Looks like schools can now pay players.

I'd be shocked if Congress picks this up. There's not much sympathy in Congress for restricting the earning potential of players who generate billions of dollars in revenues.

Sure there'll be some guys in Congress who love college football and will feel it's of upmost national importance to "preserve the competitive balance". But those guys are a distinct minority.

Nah. I continued to tell this board there would be unintended consequences w/ NIL & those unintended consequences are now felt w/in Congress.

Here’s the thing; we don’t have the smartest ppl leading, we just have a bunch of ppl who were smart enough to convince the masses they’re leaders.

I might create a thread on this or not, but these unintended consequences could’ve easily been mitigated 10 yrs ago as the writings on the wall began manifesting itself, & can still easily be fixed today, but u know, leadership issues.
Nah. I continued to tell this board there would be unintended consequences w/ NIL & those unintended consequences are now felt w/in Congress.

Here’s the thing; we don’t have the smartest ppl leading, we just have a bunch of ppl who were smart enough to convince the masses they’re leaders.

I might create a thread on this or not, but these unintended consequences could’ve easily been mitigated 10 yrs ago as the writings on the wall began manifesting itself, & can still easily be fixed today, but u know, leadership issues.
Unmitigated consequence - double digit numbers of schools drop football. The optics of escalating costs and student debt to finance semi pro teams will be untenable.
Unmitigated consequence - double digit numbers of schools drop football. The optics of escalating costs and student debt to finance semi pro teams will be untenable.
I don’t go to Dolphins games , I just can seem to want to hand over $300.00 or so per person just can’t do it.

the NFL has and soon CFB will price the middle class right out of the stadium the true fans .

So be it they can have it ALL , Oh PPV will be next TAKE IT ALL and enjoy it.
"The NCAA will pay more than $2.7 billion in damages over 10 years to past and current athletes"

I need help:

  1. How does the NCAA have 2.7 billion dollars?
  2. How did and how does the NCAA get money?
  3. Is the NCAA managed by elected officials? If not, whom?
  4. Since the players have now commanded a larger share of the pie, how is the NCAA impacted? Who is impacted? What industries are impacted?

The players have gained something, but who or what is losing something?
How far back they going??!!
Cause I’m trying to get some money back tooo!!!
Hip Hop Reaction GIF
Collective money doesn’t detract from a school’s bottom line. It’s an extra pile of money. If you hear schools crying poor, ignore them. This is about power and control.
Yep. They told the world Miami was poor and now it seems Miami has real money and is leveraging it in its favor. Same good ole boy network that’s always existed in this country.
Unmitigated consequence - double digit numbers of schools drop football. The optics of escalating costs and student debt to finance semi pro teams will be untenable.
Good points, I used to do Canes Saturdays and Dolphins Sundays .
It was a great time of my life what a weekend it was all at OB the Joe Robbie stadiums loved it very much great memories.

Now if not on TV I’ll listen the ole days way on the radio.

I got my memories of championship rings to access any time , I’m good
@DMoney and Mike Ryan's assessment of this is 1000% correct along with everyone else that sees this simply as a way to resuscitate not only the NCAA as a corrupt governing body but also as a method to reestablish the competitive imbalance involved with the bagmen of the SEC.

That's why all you oldheads and yearners of yesteryears when college athletics were "pure" and compromised of "student athletes" need to actually focus here. Don't fall into the trap of stilllll debating about kids getting paid or needlessly worrying about ticket and concession price increases. See the forest through the trees.
Collective money doesn’t detract from a school’s bottom line. It’s an extra pile of money. If you hear schools crying poor, ignore them. This is about power and control.
I know this is about power and control but one thing I have not really seen discussed is the pendulum swinging too far to the employee/employer relationship between ball players and schools.

I think some of the NIL craziness would calm down if the portal was more restricted, and for everyone saying "well head coaches can leave when they want so why should the kid be stuck" I agree, that would be an exception, just like a sick momma or something. Regardless if school could stop the tampering by putting something in place to prohibit someone from playing at the next destination that would likely calm things.

In comes non-compete agreements. IF the schools can pay you, and you are an employee which is what this whole thing is about, could you now be required to sign a non-compete so if you transfer you cant play ball? I know the FTC just issued a ban on all non-competes but there are already legal challenges there so assuming non-competes are still enforceable what is stopping this from happening?
I absolutely agree here. If the NCAA and universities want to avoid ****housery, payments need to be capped at a certain maximum, with equality for positions and not what the NFL has, e.g.

AND those payments have to be made official in such a manner that they can be backtracked and publicized.
Completely disagree please let me know which of you guys is all down with your income being capped by the government
Collective money doesn’t detract from a school’s bottom line. It’s an extra pile of money. If you hear schools crying poor, ignore them. This is about power and control.
I also think there’s a mistaken perception that the 22% revenue share means Miami needs to share 22% of its revenue specifically and I don’t believe that is the case. I think that the schools are all required to share 22% of the average all of the schools which means for some universities, they may only be capped at 13% of their actual revenue if they make bank like an Ohio state for example And the school that doesn’t do great might be contributing more than 30% the top line number
I don’t go to Dolphins games , I just can seem to want to hand over $300.00 or so per person just can’t do it.

the NFL has and soon CFB will price the middle class right out of the stadium the true fans .

So be it they can have it ALL , Oh PPV will be next TAKE IT ALL and enjoy it.
Premium Live Event, my friend.
This is the real scam. They are trying to get Congress to provide a legal safe harbor to the NCAA, which has been destroyed every time it’s been in court. This would breathe new life into the NCAA’s enforcement arm and allow them to cut off outside NIL money that rightfully belongs to the players.

The legislation must fail. Don’t grant legal safe harbor to a criminal cartel.
Wouldn't ND (any independent) also be at greater disadvantage due to not having "conference resources" to help offsetthese new found costs?