Josh Gattis (before its deleted)

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Relax. Soon.
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Just trying to figure out why when I brought up something like this it's a porst but when other's do it's not?
dude i dont read every post on this board and i dont keep track of what everyone posts all the time

the fact that it keeps getting brought up with you consistently should tell you something, and if it doesn't, i cannot help you and certianly am not bothered to do so in my current state.
Pls realize when Mario finally announces his OC, it will be a name that was probably never discussed on this board.
Sorry no Dorsey, Brady, Herman or Mullins.
If you go back to last February it was the same scenario and then Mario came out and announced Gattass.
‘Maybe Applewhite makes a comeback …
But you're making an uninformed assumption. We have no idea what's been going on behind the scenes. For all we know Miami has a post-dated contract with an OC already in place (as an extreme example). We're in the dark. Sit back and go for the ride. But please, I beg you, don't fill in the blanks with arbitrary negativity. It's baseless and unproductive.
bills season is over so Dorsey can be announced right?!?! That’s how this works lol
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