Jon Vilma calls out uncle Luke LOL

Luke's allegience ISNT to UM. Its to the kids he has a relationship with. Thats where you guys get it wrong. Vilma is alumni and a donor, Luke's not on his level. Luke coaches these kids and has a relationship with a bunch..Vilma is not plugged in or on his level there either.

This page is going on 7 pages and still no answer to what kids were STEERED to FSU. Saying FSU got Miami kids means what?. They always have..Luke unless he coached them wasnt the reason for Miami kids going there. Only kid they got Luke relations with were Freeman and Emmitt Rice a lb..a kid we passed on and didnt recruit.
Vilma went with the ether with this Jeez he BOMBED.

I got it wrong by saying that luke’s allegiance isnt to UM but Vilma’s is? You basically repeated the conclusions of my post and then told me I was wrong
I forgot his wife represents Freeman! Freeman is only her client though, so I can't say he's pushing kids to her, outside of Freeman. But I still wouldn't consider Luke a pure street agent tho, cause he's been a high school coach for so long. Now there's some folks that were on podcast with this site that you can consider as Street agent, but I digress with that one.

Here's the rub, so people will hate Luke no matter what, and most people will love Vilma. But if you don't think folks are shopping these kids to the highest bidder, you're sadly mistaken. There's folks on Miami staff right now that was doing that on the 7 on 7 scene, you can bet that. I just don't think Luke purely falls into that Street agent category, but pushing kids to his wife, possibly. Are you really mad at that tho, considering we had a former writer basically doing the same thing, IJS!

100% agree. Can't call him a street agent and he calls out the university and staff on twitter like 80% of the posters on here if we are being real
What was his cut for Artie Burns?..Joe Yearby?..Mike Smith?? asking for a friend. I aint riding with Luke on the trolling he does to um fans..and the stupid sh*t he says. But street agent bs..makes no sense. Considering he doesnt have that level of kids to...SELL. Street agents are usually in the 7 on 7 game..because its a non stop group of ranked kids..that you get to parade around in the off season for "unofficial visits" paid for by the COLLEGES. Street agents are seldom just based out of a high school, they usually have some extra entity associated with the high school. Luke was coaching at Miami Jackson and i believe Miami Edison now, those schools aint producing 3 star level recruits any more. Those schools best kids are going to FAU and FIU who arent PAYING for sh*t.

Luke's wife is an agent i believe now though, so maybe thats where the belief comes from. But Luke didnt just start doing this as of recent. He started the league when i was a kid, and helped kids that you dont know because...well you dont know or dont care unless its a prospect. So are there going to be post on the board about Craig from the projects who was able to make it to college and is now a teacher in Broward County that made it from playing ball in Liberty City then high school..which got him an athletic scholarship to a div 2 school?.

I’m only going to post this once because it hits close to home, you don’t know who I am, and I’m more familiar with youth football in south Florida than you might think I am. I’ll leave my online persona and be real here.

For many years, financially, and with personal involvement and volunteering, I have strongly supported youth leagues and clubs in south Florida. Both football and track. Youth boys, and boys and girls in track. I’ve been and spent considerable time in just about every venue in Dade and Broward. I’ve been around the block around a couple of times.

Luke isn’t the only one “helping” kids out there. By a long shot. The guys you don’t hear about are the guys that the do the most.

The people I partnered with are mostly AA professionals, some are coaches, but also minority professionals who care to set a positive example. These are top notch people who only give their time to try to better young men and show them through sports there are other options in life. They try to bring discipline and teamwork into their lives. Some of these kids eventually go on to be high school and college stars. Most don’t. But at least they’ve seen what a successful man looks like, how he acts, and how he carries himself.

Sure kids have been helped in Luke’s youth leagues. But there are are other leagues too they could have gone too. He can’t get his studs without the average players too. There’s other youth coaches in Dade that aren’t pimping kids and are actually only doing it for the kids. Just not Luke. Like he’s the only one.

That’s all I’m saying on this.
Nope...Bama came after...Amari was under the radar.,,until he started tearing up the camp scene
I hear u but even if he came out with it bama would of closed vs AG.....i know its all what ifs at this point but my koney is on bama flipping him. That was a kid who had his room orange and green and if it was his dream he would of stayed
Vilma the real sellout. What has he done to help the community?

