Mario Banner

Didn't read a word of that uniboner manifesto. You're an admitted FSU fan who wants UM to hire a devout failure, Mario, just so you can laugh about it. You admitted all that, so your opinions are useless to me.

On top of being an admitted FSU fan and openly rooting for UM to hire Mario because you'd rather laugh at passionate UM fans than see UM hire a great HC, you made the stupidest post in the history of a board clogged with guys like broke, who think 2+2=rhinoceros.

So, in conclusion, I'm not gonna take the time to read a 10,000 word tribute to your own inferiority.

Short and sweet then.

Please provide where I ever said I was an FSU fan. I'll pay you a thousand bucks if you can. Come on loudmouth, get paid. Same goes for anyone else that steps up to the plate here. Nerd ***, spend how much time here with your silly *** act?

I know you read it. I also know you're a social reject who never showed up at W2 or multitude of away games because you're a cornball who lives vicariously through a message board. Nice try once again with your nonsense though.
Matt Porter ✔@mattyports
One person connected with the program, looking up at the banners: "Who would come here?"
11:16 AM - 21 Nov 2015
14 14 25 25

But the banner boys think this is helping the the person flying the plane is doing the tomahawk chop and laughing like "These mf's so stuck in negativity that they actually believe this will cause a positive outcome"......

Anyone who actually believes that banners are going to turn off prospective coaches is an absolute fcking moron.

The notion that banners are killing the quality of the position is exactly the type of soft, pussified mentality Donna Shalala instilled within the athletic department while subsequently burning the football program to the ground.

Any coach with half a fcking brain realizes UM is a great opportunity with its talented roster, recruiting base, and now a commitment to competing nationally from a monetary standpoint. But yeah, nobody is going to be interested because fans flew a banner saying they didn't want a guy who was 20 games under .500 in the fcking Sun Belt. You dudes are a bunch of gullible shills, just like that dolt Porter.

Spend some time with Ole Miss or Alabama fans. Come back and tell us how rabid and awful UM fans are. This is nothing in contrast to some of the other fanbases out there.
Banner Boys matter. Give them their fair due, we would still have Golden without them.

Those banners were more instrumental than any of the following.

No wins against FSU.

No ACC championships or even a Coastal championship.

Craptastic win / loss record on par with the fellow prior who was fired.

No bowl wins.

Embarrasing loss after loss.

**** poor attendance, even by our standards.

Getting roasted by the national and the slow to come around local media.

Yup, banner boys did it. They were clutch. We should all pat them on the back for their excellent work. It's validation you seek, beleieving you matter, and I'll say you do. We all should. Bravo.
Matt Porter ✔@mattyports
One person connected with the program, looking up at the banners: "Who would come here?"
11:16 AM - 21 Nov 2015
14 14 25 25

But the banner boys think this is helping the the person flying the plane is doing the tomahawk chop and laughing like "These mf's so stuck in negativity that they actually believe this will cause a positive outcome"......

Anyone who actually believes that banners are going to turn off prospective coaches is an absolute fcking moron.

The notion that banners are killing the quality of the position is exactly the type of soft, pussified mentality Donna Shalala instilled within the athletic department while subsequently burning the football program to the ground.

Any coach with half a fcking brain realizes UM is a great opportunity with its talented roster, recruiting base, and now a commitment to competing nationally from a monetary standpoint. But yeah, nobody is going to be interested because fans flew a banner saying they didn't want a guy who was 20 games under .500 in the fcking Sun Belt. You dudes are a bunch of gullible shills, just like that dolt Porter.

Spend some time with Ole Miss or Alabama fans. Come back and tell us how rabid and awful UM fans are. This is nothing in contrast to some of the other fanbases out there.
I was watching the Arkansas v Miss St game to check out Mullen.

The comms were saying how the Arkansas QB had his car egged after one bad performance. They set it alight after another.

We fly banners. How are we the worst again?
Lol holy crap this guy is lost.

No wonder the admin was so adamant about keeping him despite his failures. We kept fighting against these morons the entire time.

Lol at 2014 potentially being a better season. Anyone with a brain could see he was a disaster after 2013, except for the sect of the fan base oblivious to the real stats and were instead pumping the cloud and the dumb *** 9 wins against unranked opponents.

Thanks for contributing to why this program has sucked for so long.

It makes perfect sense you hate us.

lol oh yeah "the real stats" as opposed to the fake ones.

Yet you thought the team might be better in 2014. Lol, you're a genius. You were so smart to see the success 2014 would bring to UM football. Wish we had an ounce of your intelligence and foresight.
I understand it might be hard for you to admit and realize you're always wrong.
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Banner Boys matter. Give them their fair due, we would still have Golden without them.

Those banners were more instrumental than any of the following.

No wins against FSU.

No ACC championships or even a Coastal championship.

Craptastic win / loss record on par with the fellow prior who was fired.

No bowl wins.

Embarrasing loss after loss.

**** poor attendance, even by our standards.

Getting roasted by the national and the slow to come around local media.

Yup, banner boys did it. They were clutch. We should all pat them on the back for their excellent work. It's validation you seek, beleieving you matter, and I'll say you do. We all should. Bravo.

All of that was true before Clemson and he wasn't fired, why do you feel the Clemson loss alone contributed to his demise?

How freaking dense are some of you guys? Really.
I have to remind myself these guys were supporting Golden in 2014 and even 2015 for some.

Makes sense.
When you have ESPN discuss the banners and highlight Goldens failures, the administration could no longer just sit back every game and think they wouldn't be called out until the end of the season.

