Manny will call Plays in 2021, Jess Back as DL Coach

I'm dying at this shlt.

"My DC sucks but he's my buddy so I'll keep him around and strip him of the responsibilities of a coordinator"

"Oh and Rump sucks but I'll just demote him and promote some dude who's never coached before."

Manny finally stacking off-season L's now too. All terrain loser. Can lose in any weather month or season. Throw some snow tires on that loser mobile boy Manny is coming to town with his gimp Mike Rump in a backpack with his mouth duct taped shut and Blake Baker roaming the sidelines with a pair of headphones plugged into nothing.

Rumph is just recruiting role now? He did such good job ag recruiting that he only concentrates on that now. This is bs hires. If doubt he was really thinking of getting a new DC then just makes these hires because someone he wanted is going somewhere else.
I keep hearing Rumph is a terrible recruiter. Oh ****, let's put him in the recruiting department. I can't phantom this. I hope yall know how this whole thing is gonna end. And u wont have to wait long to find out. Septiembre 4th.
I know there’s one prominent player who’s a big Rumph guy. This is 100% political. The dude is in the recruiting dept lol. Let me repeat “ he’s in the recruiting dept”. This is as comical as paying a dc 500 k + to chill on game days. Unreal.
Why would TRob and Simpson sign up for this? Have to imagine they had better options than this debacle
I think ppl are more so upset that Blake is still here and stilled has a DC Title. Manny could’ve went and got a actual LB coach and have him and T-Rob the co-dc titles and still called his defense.
Exactly. No reason to keep Baker's bum *** around. Hire a new linebacker coach, give him and Robinson co-DC titles and call the defense yourself.

Do not under any circumstances whatsoever believe anything that even attempts to say that Miami couldn’t afford to bring in a DC or more talented coaches, that’s a weak cop out crutch that people love to use as an excuse to let Diaz off the hook for not making good hires.

Miami has money, yes even after the Pandemic we have enough to bring in good coaches on the staff, the reason why Diaz stuck with his guys is because they’re his guys & he didn’t want to go away from his Defense.

This is squarely on Diaz, not lack of resources, or even because some coaches allegedly didn’t wanna come here, any excuse made is 1,000% bullshìt.

We didn’t get a new DC because Diaz didn’t want one, he believes his Defense is not the problem & he doesn’t want to concede that the way his system is ran has major flaws in it.

You're right, of course, but he did concede that the way his defense is ran has major flaws. But he's put his eggs into the basket of that flaw being Blake Baker calling it, not the defense.

Will it look like 2020? Or will it look like 2018? I know they better find some backers and edge kids who can play if they think it'll look like 2018 with Manny calling it. Oh, and maybe with the extra year of eligibility now Quan can come back and play Safety.
ah geez, I have no idea what to think off all this

To me, this is an indictment on Blake Baker as DC. I mean, you're not letting him call the defense? Well, what's the point of keeping him around?
Baker was emasculated by UNC.

This is nothing new to him - he must enjoy it.
It looks like people were right that Blake Baker wouldn't be calling plays next year, but this isn't how I expected it to go. Diaz is a thousand times better DC than Baker, but that doesn't fix the scheme. But I tip my hat to Diaz, he's gone all in with his chips even those he's holding a 2 of clubs and 5 of hearts with three Aces on the table.