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Both Demarcus Van Dyke and Phillip Buchanon are tweeting Byrd telling him to come to the U that they will help him with defense and improving


Maybe Buch knows something....

This is all going to be so embarrassing if Byrd flips to the hicks.

its embarrassing for him trying ? Dude take your @ss back to the ten board you f/cking troll

Yeah. it will be embarrassing if Byrd goes to UT after having 2 former NFL players and Canes all over twitter recruiting this guy. Lol don't get so butthurt man. Someone says something you don't like and you immediately think I'm a troll? Good one. I've been a season ticket holder since 2005 and actually gone to the games even through the mess. So get out of here with your troll bull crap.
Both Demarcus Van Dyke and Phillip Buchanon are tweeting Byrd telling him to come to the U that they will help him with defense and improving


Maybe Buch knows something....

This is all going to be so embarrassing if Byrd flips to the hicks.

He was also tweeting with Malek Young. You embarrassed by that?

I'm not embarrassed at all by the effort. I love it. But if Byrd does flip to the Hicks then its definitely gonna a leave a sour taste in my mouth since we're sending former NFLers after him.
You guys are creeps for knowing who his GF is and how old she is

i can't stand people like this.. you come to a website like this, clearly clicking on the 20th Byrd thread, seeking any new information and post something about adults folowing high school kids being creepy... yet you are doing the exact **** thing just a little differently.

stfu already.

I'll post whatever I want. Go back to stalking teenage boys and girls on the Internet you dumb *****. I feel sorry for your mother that she has a pedophile for a kid

Stalking is looking at a person when they don't want you to be looking at them. This info is posted on twitter for the entire world to see. These kids love the traffic to their page, the re-tweets they receive, & the buzz. If this rustles you this isn't the place for you. This is a site full of blood thirsty information seekers who pray on 17 year olds social media pages & even their mothers. We cannot stop this is all we know.
I just don't get it. Dude's from SFL, why would he go to a crappy a$$ town like Knoxville. I've been there many times and I just don't see it happening. That place looks like it hasn't built a new building in 60+ years.
Both Demarcus Van Dyke and Phillip Buchanon are tweeting Byrd telling him to come to the U that they will help him with defense and improving


Maybe Buch knows something....

This is all going to be so embarrassing if Byrd flips to the hicks.

He was also tweeting with Malek Young. You embarrassed by that?

I'm not embarrassed at all by the effort. I love it. But if Byrd does flip to the Hicks then its definitely gonna a leave a sour taste in my mouth since we're sending former NFLers after him.

Ahmmon Richards spoke with Amari Cooper. You think Alabama will be embarrassed if he comes to us?

I'm grinding on this, man, because the very nature of the word Recruit is that you make an effort to convince and acquire an asset. This is unified effort being put forward by our greats. That's never embarrassing, come what may. Richt went to Byrd's house the second the dead period ended after he was hired. That's public knowledge. Won't be embarrassing if we lose him.

I'm tickled by what's happening, speaks well when PB was railing on the program under Golden. Maybe it helps, maybe it doesn't. I'll take it either way.

Maybe Buch knows something....

This is all going to be so embarrassing if Byrd flips to the hicks.

He was also tweeting with Malek Young. You embarrassed by that?

I'm not embarrassed at all by the effort. I love it. But if Byrd does flip to the Hicks then its definitely gonna a leave a sour taste in my mouth since we're sending former NFLers after him.

Ahmmon Richards spoke with Amari Cooper. You think Alabama will be embarrassed if he comes to us?

I'm grinding on this, man, because the very nature of the word Recruit is that you make an effort to convince and acquire an asset. This is unified effort being put forward by our greats. That's never embarrassing, come what may. Richt went to Byrd's house the second the dead period ended after he was hired. That's public knowledge. Won't be embarrassing if we lose him.

I'm tickled by what's happening, speaks well when PB was railing on the program under Golden. Maybe it helps, maybe it doesn't. I'll take it either way.

Amari Cooper had a over the phone conversation with AR. He's not blasting all over social media exclaiming Byrd's already a Cane and the hoopla that PB is up to right now.

I agree with you man I am excited for the program and glad we've got former players on board. I'm not embarrassed or upset at all at what PB is doing right now in the moment, but after all that, if Byrd still flips to the Vols, it's gonna hurt a little and yeah I'll be a little embarrassed.
You guys are creeps for knowing who his GF is and how old she is

i can't stand people like this.. you come to a website like this, clearly clicking on the 20th Byrd thread, seeking any new information and post something about adults folowing high school kids being creepy... yet you are doing the exact **** thing just a little differently.

stfu already.

I'll post whatever I want. Go back to stalking teenage boys and girls on the Internet you dumb *****. I feel sorry for your mother that she has a pedophile for a kid

Wow...that escalated quickly!!!!
What many on here don't get is, that its about the people. When a kid flips its usually because he fell in love with the people-the coaches -the players. It doesn't matter that TN has 60 year buildings, if he went up there and made a better connection than what he had in Miami then we are in trouble. With that said-he's got family and connections in SoFL and hopefully the bond here is stronger.

Next year ,when CMR and staff are established, we will be the ones flipping kids to UM.
What many on here don't get is, that its about the people. When a kid flips its usually because he fell in love with the people-the coaches -the players. It doesn't matter that TN has 60 year buildings, if he went up there and made a better connection than what he had in Miami then we are in trouble. With that said-he's got family and connections in SoFL and hopefully the bond here is stronger.

Next year ,when CMR and staff are established, we will be the ones flipping kids to UM.

Great point, except oh yeah he just started talking to them recently when Larry Scott went there's that.
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