Marvin Wilson FSU

GR15 is considered a top 10 pick in all mock drafts, this season will not be a traditional season if it was he’d be playing. He’s not chasing day 3 draft pick money, leave him alone.
All those talking **** about Rousseau say it to his 6'7" face.


And its still **** Backpack State all girls school and **** those that support them or their opinions.

Go get some **** ***** and quit arguing for the sake of arguing and talking **** on someone you know would **** you up with one hit. Smdh
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I'm not going to lie I've quit situations claiming it was something else but at the end of the day its quitting. It's like if my wife was cheating on me or vice-versa everyone would understand if the other walked away but at the end of the day its still quiting. BTW we both could have and had good reason(s) to do so but we are 20 years strong and hopefully we continue to find the strength to go another 20 even though there is no guarantee.
We wouldn’t understand, though. You’re a cuck, you’re not going anywhere. You’re probably hiding in the closet doing the filming.
The NFL will quit on Wilson way before it ever quits on Rousseau. Tell that Nole to suck a ****.
Man I am trying to act like I dont care, but I do. Selfish or whatever. I want guys who value winning something with their boys more than going to league a year early. If I was an NFL exec this would be a minus for me. If you want to sit a year and come back then I get it, but I would bet anything this kid is loose as **** with protecting himself from not catching covid just like every other kid is age. If I hear of him in strip clubs or **** like that and I would try and find out if he was on my draft board then I dont GAF he would not be on my team. and thats a big FN period.
1. Greg Rousseau played with a U on his helmet. No FSU player can say sht about him.

2. Marvin Wilson can remember these comments when our third string RB is running over his *** in the fourth quarter seven weeks from now.

3. This clown knows he plays for FSU, right?
It is quitting
Don’t miss

1. Greg Rousseau played with a U on his helmet. No FSU player can say sht about him.

2. Marvin Wilson can remember these comments when our third string RB is running over his *** in the fourth quarter seven weeks from now.

3. This clown knows he plays for FSU, right?
Wilson is not a scrub..he can talk..but we can Also mention 0-3 to him long as it doesn’t come from a James Blackmon or Greg dent
For Rousseau's sake, I hope he truly does grade out to be a top 10 pick. If his draft status has been oversold (like so many Canes in recent history), then he will be losing out on a chance on improving his draft status and actually costing himself $$$ by opting out.

On the other hand, Wilson could look like a fool if he misses out on first round money if he has a disastrous injury during this strange season which has a real likelihood of not even going to conclusion.
All these posters have left their job for a better job and never called themselves a quitter

We wouldn’t understand, though. You’re a cuck, you’re not going anywhere. You’re probably hiding in the closet doing the filming.
Thats no way to talk about .e and your mom. Take a time out ***atroncane.