Justin Rogers

LSU writer Sonny Shipp Morning Update:

“After talking to some sources on the Miami end, the Hurricanes have some guarded optimism heading into his trip in South Florida. A big reason for that is they are in dire need of defensive tackles after Darrell Jackson Jr. left for Florida State in early December, leaving them more depleted than they already were. Toss in an NIL angle the Canes are expected to go heavy in and that is where that optimism stems from early on.

We’ll work to catch up with Rogers once he leaves and after he has his final meetings with House and Brian Kelly but wanted to pass that along this morning.”
LSU writer Sonny Shipp Morning Update:

“After talking to some sources on the Miami end, the Hurricanes have some guarded optimism heading into his trip in South Florida. A big reason for that is they are in dire need of defensive tackles after Darrell Jackson Jr. left for Florida State in early December, leaving them more depleted than they already were. Toss in an NIL angle the Canes are expected to go heavy in and that is where that optimism stems from early on.

We’ll work to catch up with Rogers once he leaves and after he has his final meetings with House and Brian Kelly but wanted to pass that along this morning.”
Give him what he want$$$
LSU writer Sonny Shipp Morning Update:

“After talking to some sources on the Miami end, the Hurricanes have some guarded optimism heading into his trip in South Florida. A big reason for that is they are in dire need of defensive tackles after Darrell Jackson Jr. left for Florida State in early December, leaving them more depleted than they already were. Toss in an NIL angle the Canes are expected to go heavy in and that is where that optimism stems from early on.

We’ll work to catch up with Rogers once he leaves and after he has his final meetings with House and Brian Kelly but wanted to pass that along this morning.”

The fact Saban can still pull 5* and get all the portal studs to not play his 5* baffles me. Negative recruit him !
Negative recruiting about a stacked roster with a stud recruit (or portal transfer) doesn't often work. It reminds me of:
  • When Devin Hester was negatively recruited by F$U about UM's stacked roster he replied, "If you don't think I'm good enough, why are you recruiting me?"
  • Also Jerry Juedy's "Savages want to play with savages".
Now, negative recruiting about Sanders' (I refuse to call him Prime) narcissism, is fair game.
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Talking to my sources on the Miami end???? Oh lord, this guy's a real Woodward and Bernstein. His Miami sources are probably his having spent 10 minutes perusing this site or chatting up the likes of Gaby and the other rumor-spewing insiders.
It’s actually my second time, lol. The man is playing DT, he literally says it himself.

Yeah, we get a war daddy in here and the DT situation looks so much better. Not so bad with LT, Gore and Lichtenstein at the 3 tech. But 0/1 is a gaping hole.

They didn't even mention Haye, lol. That's all three of our big guys gone in a few months. Need 2 replacements there if possible. Take 3 if JHH is truly at risk of jettisoning, which I didn't realize. That's a bummer if so. I like both Roberts and JHH big time when they committed.