Khris Bogle note

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I stopped worrying about Bogles recruitment but at this point I want him here BADLY because the fake joy around here will be at an all time level with the amount of posters who can't stand this kid. Lawd will it be hilarious if he comes
I will be bummed if he comes because this has transfer portal written all over it... Would have preferred Boykin
Jesus people...We get it... "you don't think he's coming...and don't want him...and we are all stupid for even paying attention...and he'll be in the portal in 2 years and Boykin is Bruce Smith and you hope Bogle dies"

What is this some type of f***in contest?

We get it. Honestly.

even florida is a joke at this point. was he even seriously considering them at any time during his recruitment? i am not trying to be a jerk but it seems like the guy will do anything not to come here but refuses to tell us we are out of it until the end. like i said its like that girl you just dont want to hurt her feelings so your string her along until she runs into you out on the town with your new girl. then she finally gets the message. we are the girl that wants him badly but hes just not that into us.
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