Manny is the guy

Parcells says, "You are what your record says you are." The point is that you can't reason distance between you and what you accomplish (or don't accomplish.) Results speak for themselves.
In all seriousness… he previously has praised the PR terrorist group from the 70’s that bombed and killed civilians. I went at it with him over that ****.
I remember that. Dude probably has Che gear that he sports because he thinks people think it's cool.
He's been poking the bear for a while. Surprised he lasted this long. Thought he was gonna get the hammer after the red army **** he was tryin to spew the other day.
I remember that. Dude probably has Che gear that he sports because he thinks people think it's cool.
He's been poking the bear for a while. Surprised he lasted this long. Thought he was gonna get the hammer after the red army **** he was tryin to spew the other day.
It was noticed and the disrespect to our vets was not appreciated to say the least.
Where is go canes?
Sunglasses Hiding GIF by Soul Train
Embarrassed The Office GIF by Justin