Jennifer Strawley: Our Female Blake James

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No way I can see to attack Bass. She is typical activist of the type I've watched in the ABA leadership. Like Sleazy Steve Zack from Boies' firm. He's a UF guy but plays the political game. People get on me for being political but I know the networks.

Zack made a big deal about being first Hispanic to head up ABA, but I don't hear about he was born in Detroit to Russian-****** parents who moved to Cuba. So he'd fluent in Spanish. So what. He speaks English with a Midwestern Michigan accent. He's not really Hispanic just because he grew up in a Hispanic country.

I could move to Liberty City but it won't make me Black.

I would never trust this woman. She could care less, I'll bet. Football will continue to decline. The masculine nature of the old Miami fanbase will be slowly destroyed.

Now I can understand the desperation on this board.

We're like the Kurds surrounded and fighting off an onslaught of diversity, LGBTQ, women's studies and preferences, etc. Not a bright future for us.
I'm a smelly Wal Mart shopper and feel excluded from Miami football.
What exactly are her responsibilities?

Not saying she's not part of the problem, but I'm not sure how we can just start definitively piling on seeing as 5 days ago most of us didn't even know this woman existed. She gets name dropped and all of a sudden it's open season.

I'm gonna need some more information and specifics before I start going in (and again, I'm not absolving her of anything). I would like to know a little more about her role.
What exactly are her responsibilities?

Not saying she's not part of the problem, but I'm not sure how we can just start definitively piling on seeing as 5 days ago most of us didn't even know this woman existed. She gets name dropped and all of a sudden it's open season.

I'm gonna need some more information and specifics before I start going in (and again, I'm not absolving her of anything). I would like to know a little more about her role.
Dude she was on the search committee (probably 5 total) to hire our coach when we are looking for one every few years.. She is at the table, making decisions.

She is the 2nd in command by title, all her titles are online. Why are some of yall acting completely clueless. Just because you havent heard of her doesnt mean she hasnt been around. She is in pictures, she has titles, she calls shots and holds influence. She has the highest position in ACC football for a women (thats impressive in some ways) but we have sucked the whole time so someone has to be held accountable. She directly impact the football program.

Her specialty is diversity and inclusion, heck didnt Diaz hold a womens football camp? We will probably have womens corches soon. This isnt about targeting anyone, this is about winning, and we suck, and those people at top hold influence need to be held accountable no matter what
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Ok, but what are her day to day responsibilities ? You're saying we're acting clueless, but this woman name has literally never been mentioned before buddy returned a few days ago. And not for nothing, I am clueless on her. Which is why I'm asking to be informed.

I ain't even saying you're wrong and she shouldnt get any blame, I'm just asking how she is responsible, and so far, all I'm hearing is a bunch of titles, tweets, and pictures.

What is her precise role in all of this? I believe that's a fair question. She sat in on the interviews? Cool. But did she have the final say ? Do we even know if she advocated for Manny ?

I dont know, which is why I'm asking for specifics.
My clueless comment was in regards to if she has influence as 2nd in command. Like of course she does, dude blake aint running anything with iron fist. As far as day to day, I have no idea, I dont work in hecht. Her Bio has email and phone #. Someone can do research or just ask her, canesinsight has credentials, maybe they will do a feature on her but she is directly tied to everything UM, if people think she doesnt have impact I dont know what to say.
My clueless comment was in regards to if she has influence as 2nd in command. Like of course she does, dude blake aint running anything with iron fist. As far as day to day, I have no idea, I dont work in hecht. Her Bio has email and phone #. Someone can do research or just ask her, canesinsight has credentials, maybe they will do a feature on her but she is directly tied to everything UM, if people think she doesnt have impact I dont know what to say.
I deleted my post. I did some research on her actual responsibilities.

Saw this in her bio:
Strawley played a key role in the hiring of head football coach Mark Richt, serving on the selection committee.

Which wasn't a bad hire, besides the whole being his own OC and hiring his son as a Qb coach.
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Well, there's some thickness for you. Anybody want to hit them his up? Not me.

***** has no rings. Lez or just too ugly/*****?

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Just reading about wonder football will decline. I get it now. All "diversity and inclusion"."

Former president of American Bar Association. The worst people head up that Steve Zack, another slimeball from Miami.

These are the kind of people who have driven me from the Democratic Party.
She has a family. Definitely has a history with men. Actually was pretty cute when she came to UM Law. Before Law School she was an actress on a daytime soap called Somerset (with a young Ted Danson).

Her time as prez of the ABA was an absolute embarrassment. Developed a Fact Check Website that cannot even be used by law firms because it is extremely biased. Spent all her time getting extreme with politics. Al the while we watch the UM Law School complete become a sh*tshow. It is now way behind UF, FSU, and even FIU. We can’t even get 80% of our grads who take the Florida Bar to pass. That is embarrassing

And let’s not forget that she has chased a lot of great professors out and replaced them with obscure ones. We used to be a Top 40 undergrad and in a couple years we will be well below FSU and grasping to stay in the Top 80

But, hey, at least we will all be gender fluid and have a campus full of safe spaces
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how much influence can this lady really have?
Was just wondering the same thing. Not defending her but other than a cryptic tweet from Pete implying blame, what was her role in hiring Manny and not conducting a real coaching search?
I deleted my post. I did some research on her actual responsibilities.

Saw this in her bio:
Strawley played a key role in the hiring of head football coach Mark Richt, serving on the selection committee.

Which wasn't a bad hire, besides the whole being his own OC and hiring his son as a Qb coach.
That's the reason for his failure. :hammering-head:

It's like saying Stalin wasn't so bad except for the purges.
If you think our Chairwoman of the Board is really in it to do the right things and promote diversity and women’s betterment in the C-Suite, just remember she was the one at Greenberg Traurig that was telling the females to keep quiet when they were trying to file a suit when they were not getting paid their bonuses.

She is nothing more than an aspiring politician, listening to Donna Shalala about what to (pretend to) fight for and raise money for. Make Miami “more diverse” even if it means getting rid of the best professors and giving scholarships to kids who couldn’t get in to FIU.

Academics at Miami are officially less prestigious than Florida State, but we’ve made her voting base happy.

Lmao. Yall keep defending this ****. No wonder we suck.
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