Mario is Doing the Work

Finally, someone who isn’t menstruating all over the forum.

Our improved line play is the best news in 15 years. Our defensive personnel are developing before our eyes. WR is an abject failure right now, but **** at least we can run the ball. This dynamic coupled with the improving defense should keep us in most games, even against a Clemson.

It’s like the pillars of this forum bought into the Oregon fan complaints. Oregon doesn’t know what a tough program is supposed to look like.

It looks like we’re setting the proper foundation. Let it play out before we embarrass ourselves even more. Idk how much “cane tears” type material has been splattered all over this place.
I have been saying this in different threads and twitter whenever I can. stop whining in year 1. we dominated an high level SEC team on the road in most phases of the game (except special teams and score). true losers look back at missed plays etc but its year 1. I am going to maintain optimism and enjoy the journey. I never thought this was a one year rebuild.
I have been saying this in different threads and twitter whenever I can. stop whining in year 1. we dominated an high level SEC team on the road in most phases of the game (except special teams and score). true losers look back at missed plays etc but its year 1. I am going to maintain optimism and enjoy the journey. I never thought this was a one year rebuild.
You're right and I agree with this post, but "we dominated the game except for the score" is still funny to read.

"If it weren't for the scoreboard we would've kicked their ***!"
A lot of us are impatient, some due to how long it’s been since we’ve had a decent staff/team in place and are tired, some due to “But mommy, I want it nowwwwww, waaaaaah!!!” mentality, all thinking that a good coaching staff in place must produce instant wins, regardless of talent on the field. I understand both sentiments but the expectation is NOT REAL. A Bentley with no wheels will get you nowhere. This new Bentley coach and staff is just one piece of the puzzle or building block to a great solid program, with solid purposeful recruiting for talent and depth being the next piece of the puzzle. We just need to be patient. We already at the light at the end of the tunnel. It’s daylight after that.
While I don't think there's any acceptable excuse for the WR situation and that certainly precedes this staff but doesn't absolve them, I absolutely think we've seen an immediate and very tangible improvement in the trenches.

I personally think the trenches are the hardest thing to get right in-season so I'll definitely take that as a building block and have work to do at a skill position(s) than vice versa.

It's obviously wayyy too early for most assertions but I'm leaning real heavy right now into Mirabal being the real deal.
Mirabal is the real deal from a non XO's guy.

My lying eyes for the last literal 20 years says so.

Haven't seen us push people around like that since the early oughts.

Them's the green stout shoots, brother.
What Mario has done in 9 months for our LOS play is remarkable.
agreed here. just an overnight turn around.

also, the LB play in the same time frame. remember this was the least talented room on the roster. we talk about the WRs but those were highly rated 4 stars. we were out there w g5 LBs playing many snaps on top of that we lost 2 others to transfers/told to find another home which takes away depth.
agreed here. just an overnight turn around.

also, the LB play in the same time frame. remember this was the least talented room on the roster. we talk about the WRs but those were highly rated 4 stars. we were out there w g5 LBs playing many snaps on top of that we lost 2 others to transfers/told to find another home which takes away depth.
You Can Do It Reaction GIF by Joe Biden
Wait…does this mean it WON’T get better???
Facts, when we get the studs it will be hard for kids at skill positions to turn away. Skill guys want to play with stacked fronts period.
I watch a lot of other games. Sticking to ACC teams that I’ve seen multiple times (Louisville, VT, FSPooo, GT) I see a lot of bad line play from those teams. No doubt Miami is way ahead vs those teams.

I need to see UNC (because they haven’t played anyone good except App St), Syracuse, UVA and NC State more. I’ll be paying close attention to UNC this weekend but in my estimation, Miami is top 2 in the conference on both O/D-line. That will win us a lot of games in this conference.
Donna has been gone for a few years now, what does she have to do with anything being done here? Also, without her building up UHealth and getting that profitable it's likely the school doesn't have the funds/resources to invest into the football program the way that MC wanted to be done in order for him to take the job.

Yeah, no matter what happens, even 100 years from now, some people are just going to continue to spew their partisan hatred towards Donna Shalala.
Yeah, no matter what happens, even 100 years from now, some people are just going to continue to spew their partisan hatred towards Donna Shalala.
its gonna be her and Blake for life on here. we could be 3 ADs removed and still go back to Blake and donna lol
Mario’s mantra has been work it into reality.

Don’t like where you’re at? Do the work to change it.

In one offseason we have gone from trench babies to trench bullies.

We just out-trenched TAMU (SEC team with allegedly one of the best rosters in the nation) on BOTH sides of the ball.

Yeah **** ain’t perfect, yeah I’ve bytched about TVD… but Mario is DOING THE WORK.

Doing the work turns losers into winners. Doing the work turns lifeless stadiums into madhouses of mayhem.

So, sure, let’s bytch about the things that need work, but let’s not forget that they are DOING THE WORK. The proof is already on the field… and god willing it will migrate up onto the scoreboard sooner than later. And, if it doesn’t, nobody is going to outwork Mario to fix it.
Well said.
Mario is a relentless worker. He puts the work in on the practice field and in recruiting. As OP stated, the only way UM is going to remove itself from the malaise of the last 19 years is through hard work, and Mario is doing it. We are starting to see the results (improved OL and DL and LB play), but it will take time to reach the level everyone, especially Mario and staff, wants the program to reach. Keep in mind that the nucleus of players on this team got the last coach fired. The last coach was a terrible coach, but he was a recruiter and it will take time to overcome that.
I watch a lot of other games. Sticking to ACC teams that I’ve seen multiple times (Louisville, VT, FSPooo, GT) I see a lot of bad line play from those teams. No doubt Miami is way ahead vs those teams.

I need to see UNC (because they haven’t played anyone good except App St), Syracuse, UVA and NC State more. I’ll be paying close attention to UNC this weekend but in my estimation, Miami is top 2 in the conference on both O/D-line. That will win us a lot of games in this conference.

From what I've seen, Pitt has good line play on both sides of the ball. Clemson's DL is obviously very strong while their OL is just solid. UL was supposed to have a talented OL, but they did not look impressive at all against Syracuse and Forfeit State. VT, GT, and Forfeit State look very bad on the OL (though I admit Forfeit State looks a little better than I thought... like, D+ instead of an F) and DL (minus Verse at Forfeit State, who looked like their best DL before getting hurt).

The push in the run game UM's OL was getting in weeks 1 and 2 was more or less sustained against TAMU, which should bode well for our ability to utterly dominate the run game against any ACC team not named Clemson or Pitt (and maybe even them). Of the ACC teams on our schedule, I haven't seen UVA, Duke, or UNC though (except for highlights).

Considering what these units looked like in December, the OL and DL improvement has been dramatic. Like you, I am very confident in our ability win in conference with the advantage in the trenches. Right now my greatest concern as we turn the corner into conference play is our ability to play from behind, but if we tighten up STs, minimize some of the bonehead mistakes, and execute a little better on offense, we shouldn't find ourselves having to play from behind too often.