Josh Gattis (before its deleted)

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I said it because I 100% know he’s done. He’s been done. It’s dragging out for a reason and you‘ll know why eventually.
Since when do the details of someone’s dismissal become public? Or are you saying you’ll tell us why?
That’s the worst case scenario but I don’t see Gattis staying after he went MIA in the last weeks. That doesn’t sound like someone who is willing to be demoted.

IMHO Garcia was leaving regardless either now or after spring.

Maybe Mizzou said him “now or never” and he jumped.
Garcia was going to be third on the depth chart as a third year sophomore. He was always leaving as long as TVD and Brown didn’t
Gattis is damaged goods at this point. Who would want him after this debacle? I think this will set him back in his career trajectory after a promising start. Let's hope it is a quiet departure and he leaves without trying to drag some dirty laundry out in the day light. It has the potential to get ugly, I fear.
Matt, on Canesport, insists that it is simply UM giving Gattis the opportunity to find another job and that if he can't THEY believe that UM will demote Gattis to WR/Co Oc and bring in another OC/QB coach. That to me seems like a no win for anybody as Gattis has a horrible relationship with the staff, roster and local HS coaches. Matt also commented that "apparently Garcia left due to the ongoing delays with Gattis and confirmation of a new OC".
Thanks for sharing. The only believable part imo is Garcia leaving due to the delays, i figured that's what happened since he put his name in the day before the portal closed.

I'm dying to know what this whole holdup is, it's got to be a **** contract on Miami side. Of it is, someone needs to be held accountable because this alleged mistake has done a lot of collateral damage.
Gattis is damaged goods at this point. Who would want him after this debacle? I think this will set him back in his career trajectory after a promising start. Let's hope it is a quiet departure and he leaves without trying to drag some dirty laundry out in the day light. It has the potential to get ugly, I fear.
I'm sure Miami wanted it to be quick and quiet. Gattis just didn't seem to realize that was in his best long term interest as well.
And I'm not advocating for Arroyo, I just didn't understand where this fake myth about him being some "disaster" comes from.

While your ideas on outsiders and perspective are interesting, I really can't think of too many head coaches hire based on that. And I'm not sure why we think that Gattis was just doing what Mario wanted him to do, when Mario pushed back on Gattis and told him to get on the same page with Ponce, which then resulted in some actual improvement.

I'm not sure about "pace". Has Mario been insisting on the "look-at-me" playcalling under all of his prior OCs? I do agree with you, I hated what we ran last year, but I'm just not sure Gattis was doing it because that was what Mario demanded.

"Buck stops here", I get it when it comes to everything being Mario's ultimate responsibility. But I think that some of his (bad) hires are the ones who actually did certain problematic things. Now it's time for Mario to fix those mistakes.
This is also why it’s very annoying when people think ponce is **** when it’s clear that Gattis is the problem the fact that he is stubborn and thinks he’s the smartest guy in the room and won’t take help or advice from guys that actually have interactions with the QBs. Are you surprised that other coaching moves haven’t been made and are they the same contract issues like Gattis I.E. Addae
LMAO you cannot be serious.

And he was only at Oregon for Herbert's freshman year, where I don't believe he even started until midseason or thereabouts?

Yost is a very good coach. He is not the best QB coach in the world in the last 15 years. This board is shot the **** out all the time, but we gotta keep it real from time to time.
My brother in Christ

This is a pointless endeavor. Go find a wall or your favorite chair. Maybe even a house plant. Have this same conversation with that wall or chair. The outcome will be more fruitful than the poster you are engaging with.
Larry Blustein is senile

Said the next OC that Mario finds will have to adopt and adjust to the Gattis system already in place

Gtfo….. why he is respected is beyond me
Player evaluation only after that I don’t listen to him 😂😂
This Gattis guy has people arguing over whether we should get Ned Yost or Bronson Arroyo to be our OC when we were told Mario’s phone rings off the hook with people wanting to coach with him…


Let’s see what Bama has up their sleeve. Should be a fun one to see the result.
Matt, on Canesport, insists that it is simply UM giving Gattis the opportunity to find another job and that if he can't THEY believe that UM will demote Gattis to WR/Co Oc and bring in another OC/QB coach. That to me seems like a no win for anybody as Gattis has a horrible relationship with the staff, roster and local HS coaches. Matt also commented that "apparently Garcia left due to the ongoing delays with Gattis and confirmation of a new OC".
Probably the same speculative bull**** all the other reporters are spewing.
That’s the worst case scenario but I don’t see Gattis staying after he went MIA in the last weeks. That doesn’t sound like someone who is willing to be demoted.

FWIW the last team that, albeit unofficially, demoted Gattis won the conference and went to the CFP.

As far as Garcia IMHO he was leaving regardless of the OC situation either now or after spring.

Maybe he liked Mizzou, they said to him “now or never” and he jumped.
Not sure it is even a scenario. He will find a new job or be fired. Nowhere is take a demotion and be a neutered co-oc an option. He would save more face just being fired.
Rumors are going to start leaking about Gattis. This thread going to be a lot of fun for weeks to come,
Hold On GIF

For weeks?
Matt, on Canesport, insists that it is simply UM giving Gattis the opportunity to find another job and that if he can't THEY believe that UM will demote Gattis to WR/Co Oc and bring in another OC/QB coach. That to me seems like a no win for anybody as Gattis has a horrible relationship with the staff, roster and local HS coaches. Matt also commented that "apparently Garcia left due to the ongoing delays with Gattis and confirmation of a new OC".
Garcia was going to be third on the depth chart as a third year sophomore. He was always leaving as long as TVD and Brown didn’t
This the staff made it pretty clear at the end of the year where Garcia stood in the QB depth chart when they played Brown over him against FSU after TVD went down and then proceeded to keep starting him even through he was nowhere near ready as a passer.
Just wait til Bama fires both their coordinators and hires Kingsbury and Leonhard to backfill before we even move on from one of our coordinators 😅
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