Josh Gattis (before its deleted)

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Asking if the OC job here is currently one of desirability is absolutely valid, for where the program currently is. When you consider last season, the overall lack of success from the program in decades, and the lack of career upgrades from previous OC’s not named Rhett, it def isn’t a silly question.

I’m not co-signing all the OC’s he mentioned and why they didn’t succeed here but I also wonder if established OC’s with proven reps want to risk it coming to Miami
We are in a completely different stratosphere as a program than we were even 2 seasons ago. Financial commitment, AD, all up and down the line. The past ended as soon as the powers that be and the folks that had money decided to put their money where their mouths were.
no, **** no.

I mean i wouldn't mind. Bryon called the plays but that execution was terrible in his last game as a Buc. idk Then Passes were either sailing to high not enough sip or over thrown. cant blame him for that loss. passes were being dropped left and right.
Ah, classic CIS hedging. The 'I'd love to be wrong brigade'. Put your nuts on the table and call your shot. The writing is and has been on the wall and plenty of folks in the know are all saying the same thing. Clearly not good enough for some and I truly apologize that this isn't moving along fast enough for you.
My brother in Christ,

I called my shot. he's staying.

my tiny grapes are on the table.

read again.

What I think is going to happen vs. what I want to happen are 2 different things.

My only understanding of the CFB business world comes from the braintrust of CIS, so my timeline preference is irrelevant.

Your apology is graciously accepted. Amen.
We’ve been very mediocre for a long time offensively. Both on Saturdays and guys making it on sundays.

If I was an oc I see a tremendous opportunity here. It can’t be worse than last year so it should be an automatic bump in production to throw on the resume at the very least. And I also think it’s a solid group to take over personnel wise

Qb play is upper echelon whether tvd stunk last year or not. He has elite traits. Brown has massive potential for 5-10 snaps a game with clever wrinkles to keep defenses honest

Rb room is loaded with potential and solid production.

Receiver room- Meh. Nothing more to say than that

TE room- loaded with potential and solid production

O-Line: loaded with nfl prospects and returning production. Don’t know how they will gel but if they do has big time potential
I don’t agree with some of the other posts about how difficult it will be to attract a legit OC, but at the same time I think you’re overselling the opportunity to be successful in the near term. At a number of positions you mention we‘re going to be extremely young and / or have players returning from injury (e.g., oline, rb and te) and wide receiver is a dumpster fire, which is only being exacerbated by the delay in hiring a new OC with the impact on recruiting. In addition, we’re an injury to TVD away from having a disaster at qb.

There‘s certainly opportunity for a good OC, but at the same time I could see candidates having real concerns about taking on this role given the current roster, not only for this season but because of how we’re set up at qb for after TVD.
My brother in Christ,

I called my shot. he's staying.

read again.

What I think is going to happen vs. what I want to happen are 2 different things.

My only understanding of the CFB business world comes from the braintrust of CIS, so my timeline preference is irrelevant.

Your apology is graciously accepted. Amen.
With all the gray smoke coming out of Hecht if Gattis were returning Mario would have come out in support of him. No way he would allow the beating to continue for months.
My brother in Christ,

I called my shot. he's staying.

read again.

What I think is going to happen vs. what I want to happen are 2 different things.

My only understanding of the CFB business world comes from the braintrust of CIS, so my timeline preference is irrelevant.

Your apology is graciously accepted. Amen.

Christ can’t save you from that stupid @ss post
We’ve had one OC be successful and he became an HC because of it. If I was a rising OC and saw the OL class Mario just signed, the decent stable of backs and getting a QB with TVD’s raw talents it’d be foolish not to throw your hat in the ring.

The bigger issues isn’t who wants the job. It’s who Mario wants for the job.

And you can be a so-so recruiter and not have to worry about talent acquisition because Mario will close and our recruiting footprint is solid.
Why are all these Gattis clowns coming out of the woodwork when we are about to rid ourselves of him???

Whatever, hope y’all are prepared to get murked
YEAH!!! Wait...what is it to get "murked"?
If you and your chick publicly "decided to part ways," but a couple weeks later you were still walking the Earth solo while your former lady's Instagram had her hanging all over Don Juan da Magic Dong every other pic, do you think anyone would believe it was a "mutual decision"?

That's why nobody does that ****.

EDIT: As far as why Mario should care so much about Gattis finding a landing spot, I don't know. That part is somewhat baffling. I can see wanting to avoid being perceived as ruthless with your staff/co-workers, and how maybe that would be helpful in the future in bringing other people in. But that needs to be balanced against the harm to the program (and Mario's own job) from delaying the decision/move.
If we have uncompromising standards, like Mario says he supposedly has, how can there be no accountability when massive failure occurs? They go hand in hand. And it’s funny how Mario is basically firing him but he would have to completely lie to other coaches if they inquired about gattis in the hopes he could convince them he’s a good coach and take gattis of our hands…that’s why this whole clandestine crap is pathetic, especially after 2 months
I'm sorry that Mario doesn't move on the timeline that your smooth little brain can accept. He isn't unlike 'the rest of college football' but choose whatever narrative you'd like to believe.

Again, Mario had big money to put together a staff and completely flubbed the OC/QB coach hirings. Running both of those guys off Trump in the Apprentice style would only compound how poor the optics are. Coaching, especially in college, is a fraternity, and there is a right way of doing things and a wrong way of doing things. You clearly aren't paid to make important decisions so I can't expect you to understand any of this.
Optics were bad last year with manny…guess what? Nobody cared. Same with enos and guess what? Our offense improved dramatically in one year and nobody cared about “optics”
I don’t agree with some of the other posts about how difficult it will be to attract a legit OC, but at the same time I think you’re overselling the opportunity to be successful in the near term. At a number of positions you mention we‘re going to be extremely young and / or have players returning from injury (e.g., oline, rb and te) and wide receiver is a dumpster fire, which is only being exacerbated by the delay in hiring a new OC with the impact on recruiting. In addition, we’re an injury to TVD away from having a disaster at qb.

There‘s certainly opportunity for a good OC, but at the same time I could see candidates having real concerns about taking on this role given the current roster, not only for this season but because of how we’re set up at qb for after TVD.
These are fair points. But on the flip side, it would be virtually impossible not to show meaningful improvement over last year. Going forward, the talent level will only continue to increase and the investments in the program will begin paying dividends. The conditions are right to show a good trajectory of improvement because there is basically nowhere to go but up.
where does Alex Donna get his info?

He’s saying that Miami had to pay a buyout to Mich for Gattis and that Miami has a sizable buyout to get rid of Gattis currently.

Both are wrong…. 100% wrong
Donno does a good job on that pod that he has to do daily. He likely doesn’t have insiders himself but has to rely on others like Blue, Gabby, CIS, Schodell, etc to get info. Some of it is bad info and other is not.

I think he definitely reads CIS, though. Waving to Donno

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So I guess the Penn State WR job isn't a given? I was reading their boards and his name rarely comes up. And even if it did, it was with fairly mixed opinions..some of them even think there may some beef between Franklin and Gattis.

No job is a given for him or the departed announcement would have made. Still waiting on the soft landing for him
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