Jeff Scott as OC?

Jeff Scott is definitely a stud I just havent researched him because I dont see a chance of Clamson letting him go with what he has done with the WRs
If we want him, we get him simple. Coming to The U is a promo for him because he will be the one and only OC and calls all plays. Plus full autonomy to run the offense. Clemson can't match these.
If we want him, we get him simple. Coming to The U is a promo for him because he will be the one and only OC and calls all plays. Plus full autonomy to run the offense. Clemson can't match these.

That is way too reductionist - it is not that simple at all. Clemson has much more leverage than you acknowledge. Without knowing what the future of Tony Elliot is, and whether he has ambitions to be a HC, Clemson could very well have an agreement with Scott that he assumes the full-time play calling duties if Elliot bounces. Scott is a native son, both a player and a coach (as is Elliot) - if Clemson values him highly, you can be certain that it will come down to much more than "if we want him, we get him." The promise to possibly be the next full-time Clemson OC, replete with having the best QB talent in college football for the next few years, on a team and organization run by professionals as opposed to the Gables clown show creates many more variables than your post framed.
Scott was born in Arcadia, FL. In early 90,s his Father was offensive Coordinator at FSU. His Father was head coach after that at SC. Whe fired bySC his Father then hired by Clemson. Most of his school years spent in SC but not a native.. . Most of his formative years in SC though.
I wonder if all this hesitation by the OC candidates is due to our QB situation.

Any OC gotta be wondering do we even have a QB to run a decent offense.

We all think Jarren is that guy but most everyone thought this about Perry.

Just wondering.
Scott has never called plays.

How is that not a red flag?

Experience is overrated. UGA, Clemson, UCF, and Oklahoma all hired head coaches with no experience, and thats a tougher job than OC. Seemed to work out. If a guy has no experience, you get him on a cheap contract with an easy buyout. You dont get the next Lincoln Riley by hiring failed retreads. If the first time OC stinks, fire him and get someone new. Personally, I'd roll the dice on Bedenbaugh.
Jeff Scott would be a MUCH better hire than Applewhite. He also coaches Clemson's WRs who perform at an elite level. He also recruits WRs at an elite level. He was also Clemson's recruiting coordinator for 6 years. He's an elite recruiter.
Easy to recruit at Clemson just like at Bama if you win big and have bags.
His pops was the real inventor of the fast break offense at FSU. Richt learned it from him. Maybe he coaxes him out of rerirement to coach the OL (kidding...)
Please be true! This is the dude that splashes

**** no to Applewhite
honest question, why would anyone be more excited about scott than Applewhite?

one has called plays at the highest level and had moderate success. One isn't a playcaller and coaches second hand on a team that has the 2nd most talented qb in the nation, a Heisman worthy RB, one of the best OL, and is vastly superior to any other team on their schedule
That is way too reductionist - it is not that simple at all. Clemson has much more leverage than you acknowledge. Without knowing what the future of Tony Elliot is, and whether he has ambitions to be a HC, Clemson could very well have an agreement with Scott that he assumes the full-time play calling duties if Elliot bounces. Scott is a native son, both a player and a coach (as is Elliot) - if Clemson values him highly, you can be certain that it will come down to much more than "if we want him, we get him." The promise to possibly be the next full-time Clemson OC, replete with having the best QB talent in college football for the next few years, on a team and organization run by professionals as opposed to the Gables clown show creates many more variables than your post
That is way too reductionist - it is not that simple at all. Clemson has much more leverage than you acknowledge. Without knowing what the future of Tony Elliot is, and whether he has ambitions to be a HC, Clemson could very well have an agreement with Scott that he assumes the full-time play calling duties if Elliot bounces. Scott is a native son, both a player and a coach (as is Elliot) - if Clemson values him highly, you can be certain that it will come down to much more than "if we want him, we get him." The promise to possibly be the next full-time Clemson OC, replete with having the best QB talent in college football for the next few years, on a team and organization run by professionals as opposed to the Gables clown show creates many more variables than your post framed.
A bird in hand is better than 2 in the woods. Certainly, getting the OC job at The U presently with full control of the offense is better than a future promise for the same position from Clemson that may never materialize.
Jeff Scott would be a MUCH better hire than Applewhite. He also coaches Clemson's WRs who perform at an elite level. He also recruits WRs at an elite level. He was also Clemson's recruiting coordinator for 6 years. He's an elite recruiter.
I can dig this
This is the kind of up and comer move you make. Someone who has been around a successful program and knows what it takes to win. Hopefully Manny can close the deal
A bird in hand is better than 2 in the woods. Certainly, getting the OC job at The U presently with full control of the offense is better than a future promise for the same position from Clemson that may never materialize.

I doubt we have the same understanding of the meaning the word "certainly," but it matters not and we shall see. He would be a fine adfition to our firm if the CEO so chooses.
honest question, why would anyone be more excited about scott than Applewhite?

one has called plays at the highest level and had moderate success. One isn't a playcaller and coaches second hand on a team that has the 2nd most talented qb in the nation, a Heisman worthy RB, one of the best OL, and is vastly superior to any other team on their schedule
Scott would be a fail imo