Jermaine Grace Instagram Post

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God is truly on our side boys. First he gifts our players luxury cars, now a plane.

Praise him
So now that UM has said he can stick around & finish his education he's going to post stupid **** every week? :stupid:
Did he post that before Slater posted his article revealing that car renter sleaze is tied to sports agents?

Shocking news. Who would ever believe that?
No way the car rental sleazeball wanted anything out of this. He just wanted to let broke 19 year olds test drive and depreciate his $300K cars for extended periods. There was never any thought of quid pro quo.

Solid idea accepting the use of those cars. What could ever go wrong?

There's no better business plan than to allow drunken dope smoking college kids to drive your exotic cars for free.

Sounds like the premise of a perfectly reasonable insurance scam. And insurance scamming is a business.
These kids face continuing education from the moment they arrive on campus related to agent interaction.

Most simply choose not to listen and/or believe they will never get caught.

Grace and Muhammed clearly accepted the free rentals in exchange for their verbal agreement to sign with the sports agency associated with the dealership.

Stupidity is not a defense.

Hopefully Miami has enough pull at the Florida Department of Financial Services that they will take this case and make an example of Caballero, Washington and anyone else associated.

Did he post that before Slater posted his article revealing that car renter sleaze is tied to sports agents?

When Sleaze Balls take advantage of young chicks we attack the sleaze ball, but when they take advantage of under privileged young ncaa players it is their responsibility to sort through the trickery and make a responsible decision. Not making excuses, but pointing out the hypocrisy of how we treat issues depending on gender, race, sports, corporate, religious etc.

There's a small difference between a sleazeball drugging a chick and raping her and a sleazeball giving free exotic cars to guys who know clearly that taking them will result in a loss of eligibility and possibly the fcking of his team. I'll let you figure out that slight difference.

I think the sleazeball car renter/wannabe agent should be prosecuted under the Florida criminal statute that criminalizes the actions this pos engaged in.

The sleazeball should definitely face punishment. I empathize with the kids because it's pretty hard to pass up these types of inducements. But they knew it was wrong so now they have to face the consequences. They got in bed with a filthy foreign dog and got fleas.
Shocking news. Who would ever believe that?
No way the car rental sleazeball wanted anything out of this. He just wanted to let broke 19 year olds test drive and depreciate his $300K cars for extended periods. There was never any thought of quid pro quo.

Solid idea accepting the use of those cars. What could ever go wrong?

There's no better business plan than to allow drunken dope smoking college kids to drive your exotic cars for free.

Sounds like the premise of a perfectly reasonable insurance scam. And insurance scamming is a business.

And insurance is a scam as well.
Did he post that before Slater posted his article revealing that car renter sleaze is tied to sports agents?

When Sleaze Balls take advantage of young chicks we attack the sleaze ball, but when they take advantage of under privileged young ncaa players it is their responsibility to sort through the trickery and make a responsible decision. Not making excuses, but pointing out the hypocrisy of how we treat issues depending on gender, race, sports, corporate, religious etc.

There's a small difference between a sleazeball drugging a chick and raping her and a sleazeball giving free exotic cars to guys who know clearly that taking them will result in a loss of eligibility and possibly the fcking of his team. I'll let you figure out that slight difference.

I think the sleazeball car renter/wannabe agent should be prosecuted under the Florida criminal statute that criminalizes the actions this pos engaged in.

The sleazeball should definitely face punishment. I empathize with the kids because it's pretty hard to pass up these types of inducements. But they knew it was wrong so now they have to face the consequences. They got in bed with a filthy foreign dog and got fleas.

100% agree
The only hope which is still going out on a limb is that the NCAA sees the dealership as praying on the "student-athletes"

Who approached who regarding the renting of the vehicles? Did AQM go in and say if you rent me free vehicles I will sign with your Sports agency? Doubtful.

It appears they came to the kids with an offer they stupidly couldn't refuse. Free exotic luxury vehicle rentals for future representation.

At the end of the day, AQM and Grace new better so really not much sympathy if they cannot weazle out.
Did he post that before Slater posted his article revealing that car renter sleaze is tied to sports agents?

When Sleaze Balls take advantage of young chicks we attack the sleaze ball, but when they take advantage of under privileged young ncaa players it is their responsibility to sort through the trickery and make a responsible decision. Not making excuses, but pointing out the hypocrisy of how we treat issues depending on gender, race, sports, corporate, religious etc.

Underprivileged? These athletes are getting an education that would put most folks in triple digit debt. Not to mentions that covers housing, free food for athletes, training resources, and nice gear from Adidas. You're not underprivileged because you can't drive in luxury cars everyday. Most college students are lucky to even have a car. That's a big problem in America. What we think is living in poverty is usually not even close. We compare ourselves to millionaires and think we are underprivileged when most never struggle to eat.
Just read the piece about the rental car company being linked to a sports agency. Yeah, Grace is done. I thought it was a harsh punishment but if that's true, it's spot on.
Please make this stop.

Grace will never play a down of college football again.

He made a deal with a sports agent who provided him with benefits (the exotic car rental).

That selfish ******* deserves everything he is getting.

That sums it up perfectly.He and Muhammed could have destroyed all the positive things that Richt and UM have done recently to set this program on the right path and return us to greatness by being stupid and selfish so they could look cool in rental cars.We still have folks on this board looking to blame others for the actions of those 2 individuals,amazing.Just imagine how hard the NCAA would have crushed us if they were given another chance before our probation ended...smh.
Lawd I hope Grace comes back after first half of the first game like Bobby Boucher came back for the Muddogs! Team would go wild! :U5PyXda:
I think everyone is missing the point here.

We have identified a luxury car rental agency that will actually allow us to take extended test drives for free.

F Football.... I am going to rolling in a new exotic every weekend from here on out.
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