Josh Pate On Miami

I agree. And my opinion is that we are building towards not having to pull out wins in overtime against those teams. Others may feel differently about the direction we're headed. The only factor that will reveal who's opinion is right are the results over time.
Maybe this is a better way of putting it... do I think the team is better than last year? Yes. But do I think they are anywhere near they should be for year two? No.

It's like taking a class where you need a 70% to pass. The first time you took the class you ended up with a 40%, but you had transferred schools and started the course late, there were distractions you were dealing with, etc so it definitely was not good but there were some reasons. Now, you are taking the class again and 70% should easily be attainable this time, but you are currently on track for ~55% grade. Is it better? Yes. Is it acceptable? No.
Yup, year 5 was always the minimum

I’m trying to decide if I should make Oregon or Washington my second fav team. Those teams are fun to watch, and help me remember what competent coaching looks like
Put on your Sebastian Onesy and give your balls a tug my man!!!

Being a Canes fan is about Pain, Endurance, and Suffering!!!

and don't forget koo koo for cocoa puffs hot takes.
He is right in the sense that the pre season expectations should have only been 7/5 or 8/4 if you were being realistic. That said, the preseason expectation for me, that was in line with that, saw clemson and ATM being better teams than they are and including losses there. if you had told me pre season that those would be .500 teams, my expectations probably slide to 8/4 or 9/3 which we are definitely still on track for, but as of now I don't expect to happen since things seem to be going in the wrong direction not the right direction.
8-3 with wins over TAMU and Clemson would have been a great year two for me

Losing to GT like we did and NCST in pathetic fashion really dampens everything in terms of questioning the progress… we might not even get to 8 wins which is sad
Star Trek Pic GIF
TVD is already there (waiting for the season to end).

From 1st rounder to a golf caddy in 1.5yrs.


But that’s what happens when you don’t put the work in to improve. If you’re still making the same mistakes you where making as a RFr, you’ve missed out on quite a bit of development; friend.
Pate is smarter than you dorks. You all are up in your feels for being 6-3 after a 4-0 start. That's why whatever record we end with is a 'disappointment' - because you were expecting the same Mario who finished 5-7 last year to be competing for the playoffs or a NY6 because we started 4-0.
Pate is smarter than you dorks. You all are up in your feels for being 6-3 after a 4-0 start. That's why whatever record we end with is a 'disappointment' - because you were expecting the same Mario who finished 5-7 last year to be competing for the playoffs or a NY6 because we started 4-0.
Never should have been 5-7 last year if it weren't for his own doing. Classic lower the bar so anything avg will be an “improvement” or progress.
Pate is smarter than you dorks. You all are up in your feels for being 6-3 after a 4-0 start. That's why whatever record we end with is a 'disappointment' - because you were expecting the same Mario who finished 5-7 last year to be competing for the playoffs or a NY6 because we started 4-0.
he shouldn't have gone 5-7. he can't coach

This is not the context in which his comments were made. He talked about ride or die with players and how he doesn't b elieve in pulling guys in games. He was asked directly if there is a line or "tipping point" where he might reevaluate that philosophy. He said there was but that is true for any situation.

He wasn't specifically asked about it with regard to tVD
Go to BC in 25° weather and beat a team that had FSU beat is a tall order, let alone beating FSU or far as Home field advantage, that's pretty much gone.
It could be 60+ degrees too. There's no guarantee it's going to be cold up here.

It's heading up into the 70's this week...
Pate is smarter than you dorks. You all are up in your feels for being 6-3 after a 4-0 start. That's why whatever record we end with is a 'disappointment' - because you were expecting the same Mario who finished 5-7 last year to be competing for the playoffs or a NY6 because we started 4-0.
Why should expectations be so low for such an Elite Coach???

Seems a bit odd no?