Jarren Williams is the QB moving forward

Don’t disagree with Shanny Diaf. Perry is not very good and Williams is our long term answer. Williams had a sh1tty game but Perry is not the guy

I disagree with Williams being the long term answer. He's a less accurate brad kaaya. He'll have impressive numbers, but won't get you any key/signature wins
If your qb cannot throw the deep ball then you don't have a legit qb, it's like having a point guard in the nba who sucks at ball handling

Throwing three interceptions in one quarter is pretty bad, but three on the year is actually pretty good. Neither of us attended the closed practices this fall, so not sure how we will know who performed better with a lot more samples.
Perry deserved first team reps in practice, who starts depends on who wants it more in practice. Making a statement that Williams should start next week shows Manny makes bad decisions. Hope he learns from it.
Throwing three interceptions in one quarter is pretty bad, but three on the year is actually pretty good. Neither of us attended the closed practices this fall, so not sure how we will know who performed better with a lot more samples.

he sucks, dink and dunk all year, vetch showed zero respect with both saftties in the box, book is out that williams is rosier.
move on kid sucks
Bud Foster finally pulled the covers off the Jarren smoke and mirrors show. Just sit on the short stuff and make Jarren have to throw it over the top and it turned into 3 picks in his first 6 passes. Buddy didn’t get the chance to dink and dunk his way to 70% completions and no int while failing to convert on 3rd downs.
What are you talking about? After the first drive, that's what UF did. That's what UNC tried to do but at times but didn't have the talent to do it the whole game. Even CMU did it. And two of the interceptions (the tipped pass to Harley and the last one to Brevin) were within 10 yards of the line of scrimmage. There was nothing Foster did to "pull the covers off" of Jarren. He just played poorly.
Manny is not gonna say " we have a QB controversy." Or "Perry is the starter for UVA." Lol the game is Thursday, Williams will start but Perry will come in. Let UVA prepare for both of them. Trust me, I rather ride and die by Perry at QB. Williams does not pose a threat down field. We will never outscore our opponent with Williams n we need to since our defense can't stop anyone.
Was anyone else utterly embarrassed when the announcer was citing Shanny’s credentials and made the point to say “and then he was with us here at ESPN....” wtf... a former ESPN film room editor is now the HC for the University of Miami.
Was anyone else utterly embarrassed when the announcer was citing Shanny’s credentials and made the point to say “and then he was with us here at ESPN....” wtf... a former ESPN film room editor is now the HC for the University of Miami.
Our season is over. Ain't no saving it. If Williams is our future than let him ride it out.

Is he the future???? I would feel better if we had a better OC but with these guys I didn't see much from Williams. To be fair I do think the
Does anyone else notice the timing and chemistry Jordan and Thomas have with N’Kosi?

that not coincidence. Thomas has been quiet all year and right when Perry comes into the game we start hearing Thomas number thru out the game.
If these coaches can't see how much the offense improved under Perry they are deaf ,dumb and blind

agree but I also think us being down by 4TDs forced Enos to open the game up. Right when Miami cut the lead by half then we saw Enos bring Perry back under the center. I don't trust Enos scheme at all moving forward. Even if we start Perry I believe Enos scheme will fail him too
Don’t disagree with Shanny Diaf. Perry is not very good and Williams is our long term answer. Williams had a sh1tty game but Perry is not the guy

I think Jarren is the guy too but not sure why our fans are getting too worked up over manny’s comments. 5 days before McCloud announced his redshirt, Diaz said McCloud wouldn’t redshirt.

Perry could easily play again against UVA
Does anyone else notice the timing and chemistry Jordan and Thomas have with N’Kosi?

They can run longer routes and the ball has a chance to get there.

Perry definitely was the best option today. I felt as if we could have hit a big play at any time. In fact, was livid when Enos called the asinine screen pass on 3rd and 20. It was properly wiped out for next to nothing. By that point we had already demonstrated that 20+ yard pass plays were out there, and in abundance.

I'd prefer Perry because he can escape pressure and then slide along behind the line of scrimmage, keeping the play alive while receivers improvise. That type of play is becoming more and more prevalent and dangerous in college and pro football. When you throw it from so close to the line of scrimmage it is also much easier to have a dagger play of 20+ yards.

Regardlless, details and comparisons don't mean much of anything. If we keep using quarterbacks of this level we'll continue to be an 8-4 type program. Even at 2-3 and coming off a 7-6 season we are still an 8-4 level program. No reason to adjust downward just like there has never been any reason to adjust upward from 8-4.

On the 560 talk show following the game coverage the first thing the host emphasized was that the Canes needed an elite quarterback. Absolutely. Our talent level is not going to allow any type of meaningful advance unless we have that freak quarterback. This site overstates Canes talent level all the time. Meanwhile Alabama is projected to have a wave of first round draft picks next season, on both sides of the ball.