful. This is the problem.

I don't know about the Far-Right... but I absolutely love a good samaritan story and glad to hear him interviewed yesterday about how he kept wailing on the guy. I get that the far-right is 100% against the LGBTQ+ people and anything associated with them... but those people are not the norm. Luckily most sane people recognize the guy as a hero and rightfully so
Let me break this down for the group.

Demonizing people who sexualization children or encourage them to mutilate themselves is not any type of hate. In fact, it should be standard practice.

This shooting (like all shootings these days) is being used to try to stop the conversation around my previous point. Blaming libs of tik tok for posting real videos, is political propaganda. You should blame the shooter and push back on the rest of the nonsense.
100% and this will never stop the anti-groomer or anti-mutualization movement... hopefully it continues to grow stronger
I think you are naïve if you think an LGBTQ shooter can't be hateful towards the LGBTQ community.

Get a load of this guys father. A person who is LGBTQ raised in this environment is going to be seriously conflicted with self-loathing. Some might excape relatively unharmed but some react by hurting themselves or by hurting others.

The father seems more concerned about him being *** than actually being a murderer. That can **** a kid up and I would absolutely stand by my original thoughts after seeing this.

I realize you have an agenda here, but you’re attributing *** hate to this, you did watch the interview, right? This man literally has half a brain, if that. Why don’t you attribute it to fetal alcohol syndrome, I bet his mom was an alcoholic just like his dad. Let’s go with that if we’re making shlt up.
I don't know about the Far-Right... but I absolutely love a good samaritan story and glad to hear him interviewed yesterday about how he kept wailing on the guy. I get that the far-right is 100% against the LGBTQ+ people and anything associated with them... but those people are not the norm. Luckily most sane people recognize the guy as a hero and rightfully so
That is one AMAZING statement! To me, at least. And the "far right" wraps itself in "Christian values?"
Let me break this down for the group.

Demonizing people who sexualization children or encourage them to mutilate themselves is not any type of hate. In fact, it should be standard practice.

This shooting (like all shootings these days) is being used to try to stop the conversation around my previous point. Blaming libs of tik tok for posting real videos, is political propaganda. You should blame the shooter and push back on the rest of the nonsense.
And there it is. Vilifying an entire class of people based on your opinions. Your thoughts on what the *** community represents is not an accurate representation of what they are. But you can't see that because you are too far gone and fed too much bull****.

If you see things that bother you then you can say something about those individuals. The fact that you generalize it to the entire LGBTQ community in sweeping generalizations is bigotry.

And therein lies the problem.

If you actually follow that logic then you should seek to shut down the Catholic Church and outlaw child beauty pageants.
That is one AMAZING statement! To me, at least. And the "far right" wraps itself in "Christian values?"
They take it to an extreme... in the Bible it talks about a man and a woman... so anything against that is a sin.

I don't write their rules bro. But your understanding of "Christian values" is much different than their version of "Christian values".

You need to step out of your feelings and step into their twisted world to understand. Otherwise you are always going to remain confused about it, and if so, I can't help you
I realize you have an agenda here, but you’re attributing *** hate to this, you did watch the interview, right? This man literally has half a brain, if that. Why don’t you attribute it to fetal alcohol syndrome, I bet his mom was an alcoholic just like his dad. Let’s go with that if we’re making shlt up.
Both things can be true.

He can be a fall down drunk and fried meth head and still be a hateful individual that had an effect on his offspring.

In fact, many of the most traumatic childhoods involved some kind of substance abuse. I would be shocked if a kid coming out of this household didn't have some serious issues surrounding sexuality.
And there it is. Vilifying an entire class of people based on your opinions. Your thoughts on what the *** community represents is not an accurate representation of what they are. But you can't see that because you are too far gone and fed too much bull****.

If you see things that bother you then you can say something about those individuals. The fact that you generalize it to the entire LGBTQ community in sweeping generalizations is bigotry.

And therein lies the problem.

If you actually follow that logic then you should seek to shut down the Catholic Church and outlaw child beauty pageants.
You’re demonizing the *** community as if they all are pedophiles, but you’re the good guy? Lol ok.

I am against every single person who sexualizes children. Idc if it’s a random uncle, a priest, or a school board who hires tranny strippers.

I can separate the two bc I’m a stable individual who doesn’t have any agenda outside of protecting children.
They take it to an extreme... in the Bible it talks about a man and a woman... so anything against that is a sin.

I don't write their rules bro. But your understanding of "Christian values" is much different than their version of "Christian values".

You need to step out of your feelings and step into their twisted world to understand. Otherwise you are always going to remain confused about it, and if so, I can't help you
Doesn't it also say "we are all children of God?" Seems to me the Bible can be quoted, like statistics, to support or condemn pretty much anything.

Side question: How many Republican office holders have actually gone on record as being downright hostile to LGBTQ rights and people? Is this a case where the "base" is out in front, in terms of timing, of the elected pols?
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Doesn't it also say we are all "children of God?" Seems to me the Bible can be quoted, like statistics, to support or condemn pretty much anything.

Side question: How many Republican office holders have actually gone on record as being downright hostile to LGBTQ rights and people? Is this a case where the "base" is out in front, in terms of timing, of the elected pols?
The Bible says a lot of things and it wasn’t written in English… so it’s interpreted differently and taken to extremes. I’m not an expert on the Bible tho, so if someone else wants to chime in … feel free

The 2nd question… I have no clue. I haven’t heard about congress people being hostile towards LGBTQ. But that doesn’t mean it hasn’t happened. I think the majority of conservatives are fine with LGBTQ people as long as they don’t push their crap on them or their kids… especially in school settings like we saw lots of examples of last year during the Florida law that doesn’t mention the word ***… but liberal media coined as “don’t say ***” with their normal misinformation/disinformation that they flow to their masses
The FG posts always get moved. No one ever hears about the weekly murders in Chicago on I show 6 links to stories on the subject from MSM over the past 6 months within 5 minutes of a google search. Now it's they should show just as many as Fox does after the election.
Ya can't win here Pal....Lol


Wasn't my term but I'd guess its the part of the political spectrum populted by people like Biggs, Gaetz, Gosar, MTG, Boebert, and the like.
You think gaetz and them are far right???

May i ask what positions they hold you feel are far right?

We dont have any far right representation in our government. Not saying we should either.