I'll wait...
Luke used to be a fan but when u get involved with the hs kids it forces u to just help the kids which means whatever team u liked u better give that **** up. Vilma doesnt have to do what Luke does cause Vilmas rich. Thats why i would never get involved if it were me cause i wouldnt be able to send kids anywhere else fuq it ill get fired.
I'm not worried about FSU. Outside of Dalvin Cook I can't recall anybody I wanted that bad. Even Freeman nobody but Luke thought he would be this good. We need to be worried about Alabama, Clemson and Georgia. Let's just be honest if we had Jameis we probably win 3-4 more of those games in the series.
Luke used to be a fan but when u get involved with the hs kids it forces u to just help the kids which means whatever team u liked u better give that **** up. Vilma doesnt have to do what Luke does cause Vilmas rich. Thats why i would never get involved if it were me cause i wouldnt be able to send kids anywhere else fuq it ill get fired.

I have to disagree, D. The minute you come out and say you'll snitch out your team if they don't start your preferred QB, you've lost your fan card.
I wouldn't go so far as to call JV a sellout, but somebody who was rubbin' elbows with one of the biggest Ponzi schemers America has ever seen should look in the mirror before calling somebody a fraud...especially when He was more complicit in Miami kids going to FSU than Luke.

Look at this fake-**** "Cane fan" who is obviously a rival fan. He keeps RIDING this nonsense about Shapiro.

Here's the simple thing about "Ponzi schemers"...they conceal the fact that they are Ponzi schemers. To keep regurgitating this BS about Jonathan Vilma "rubbin' elbows" with a Ponzi schemer, this porster makes it clear that he is not a Miami fan.

NONE of those players knew what Shapiro did or how he made his money. In their eyes, he was a booster who was generous. Nothing more, nothing less. Living in Miami for a couple of decades, I've gone on boat rides with guys who have a LOT more money than Shapiro ever had. Who knows how they acquired all of their wealth. "Rubbin' elbows" with wealthy people who live in Miami doesn't mean you are some sort of accomplice if you later find out something bad about those people.

But this numb-nuts is going to keep attacking Jonathan Vilma, over and over and over again.

No exaggeration, no joke, this CaneSince4Ever fraud needs to be banned immediately. He continues to slander Vilma for no good reason and he needs to leave the site for good.
Luke used to be a fan but when u get involved with the hs kids it forces u to just help the kids which means whatever team u liked u better give that **** up. Vilma doesnt have to do what Luke does cause Vilmas rich. Thats why i would never get involved if it were me cause i wouldnt be able to send kids anywhere else fuq it ill get fired.

But he hasn't given up being a "fan". He doesn't act like one, but he still wears Miami sht and acts like his voice needs to be heard. If he wants to be fair and "do what's best for the kids" that's great, but he shouldn't expect to be a Cane. As far as I can tell, he's still trying to do both.
I wouldn't go so far as to call JV a sellout, but somebody who was rubbin' elbows with one of the biggest Ponzi schemers America has ever seen should look in the mirror before calling somebody a fraud...especially when He was more complicit in Miami kids going to FSU than Luke.

You keep going hard for puke.

Anybody that slanders Vilma , like you just did, to white knight for puke, should be on every cane’s permanent shlt list.

It doesn’t get get any lower than that.

Puke is balls deep in you
What was his cut for Artie Burns?..Joe Yearby?..Mike Smith?? asking for a friend. I aint riding with Luke on the trolling he does to um fans..and the stupid sh*t he says. But street agent bs..makes no sense. Considering he doesnt have that level of kids to...SELL. Street agents are usually in the 7 on 7 game..because its a non stop group of ranked kids..that you get to parade around in the off season for "unofficial visits" paid for by the COLLEGES. Street agents are seldom just based out of a high school, they usually have some extra entity associated with the high school. Luke was coaching at Miami Jackson and i believe Miami Edison now, those schools aint producing 3 star level recruits any more. Those schools best kids are going to FAU and FIU who arent PAYING for sh*t.

Luke's wife is an agent i believe now though, so maybe thats where the belief comes from. But Luke didnt just start doing this as of recent. He started the league when i was a kid, and helped kids that you dont know because...well you dont know or dont care unless its a prospect. So are there going to be post on the board about Craig from the projects who was able to make it to college and is now a teacher in Broward County that made it from playing ball in Liberty City then high school..which got him an athletic scholarship to a div 2 school?.
as far as I know his wifes clients are:
Devonta Freeman, Duke Johnson, Durrell Eskridge, EJ Hillard, Ne'Quan Phillips, Jermaine Reve. Stedman Bailey. probably some more.