Mario on Gattis / Staff

I am not worried about Gattis being retained. What matters is who replaces him.

If we hire someone of the exact same mindset and style, we’re putting this program back another 3 years.

The worry should be can Mario be open-minded to other offensive philosophies.
If, we say, Mario had Gattis simply at the top of the list because of the big name, but the other candidates were pass-heavy, Air Raid guys (for example), it might be an indicator.
I don’t think “pass heavy” is the answer, either. You need to run the ball. Can we run an offense that is creative, aggressive and difficult to defend. This ain’t it.
I don’t think “pass heavy” is the answer, either. You need to run the ball. Can we run an offense that is creative, aggressive and difficult to defend. This ain’t it.
The answer is pass effectively against a spread out defense which opens the run. Should be 65% pass, 35% run.

Its a throwing game now. A proper QB like TVD can throw for 350 at least in almost game with another hundred on the ground.

Adjust against the strengths of the of the specific defenses you play each week.

If this isn't what the next OC does, next year will be the same as this year.
So biggest question is IF we win Saturday, does Mario still fire Harris right after or after the bowl game? Lol Idk man, really hope the necessary moves are made
I am not saying that he stays or goes.

What I am saying is that I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s retained.

Mario is an extremely stubborn guy.
I can't follow your take here (partly because I don't want to believe it either).

Mario is getting paid too much money and has too much pressure on him to be stubborn for the sake of being stubborn. I posted a while ago that the results have been so, so awful that you just can't say "let's run it back!" If results were mediocre, maybe Cristobal could play the what if game and give it another go. With these results? No sane, logical mind can construct an argument where Gattis is retained.

And Mario may be as stubborn as you think he is, but we've also heard he's demanding. Given what we know about Gattis' recruiting, it doesn't sound like he's doing that much in that regard either.
I’ve said it a few times already, so I’ll say it again.

I would NOT be surprised if Gattis is here next year.

I would be disappointed, but not surprised.

You have to understand what makes him a great recruiter (relentless in the face of no) is also the thing that will sink his career (belief in bro spread)

Is there a chance Gattis makes the exit himself?
I can't follow your take here (partly because I don't want to believe it either).

Mario is getting paid too much money and has too much pressure on him to be stubborn for the sake of being stubborn. I posted a while ago that the results have been so, so awful that you just can't say "let's run it back!" If results were mediocre, maybe Cristobal could play the what if game and give it another go. With these results? No sane, logical mind can construct an argument where Gattis is retained.

And Mario may be as stubborn as you think he is, but we've also heard he's demanding. Given what we know about Gattis' recruiting, it doesn't sound like he's doing that much in that regard either.

Maybe he’s learned his lesson. You obviously have to leave room for that in the conversation.

But anyone that takes a top 35 offense and dismantles it for the sake of “his vision” for what an offense is supposed to be is really discouraging. Film of the games we played last year would’ve told you spread them out and use pace was for the best because there’s such a lack of talent on the OL.

Anyone with half a brain on this message board would’ve said tweak the offense and focus on the defense. That’s obviously not what happened here.
Is there a chance Gattis makes the exit himself?

Nobody is going to pay him anything close to what Miami is paying anymore.

He’s also córched himself out of a HC job that would possibly pay that much.

If he was a smart man, he’d make them fire him and buy him out. Otherwise, he’s leaving a ton of $ on the table.
I don’t think “pass heavy” is the answer, either. You need to run the ball. Can we run an offense that is creative, aggressive and difficult to defend. This ain’t it.

Yup attack through the air, but maintain physicality

Balance is as important or more important than any other aspect of offense
Nah man. If this was “all ego” then he wouldn’t even be here in the first place. As dramatic as we want to be on message boards, coaches don’t operate like that or they don’t have jobs.

It doesn’t even make sense to compare it to Mack and Diaz.

He’s going to be let go after one season in a new regime and you’re acting like that’s not fast enough?

Super dramatic take to be honest. So if you’re being overly dramatic about it, then of course Mario’s level headed approach won’t make any sense.
Staying with your wife through the Christmas holidays just because it’s holiday season knowing your gonna divorce her on January 2nd makes no sense. Just get it over with and spend Christmas being happy. jmo
Enos wasn’t fired until after the season. I can’t think of any position/coordinators that have been fired in season.
enos was fired the day of the bowl. pre game they were already reporting that it was official that enos would leave after the game
Staying with your wife through the Christmas holidays just because it’s holiday season knowing your gonna divorce her on January 2nd makes no sense. Just get it over with and spend Christmas being happy. jmo
Well in a lot of instances of divorce/break ups people end up living together longer than they would like
The decision has been made that Gattis is gone. No doubt.

I’m hoping Mario enlists others in the OC search. Get out of his Rolodex/comfort zone and allow others to help with the decision (looking at Rad and Zo)
Even more important than the OC hire (stay with me here) is if Rad and Zo can help Mario transition to become more CEO-like as that itself will open things up organically regardless of the OC hire. He can focus on improving his gameday calls and allow him to do what he does best - recruit, sell, help coach up the lines and recruit some more.