Mario a killa

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Any HS coach hired to a an off-field position for a college team, cannot have any involvement with a prospect that he once had a relationship for two years.
This isn't a dig,..I'm asking, as legal verbiage, means a ton,....
Cannot have involvement with a prospect, for 2 yrs...
Does this only apply to prospect, as in a potential recruit? ...and one he's enrolled,.he's fair game? ....anyone can further recruit said "prospect", as long as it's not said coach?
Is that how this reads, through/to the NCAA?
Luke said Mario didnt hire enough local black coaches when he was at FIU? So whats Marios response? Mario has basically made it his business to hire black coaches in South Florida or ties to SoFla who has influence to his staff. Was Luke being petty? Probably. But I love that Mario didnt just brush that off and made it a priority to turn that narrative around even if its not accurate.

Like Butch said, "Time to get the family back together". And that includes all of South Florida.

Mario has made it his business to hire the BEST MEN for the job, period.
Mario has made it his business to hire the BEST MEN for the job, period.
Ill say this, I dont know if what Luke said was true or not because I didnt follow FIU football. But as black man, it was important to me that Mario didnt just take his statement, yawn and go about his business like it didnt matter. (and dont think for a second that he didnt hear about it) Mario answered the bell and that will go along way in the community whether people want to believe that or not.
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