Lashlee and the SMU Canes(y'all words, not mine)...

I remember Jacory Harris was really messed up back in 2010 throwing picks constantly. I thought the kid was beyond help but Jedd Fisch came in the following year as OC/QB coach and did a great job of salvaging Harris's career. Maybe someone out there can do the same for Van Dyke.
Good example brother
Elijah ROBERTS, Rooster, Brinson and the other former Canes are all doing great for this 8-2 SMU football team.

Rhett Lashlee can flat out coach
They are doing very well this year. Happy for them.

At the same time, they are a G5 school playing G5 competition.

They got blown out both times they played a P5 school this year.
Lashlee’s offense here is exactly what impact a brand new coach should have.

It improves everything, gives you a glimpse of a system and concepts that are easily repeatable every year, and you can have optimism as a fan because the talent level should only get better. So you’re starting from a high floor, and now can allow yourself to dream of the ceiling.

Under Mario the offensive ceiling is low. You’re just praying the type of talent is on the way that at least elevates the floor, so you’re no longer scoring 6 points. So instead of losing 5 to 6 games a year, it’s 3 to 4.

Lashlee the dream was actual offensive line talent would improve the running game, and this offense was already so good with a bad offensive line, imagine what it would be with even an average one. You’re realistically dreaming of 35 to 42 points a game.

Now we’re just dreaming of scoring a touchdown. It sucks.