Jarren Williams is the QB moving forward

I know man, Manny handled the OC hire like it was some super elite state secret. Telling us we're getting a modern, spread offense that puts our playmakers in space, etc. He gets Tate and all Indications are we'll see what we've been screaming for for years, then we get stuck with the same, pro style, slow, PA BS Stubborn offense. This **** is getting so old.

I know man. Applewhite would have been a way better hire. Why bring tate in if you dont plan on using the offense that suits his skills? Also if you have a bad line then tates skills are even more valuable.

These coaches are liars. Manny screamed miami was going to be innovative and unpredictable on offense and we look no different other than some motion.
I know man. Applewhite would have been a way better hire. Why bring tate in if you dont plan on using the offense that suits his skills? Also if you have a bad line then tates skills are even more valuable.

These coaches are liars. Manny screamed miami was going to be innovative and unpredictable on offense and we look no different other than some motion.
Exactly how I feel and have thought since the UF game. **** feels like Richt with motion
You left out the part where Perry was coming off the come from behind win against FSU that made peeps want to give him a little more leeway in his first ever road game. Maybe it was the gritty performance against CMU that makes you think Williams earned to right to keep playing after looking like dog crap to start the game at home against a terrible VT team.
and off of a bye week. The seasons over, lets see TATHAN
Exactly how I feel and have thought since the UF game. **** feels like Richt with motion

Its terrible. All i wanted this season was hope for the future but that is gone in 5 games. Manny has no clue how to be a head coach. Baker is not good and enos is trash.

Diaz only hope is to fire everyone and start fresh. If not he will be gone very early in his coaching career
You left out the part where Perry was coming off the come from behind win against FSU that made peeps want to give him a little more leeway in his first ever road game. Maybe it was the gritty performance against CMU that makes you think Williams earned to right to keep playing after looking like dog crap to start the game at home against a terrible VT team.

You left out the part where everyone said Williams is the best qb in the last 15 years at UM after the Florida game.
Bud Foster finally pulled the covers off the Jarren smoke and mirrors show. Just sit on the short stuff and make Jarren have to throw it over the top and it turned into 3 picks in his first 6 passes. Buddy didn’t get the chance to dink and dunk his way to 70% completions and no int while failing to convert on 3rd downs.

The first one was PI and deflected into the air. Not necessarily Jarrens fault. The other two were bad. One was actually a longer throw that was under thrown.
Good point though on Fosters plan for Williams.
Maybe I’m looking for excuses for Jarren but his throws didn’t seem to have as much zip. They mentioned his shoulder being an issue this week? He didn’t look as crisp at all today and it obviously showed.
I am convinced that college football coaching is a fake it till u make it industry. Talk a good game, get hired on a contract, get paid. If u suck get fired and be a position corch. If u talk a really really good game u keep getting head jobs.