Mario, I’m out

Doesn't it take a while for a new coach to get his guys in so he can be successful?
Duke had a different coach and if you remember, they looked like they could care less by the time Miami played them. Maybe getting rid of Cutcliffe and bringing in fresh blood rejuvenated that team. The TV commentators spoke today about the large number of 5-6 year players on that team..
you mean the guy whose offense couldn't muster a single point today in the second half. When Gattis produces that **** you want his *** gone, but Lane is your hero.
Yeah, ill still take him. I'll agree that he got outcoached in that game, especially the 2nd half. That LSU team would skull thump our current team back to 1926.

Somehow, you have made this team worse despite unprecedented investment. It’s incredible. Blown out by a team (with a new HC as well) that we beat by 37 last year.

I’m out. My contributions to football are done. I’m not sure how you have made things this bad but you have. I will support Coach L with basketball.

This football program is a complete disaster and money is being thrown away. We are actually worse.
Pretty sure we're gonna see you here the rest of the season - and again next season.
I've watched you brag about being a lawyer. Please tell me you are this ****** stupid in court.
I can see why no one likes you. Lane failed at UT, USC, and in the pros. You’re willing to give him a pass and a few years at Ole Miss but not Mario at your own school? You’re pathetic.
I can see why no one likes you. Lane failed at UT, USC, and in the pros. You’re willing to give him a pass and a few years at Ole Miss but not Mario at your own school? You’re pathetic.
This is a website. No one likes means about as much as you being an internet lawyer. I'm willing not to get into a deeper discussion with a moron. Between the CTE hot takes and give a pass to Mario talk it's pretty easy to spot a dip****. Ggs
I can see why no one likes you. Lane failed at UT, USC, and in the pros. You’re willing to give him a pass and a few years at Ole Miss but not Mario at your own school? You’re pathetic.
ah no one likes me. poor me. boo hoo. youre not well liked either slim.

Mario has absolutely failed so far this year. keep defending the abortion were seeing skipper
This is a website. No one likes means about as much as you being an internet lawyer. I'm willing not to get into a deeper discussion with a moron. Between the CTE hot takes and give a pass to Mario talk it's pretty easy to spot a dip****. Ggs
noticed how he left out completely turning around FAU and leading them to 10 wins after he grew as a coach at Bama. also left out completely transforming Bamas offense (SABAN said this himself) and won a title as a play calling OC there.
I think there is a big culture issue despite some of the questioned coaching. The players just don't seem like they've bought in.

You just don't have a 2nd half collapse like that if the players are "all in" after taking the lead.
These kids are not buying in because they know that this system is not putting them in the best position to succeed. These same players on offense looked light years better last season, and even the season before that.

This team is an abomination from top to bottom. Worst coached Miami team in the 40 years that I’ve been a fan.
No depth, a horrific schematic fit for the available talent and a mentally fragile team that thinks they are better than what they truly are is a recipe for disaster. There's only one way Mario can fix this and that's by getting rid of a large portion of the roster, making huge changes to the coaching staff, and doing something that all HC's struggle with : Letting go and letting people do their jobs. Mario wants a tough, physical team, the issue is that he doesn't have a team that can deliver that. Had Mario found an OC that was a better playcaller, or at least was better at maximizing what he does have available, this team would have significantly fewer losses, and that's even with the depth issues present. Mario is a long term solution, but with this fanbase and community, a long term rebuild isn't going to be tolerated. He has to find a way to salvage what he can out of this season, and HIT THE PORTAL like his life depended on it, because it does. He has to be 2023's version of the Tennessee Vols.
I'm done with Mario. He looks no better than Shannon, Golden or Diaz in year 1 and I'd argue he might have inherited more talent than all except for maybe Diaz. What a disappointing and embarrassing season. Blown out by Middle Tennessee and Duke at home. Highlight of the season was not getting blown out in College Station while falling to score a TD. I don't even enjoy watching this team play. Just boring offense and wtf are we doing defensive calls.

We should have hired Lane.
For the $$$ we spent, yeah. Seems like that’s what we should have done. But just to clarify, these are two different programs, two different philosophies, and personally I don’t care about the record, I care more about the quality of play being shown on the field. I was all on on Mario, thinking he can only get more out of this group than Manny. I was wrong.