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Kid looked good throwing up THE [[__]]. How do you throw up a T? Stand on you head and spread your legs really, really wide?
so, he'll spend very little time with larry scott. a few weeks ago, larry scott was telling how great UM is and to come to UM. now, UM sucks and UT is better? if these kids and parents have half a brain, they'd just laugh. if scott was the db coach, i'd give that as a valid reason.
Butch Jones will probably be fired in a year or two, I hope he knows this. Tennessee is a perennial 8-9 win team at best nowadays.
Tennessee actually had a very good year; however, I believe that is the most they are gonna get out of Butch Jones.
so, he'll spend very little time with larry scott. a few weeks ago, larry scott was telling how great UM is and to come to UM. now, UM sucks and UT is better? if these kids and parents have half a brain, they'd just laugh. if scott was the db coach, i'd give that as a valid reason.

to me i think its more the fils aimes thing
I'm hearing Tennessee thinks it's all but done that he is flipping to them! This is coming from their staff not some dumb Tennessee fan message board.
Seems like the kid is having last second jitters. Like when you're about to sign for a new car and you start thinking of all the other options you are leaving on the table...hope he realizes that a tight end coach and his best friend ain't helping him get to the league.
Of course Tenn coaches think they flipped him. He is a nice kid that has a hard time saying no.

However, the high from his visit will wear off in 24 hours and he will be a Cane.
I'm hearing Tennessee thinks it's all but done that he is flipping to them! This is coming from their staff not some dumb Tennessee fan message board.

and the OSU and USCe staffs thought that bruce was flipping to them so yea no one knows
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