Josh Gattis (before its deleted)

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An OC in place would be nice for this.

You should know by now we aren’t allowed to have nice things
If it takes this long for Gattis to move on, I can only imagine how long it will take Mario to replace him
If Mario won’t even publicly fire Gattis I think we can give up hope that ever happening during his tenure
It happens all the time.... They just tell the media and then they report it. So and so will be returning next season
No it does not. It only happens if they’re renewing the contract or promoting someone. This isn’t the NFL.
I'm still guessing 50/50 Gattis is let go. Look at what can be verified.
1. He's still here with no mention from any U official to say otherwise. When have you seen HCs say they are terminating a coach before they actually terminate the coach? Ponce just "left" and there was never any mention from any U official to say otherwise.
2. The staff blamed lack of talent on the roster for their short comings. True, but of the "staff" only Mario's opinion matters, and Mario also blamed the coaches. Plenty of blame to go around for last season.
3. Per current student, Gattis has been seen on campus just recently with U football attire on and seen with current players. "Current student" and "just recently"? GTFOOMFWTS. And of course he is wearing UM gear. Most players and coaches' wardrobes are loads and loads of team gear. Besides, if Gattis is looking for a soft landing spot elsewhere, it does him no favors to publicly make himself look like a dead man walking.
4. Current players still have the Gattis playbook and new players are getting same playbook. Assuming this isn't total bull****, what other playbook should they be getting right now?
5. Garcia and Ponce both bolt. This one is just a guess but they knew Gattis was being retained and didn't want to go through another uneventful season with him. Right. Ponce "bolted" to the same job he left at App State. I'm sure that had nothing to do with him kindly being asked to find work elsewhere after every QB on the roster underwhelmed. As far as Garcia, he's an older kid and former top 100 QB entering his third year, and the presumed starter unexpectedly came back for another season. That didn't factor in, right?
Now on the other side, what moves have been made to make anyone think that he is being let go or looking for another job besides rumors?
I really hope he is gone but all signs are pointing to him getting another year. Which is it? Your first sentence said 50/50, but you conclude with "all signs" pointing to another year (ignoring the fact he hasn't been on visits, didn't meet with recent offensive recruits visiting campus, and literally every insider has said they expect him gone soon). This sort of internally inconsistent, illogical shift in your own (faulty) narrative stinks of trolling.

I shouldn't have wasted my time responding to this sort of porst, but I went ahead and provided some counter-points in UM colors for your benefit, Mojon.
It's not impossible for the Gattis news to drop today and an OC that they've been negotiating with to be announce tomorrow and in place to meet these kids on Saturday.
It's January 19th and Gattis is still our OC. Last night was the 1st time I began to think that Gattis leaving soon is even a possibility. I love the time-line in your post
If it takes this long for Gattis to move on, I can only imagine how long it will take Mario to replace him
...or the search to replace him is already underway or even near completion and once that hire is secured Gattis' release will be made public.
Also it Gattis is gone why can’t they just put out Miami and Gattis has decided to part firing and it’s clear we are looking for an OC..I don’t get why Mario let’s it happen the way he is..if Gattis doesn’t find a landing spot does that mean he’s back and if so we will do this all over again next offseason..that’s not a leader of an organization that’s some soft friendly ****
Also it Gattis is gone why can’t they just put out Miami and Gattis has decided to part firing and it’s clear we are looking for an OC..I don’t get why Mario let’s it happen the way he is..if Gattis doesn’t find a landing spot does that mean he’s back and if so we will do this all over again next offseason..that’s not a leader of an organization that’s some soft friendly ****
Nothing Mario does regarding coaching staff changes makes sense. He doesn't do things like the rest of college football.
Also it Gattis is gone why can’t they just put out Miami and Gattis has decided to part firing and it’s clear we are looking for an OC..I don’t get why Mario let’s it happen the way he is..if Gattis doesn’t find a landing spot does that mean he’s back and if so we will do this all over again next offseason..that’s not a leader of an organization that’s some soft friendly ****

If you and your chick publicly "decided to part ways," but a couple weeks later you were still walking the Earth solo while your former lady's Instagram had her hanging all over Don Juan da Magic Dong every other pic, do you think anyone would believe it was a "mutual decision"?

That's why nobody does that ****.

EDIT: As far as why Mario should care so much about Gattis finding a landing spot, I don't know. That part is somewhat baffling. I can see wanting to avoid being perceived as ruthless with your staff/co-workers, and how maybe that would be helpful in the future in bringing other people in. But that needs to be balanced against the harm to the program (and Mario's own job) from delaying the decision/move.
If you and your chick publicly "decided to part ways," but a couple weeks later you were still walking the Earth solo while your former lady's Instagram had her hanging all over Don Juan da Magic Dong every other pic, do you think anyone on early would believe it was a "mutual decision"?

That's why nobody does that ****.

Pics of the girl or OP is a liar
Nothing Mario does regarding coaching staff changes makes sense. He doesn't do things like the rest of college football.
I'm sorry that Mario doesn't move on the timeline that your smooth little brain can accept. He isn't unlike 'the rest of college football' but choose whatever narrative you'd like to believe.

Again, Mario had big money to put together a staff and completely flubbed the OC/QB coach hirings. Running both of those guys off Trump in the Apprentice style would only compound how poor the optics are. Coaching, especially in college, is a fraternity, and there is a right way of doing things and a wrong way of doing things. You clearly aren't paid to make important decisions so I can't expect you to understand any of this.
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