Khris Bogle note

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Just face it. He is going to Florida and who gives a ****. Dude is a huge flake and won’t ever produce in college. Give me Harvey all day long. Kid worked his *** off to graduate early and get on campus. He knows what he wants in life. Harvey will have a better career than Kris Bagle. Mark it down!
i heard pickens was leaning to us unless something drastic happened (probably a bag). everyone has seemedto think other wise.
Williams seems to be our way. Bogle has told people UM too but no one knows with this kid. if he stayed at bama that would suprise me the most lol

I only care that others keep caring about a kid who doesn’t even care. Do you care about how I care?
Naw it's just everyday everybody has all this pent up anger like the boys beem raw dogging these mens wives and it's always weird to me
Let’s be real here. Kid changed his mind 5 minutes before on national TV. The crystal ball ain’t gonna be reliable. Kid is gonna have a change of heart from tonight.
Let’s be real here. Kid changed his mind 5 minutes before on national TV. The crystal ball ain’t gonna be reliable. Kid is gonna have a change of heart from tonight.
He does a lot of changing his mind but never changes it to Miami. The kid has never wanted to come to Miami. I’ve seen this story at least once a year for the past 10 years. There is always one it seems that strings us along but never really wanted to come.
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