Lol espn was laughing at our fan base. Simple fact that banners were flown for many games before the Clemson game, but golden wasnt fired until after that embarssment.

You aren't that bright are you. ESPN is in love with our fans and the banner campaign we waged.

Do you want to know how much ESPN loved it you pompous blowhard?

Some of us banner supporters were interviewed for a special piece that ESPN the magazine is doing in their "Innovations of the Year" issue. I know that myself and Ozarcanesaw and also DMoney were among those interviewed and I'm sure there were others that I don't know about.

You just aren't that bright are you son?
Matt Porter ✔@mattyports
One person connected with the program, looking up at the banners: "Who would come here?"
11:16 AM - 21 Nov 2015
14 14 25 25

But the banner boys think this is helping the the person flying the plane is doing the tomahawk chop and laughing like "These mf's so stuck in negativity that they actually believe this will cause a positive outcome"......

Anyone who actually believes that banners are going to turn off prospective coaches is an absolute fcking moron.

The notion that banners are killing the quality of the position is exactly the type of soft, pussified mentality Donna Shalala instilled within the athletic department while subsequently burning the football program to the ground.

Any coach with half a fcking brain realizes UM is a great opportunity with its talented roster, recruiting base, and now a commitment to competing nationally from a monetary standpoint. But yeah, nobody is going to be interested because fans flew a banner saying they didn't want a guy who was 20 games under .500 in the fcking Sun Belt. You dudes are a bunch of gullible shills, just like that dolt Porter.

Spend some time with Ole Miss or Alabama fans. Come back and tell us how rabid and awful UM fans are. This is nothing in contrast to some of the other fanbases out there.
I was watching the Arkansas v Miss St game to check out Mullen.

The comms were saying how the Arkansas QB had his car egged after one bad performance. They set it alight after another.

We fly banners. How are we the worst again?

We're not. Anybody who isn't a limp **** my little pony fan knows that college football fans do crazy ****. These nerds are desperately trying to make the fans who actually have a clue look crazy so they can try to get some credibility. They're losers of the highest degree. The media is doing the same ****. They were wrong about Al Golden so now they are trying to make the fans who were right all along look like they are nuts who don't know what they're talking about. So pathetic.
Lol these guys are freaking hilarious.

CaneScott actually thought 2013 would lead to a better season in 2014.

How clueless were these morons?

Now I understand why people would say the WEZ was not in touch with reality in regards to the magnitude of our idiotic fanbase/Administration.
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This program has forced the fans hand (12 years of irrelevance will do that). Since 2001, Miami has had 3 failures as head coach and 4 different AD's. Incompetence runs rampant at Miami so the fans are providing free guidance to those who apparently need it.
Matt Porter ✔@mattyports
One person connected with the program, looking up at the banners: "Who would come here?"
11:16 AM - 21 Nov 2015
14 14 25 25

But the banner boys think this is helping the the person flying the plane is doing the tomahawk chop and laughing like "These mf's so stuck in negativity that they actually believe this will cause a positive outcome"......

Anyone who actually believes that banners are going to turn off prospective coaches is an absolute fcking moron.

The notion that banners are killing the quality of the position is exactly the type of soft, pussified mentality Donna Shalala instilled within the athletic department while subsequently burning the football program to the ground.

Any coach with half a fcking brain realizes UM is a great opportunity with its talented roster, recruiting base, and now a commitment to competing nationally from a monetary standpoint. But yeah, nobody is going to be interested because fans flew a banner saying they didn't want a guy who was 20 games under .500 in the fcking Sun Belt. You dudes are a bunch of gullible shills, just like that dolt Porter.

Spend some time with Ole Miss or Alabama fans. Come back and tell us how rabid and awful UM fans are. This is nothing in contrast to some of the other fanbases out there.

Any quality coach isn't going to be turned off by an anti-Mario banner. He very well could be turned off that we're even considering Mario though. Talk about devaluing the position.
This thread exposes the sheer lunacy of those who supported and continue to excuse the failure that was Al Golden. Of course now they wanted him gone but would never do or say anything to indicate they did over the past five years. You see how personal it all was for them though. Labeling those who saw Golden for who he was (much sooner than others around the country and throughout the fan base) as "Golden haters", dismissing them as just being contrary for contrary sake.

I'd say those of us who saw early on that Golden was a fraud were visionaries, prophetic even. Lulz at calling us haters just because we were right.

We were right then, we are right now. You could just say thank you since you don't have the balls to do the dirty work yourselves.
Bottom line, the school cant stand bad publicity. Just look at the punishments our players recieve. They absolutely do not want to be the laughing stock on espn. Thats major bad publicity, and that has a major effect on the schools decisions. Does anybody think that if we had a sold out stadium every week, and banners flying "go canes" that the school would have fired him after the clemson game? They would have gave him another extension. They know an unhappy fanbase hurts their pockets. And they know this fan base going to bring them bad publicity and embarass them if we dont get what we want. Were not temple. Were spoiled children, and were eventually going to get our way.
CaneScott is so ****ed the banner crowd was right all along.

It's hilarious. They are desperately trying to get credibility. They've been trying all along and they always end up with an egg on their face.

Explains the recent surge in activity from the Goldenites. Excepting dk72 who I'll grant credit to for disappearing into thin air.

dk72 has resurfaced as one of these new sanctimonious dyckheads. He's clg or canescott or one of these *****. He was too embarrassed to come back as dk72.