Off-Topic Mass killings

****, dude. I get it. Yes, they SHOULD have had a better response. But I'm telling you why they possibly froze out there.
You know what would happen to me if I froze up at my job and cost people hundreds of thousands of dollars? I would be sued for everything I had, I would be fired, and I would never get hired in my field again. And that isn't even costing anybody there life. Its not even costing them their life savings. Its me losing hundreds of thousands or millions of their "play around money". If you freeze up and 20+ people die because of you. It goes beyond "woops, sorry about that"
You know what would happen to me if I froze up at my job and cost people hundreds of thousands of dollars? I would be sued for everything I had, I would be fired, and I would never get hired in my field again. And that isn't even costing anybody there life. Its not even costing them their life savings. Its me losing hundreds of thousands or millions of their "play around money". If you freeze up and 20+ people die because of you. It goes beyond "woops, sorry about that"
Who defended them with "woops, sorry about that"?
Either this guy lives to argue about literally everything or he doesn't stop to comprehend what he is responding to.
No, they needed 48 hours to get their story straight. There was regular shooting the entire time (mostly directed at the door, but several kids got got during that time, not to mention the many bleeding out). The full length videos you hear regular 5.56 cracks the entire time.

Story from local sources and local Twitter feeds is that there was no clear command and a lot of debate outside school.

Border guard, who was off duty and in civ clothes, threw on his plates and grabbed his rifle and went after hearing about it.

Border guard ultimately breeched in two (!) man stack, using a balistic shield he took from the local PD. Shield took several hits (there are photos of it). Border guard took some grazing wounds, including one to the head.

Only thing that is 100% consistent in the stories is that the border guard breached and that it was a two person stack. Which is insane given the number of rifles and vest (and even SWAT) in the pictures.

This was a massive failure.
It's becoming harder and harder in certain instances in this country to differentiate between actual police leadership and police union spokesmen.

The law enforcement "leadership" from levels even higher than just the local yokel department in Uvalde has seemingly had one mission publicly so far- to embrace pandering "We back the Blue" politicians, paint everyone as heroes and to preemptively (and laughably) try to gaslight the public about what happened by either disseminating obvious misinformation or refusing to give any information about things they absolutely do know about by now.

You'd hope cops around the country will be appalled but I think too many will be equally sensitive to any critiques made toward any law enforcement and will fall into the imminent politicization of this where it'll be you're either pro or anti-cop.
Yeah, you and I understand that, but that's the kind of town where literally no one has experience with anything close to this event.

LOL, Texas is probably top 2-3 in these types types of massacres, with the most recent school massacre before this one being Sante Fe High School in 2018. Cops in that State should be more prepared than anyone, it's not like this is a one-off event.
Yeah, you and I understand that, but that's the kind of town where literally no one has experience with anything close to this event.

They were boasting about such experience 2 years ago though. This SWAT team was either on vacation or just completely m-i-a. But they sure used whatever funding was given to do these exercises and such.

Because those are just masculine traits - and anything but toxic. Those 'pussies' you're referring are raised by women, or feminine men.
Do you have a small list of what you think women are capable of? If you were raised the think like this your dad did a terrible job.
My heart is broken, again.

***** your guns, ***** my guns, I'm done. It's not worth it, and it's not even what the f'ing constitution says. There are proof of concept data sets with tens of millions of examples in wealthy western countries. It's the guns. Nothing else.

It has to stop. I'm all in, but let's start with psych checks, licenses, waiting periods, required training and safe storage, banning these ridiculous military style weapons, whatever it takes. I can't see another child's flesh and bones ripped to shreds by metal anymore. I can't see parents and family's destroyed by the ultimate horror. I can't see another person in crisis kill themselves because we make it so easy. I just can't anymore.

My guess is that they were told to stand down and wait for the tactical unit to come in. I guess someone didn’t want to risk the fvck up and….ya tu sabes.
Oh ya that is 100% what happened, if I had to take a guess. My point is when you have that many officers with gear and rifles. You storm the place and save those kids.

Eres Dominicano?