Jarren Williams is the QB moving forward

Honestly it really doesn't matter who the QB is, the season is over. Manny only has to decide if he is building for the future or does he want to win with Perry but maybe lose JW in the end. Up to him but I still expect him to be gone in the next two years anyway.
Not saying who should be qb but manny needs to watch the god**** film first and evaluate all positions before naming starters
Honestly it really doesn't matter who the QB is, the season is over. Manny only has to decide if he is building for the future or does he want to win with Perry but maybe lose JW in the end. Up to him but I still expect him to be gone in the next two years anyway.

You play the best player and the best player is clearly NOT Jarren williams.
Well my logic comes from me thinking Williams has more potential than Perry as a QB. But that's just my opinion.

I've been supporting Williams for the most part but what is this based on, exactly? You want a game manager who completes lots of short passes and doesn't take any risks (or make any plays) with a team that needs a guy to take risks and make plays? Particularly with a team that is loaded with penalties, poor kicking game, a declining defense?

Hmm. Ok.
LOL aight listen to me people, this is how stupid our coaches are.

our starting quarterback throws 3 int's in 6 passes, then he gets pulled. Our back up qb then leads us back down 28-0 to what SHOULD have been a 36-35 win

...so so guys guess what!?!!?! After tossing well over 400 yards through the air with no running game and bringing us all the way back, we're gonna roll with jarren.

we're done people, diaz is a ******* idiot, he has a ******* idiot staff.

I just wish the guy would re-watch the game when he gets home on youtube ( not his own game tape) and see what the fans saw.
Kosi just threw 4 touchdowns and 422 yards in his first real action this year and put up numbers (not even playing full game) that we should have AT LEAST had against that trash team.
It did seem too that Enos was willing to do more shotgun and spread with him too...so just for that I am ready to go with Kosi even though I really like what JW has to offer
2 of those were really good plays by the defense. I get it, Williams played bad, but he has shown the ability to not throw interceptions all season.

He also has shown the ability to not make any plays (and I like lots of completes passes). You and page want a game manager. That works when you have a great defense, good special teams, and a running game. We have none of those three.

We need a playmaker at this point.
I've been supporting Williams for the most part but what is this based on, exactly? You want a game manager who completes lots of short passes and doesn't take any risks (or make any plays) with a team that needs a guy to take risks and make plays? Particularly with a team that is loaded with penalties, poor kicking game, a declining defense?

Hmm. Ok.
Just simple mechanics I feel like a QB should have. I do like the fact he at least tries to look through his reads... Perry stares his primary wr down every play. But honestly, it is hard to judge both when our oline is so horrible. I will say, Perry has shown he is definitely better with a bad oline than Williams tho.