Lebatard out at ESPN...

Lebaturd always reminded me of those friends that would go silent at the party when you and the boys would talk sports. LOL

Guy has no clue what he's talking about unless it's about Cuban food or Dominoes. LOL
One of the best radio shows of all-time. He’s gonna get absolutely paid wherever he ends up. Massive, passionate and loyal audience.
Dam you have really got to get out of that basement.

season 1 dancing GIF by Mr. Mercedes
another show that no one is going to watch because twitter popularity doesn't reflect reality. she'll get her payday for a season and showtime is going to continue to hemorrhage viewers and cancel the series (then blame it on racism).

Hm, interesting. Jemele Hill has never passed on an opportunity to criticize white people, or pontificate about the lack of opportunity for black people whether it be professional sports (coaching, front offices), media, or life in general.

Regardless of your opinion on that, someone such as Ms. Hill, that so strongly feels the way that she does...it’s interesting that she would be represented by a white agent, with perhaps the whitest name one could have (Evan ****).

A brief internet search returned enough evidence that reflects Mr. **** as a very successful agent. I imagine she would merely share that as the reason she chose him. Perhaps he was even recommended to her and upon meeting, they had a strong connection and combined with his experience she felt he would be the best fit to represent her.

And there’s nothing wrong with that. Not a single thing. But then that would go 100% against every opinion she has ever shared. Heck, she should have found a female, minority agent to represent her, experience and qualifications be damned.

But then if she did that, we all know she wouldn’t be able to continue with the long standing tradition belonging to virtue signaling, woke social justice warriors. Do as they say, not as they do.
He's a sorry **** and so is his dopey dad. Any bad new for him is good news for me. I could never listen to that fat-faced **** even when he supposedly good.

He sold out his alma-mater in the mid 1990s so he could career climb, yet that same Rat pops up on that stupid Billy Corbin "production" on the Canes, dressed up in all-Black with cap and everything as he's some edgy hard core Miami guy....he was and is nothing but a front-running, fad chasing, ****...too many of those in soFla and they should all be treated like the vermin they are.
Hey JB fats you Douche,,,have you taken a look at yourself lately? how about your chain smoking upstate wood chopping buddy Cushing (hope he and his son are well) during the pandemic LOL...try a few lines yourself, helps you lose weight...
I have never liked his showcome or any of his shows. Even though he is a Cane, I still don’t like him.
Only ever listen to the local hour of the podcast, never knew he was a grass. Could someone explain that?
He was the best (outside of Stern) prior to ESPN. Those 790 days with Hoch were classic.

Yeah Stern is my #1 too, at least the golden years with Jackie then Artie. Nothing will ever replicate that. LeBatard has an insane following though. Nothing like Stern because Stern has been National for so long but he’s gonna get PAID wherever he goes.
Yeah Stern is my #1 too, at least the golden years with Jackie then Artie. Nothing will ever replicate that. LeBatard has an insane following though. Nothing like Stern because Stern has been National for so long but he’s gonna get PAID wherever he goes.
Stern, with Artie, on Sirius is hands down the greatest era ever.
ESPN is dying for many reasons, the non-sports shows are unwatchable and Americans are tuning out.
One of the biggest mistakes is the $24 Billion they pay the NBA each year. Ratings plunging and advertisers fleeing. The NBA is hitting peak salaries now. When the tv contract comes up for renewal in 2024, ESPN will cut some expenses.
If I may make an observation, there are some incredibly detailed fetishes being laid out in this thread.


and yes, Daniela LB is a f[]cktard. May a pox descend upon his house.