Jarren Williams and the continued mismanagement of the QB position

Sorry for not really reading past this but the whole "If a guy is not ready" is an extremely self-gratifying "box" to put yourself in and close out anything or anyone that disagrees.

If a guy is not ready for what? Leading us back when we're down 21 with 6 minutes left? Or simply getting reps?
If a kid is not "ready" for the latter,...he shouldn't even be here to begin with.

But it's neither here nor there from your standpoint because you can claim every single player that hasn't played as "not ready." Then when they play and show that they're "ready",....you get to say "You see? He waited. Great job!!" There's no room to budge your mind on the entire roster. Why even discuss it?

Malik Rosier had no business being named the starter this year. He's the one that wasn't "ready" and never will be, because he can't throw. N'Kosi isin't "ready" to lead a Hesiman campaign, but as we've seen, he sould've been the starter against LSU.

On the flipside, the defense has gotten reps to plenty of kids that weren't "ready" and their psyche isin't destroyed for their next 4 years or any stupid, ancient, trivial mess like that.

IMO,...if you're going to delegate yourself to the "they're not ready" box then stay in that box and you really have no further imput on the situation. The Leave it to those of us that are interested in playing time and game clock management instead of simply bleeding 12 games for as much as you can. I mean the point of the game after all IS for entertainment and enjoyment,...not ending every game with a lead as soon as you can.

Any possible coach for a program like this that has zero interest in putting an entertaining product on the field shouldn't have this job.
Ummm kosi was suspended for LSU..but other than that he was barley slightly better than rosier this season.
But It comes down to this:
The coaches are at practice and meetings, not us. We as fans have a satellite view. They come out each week with a depth chart that indicates clearly if THEY BELIEVE guys are ready to contribute or not. And when u isolate it to the QB position it’s even more true (so to compare those reps to those of a LB or defensive player is not fair). Jarren Williams has been battling for the 3rd string position all year. Even in clips of practice he gets mostly 4th reps when Cade is off the weed. So since we see the depth chart, clips from practice etc etc, one can hypothesize that the coaches don’t believe Williams is ready for any true meaningful snaps. Same argument was made for perry to play last year. Yet he was 3rd in the depth chart behind Evan. If a QB is 3rd or further in the depth chart, generally that guy will only see the field in emergency situations. Or in complete blowouts (Savannah st.)

So it’s not me putting my self in a “box”. Once again i, nor or u or anybody else around here are in practice or the meetings.

So since jarren is 4th (or battling for the 3rd spot) on the depth chart, I concur that the COACHING STAFF who is at practice don’t believe Williams is ready to enter a 24- 3 game with 10 minutes left to play were one mistake like a botched snap or miscommunication on a handoff could make the game more interesting .
Ummm kosi was suspended for LSU..

So then the starter should've been on the bench for a week.

but other than that he was barley slightly better than rosier this season.

One guy can throw a football and the other guy - as he proved during our last 4 games of the previous season - can't. #KeepItSimple

The coaches are at practice and meetings, not us.

The fans discuss the games and practices and meetings on CanesInsight, not them.

We as fans have a satellite view.

Yet, I didn't need DirecTV to tell you that every FBS team in the country knew Rosier can't throw.

....that indicates clearly if THEY BELIEVE guys are ready to contribute or not.

You're contradicting yourself. You couldn't possibly know that, based on what you've said. Satellite view, remember?

2ndly,...It's perfectly within bounds to discuss here, with reason, that WE BELIEVE that maybe THEY BELIEVE the wrong things in some cases, possibly being too stubborn, senile and/or unfit for their job.

You're only digging yourself deeper and deeper down that rabbit hole.
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So then the starter should've been on the bench for a week.
Lol kosi..after Toledo and since FAMU (after his 1 game suspension) was given every oppotunity to take a grasp of the position..vs UNC he was solid.
He was given the start vs FSU. He did what he had to do to win but 13-32 is far from impressive..named the starter for UVA coming off a bye week he **** the bed..if kosi had came out and lit it up like many of you swore he would, rosier would be a distant memory.
So then the starter should've been on the bench for a week.

One guy can throw a football and the other guy - as he proved during our last 4 games of the previous season - can't. #KeepItSimple

The fans discuss the games and practices and meetings on CanesInsight, not them.

Yet, I didn't need DirecTV to tell you that every FBS team in the country knew Rosier can't throw.

You're contradicting yourself. You couldn't possibly know that, based on what you've said. Satellite view, remember?

2ndly,...It's perfectly within bounds to discuss here, with reason, that WE BELIEVE that maybe THEY BELIEVE the wrong things in some cases, possibly being too senile and/or unfit for their job.

You're only digging yourself deeper and deeper down that rabbit hole.
Lmao when evidence is placed in front of y’all you still push the same narrative. I’m done
Lol kosi..after Toledo and since FAMU (after his 1 game suspension) was given every oppotunity to take a grasp of the position..vs UNC he was solid.

Not going to get into all of that. One guy can at least throw,...the other guy showed the nation on our 4 game losing streak that he can't. Yet back in mid-July,...he was named the starter. And no,...we weren't switching to the Option or Paul Johnson's offense or anything. We were going to once again expect him to do something all season that he simply cant do (i.e.,...throw the football). HUGE BLUNDER and it's really just that simple.

Richt's words....

“Malik is without a doubt the No. 1 quarterback going into fall camp,” Richt said. “And right this minute, I’m not sure anybody is going to be able to unseat him, at least going into Game 1.
He made some great plays with his wheels, he ran the ball well and did some things that if he doesn’t do the things that he did, we probably don’t win 10 games last year. Then at the end, we all know we had our struggles as a team. But the quarterback always takes the brunt of it. But I do know this as I went back to study everything, the bigger the pocket was, the better he threw the ball. Can you imagine that? The more space he had, the more time he had, guess what he threw it a lot better.

Those words scared me back then just as much as they do now. "Malik" got us to win 10 games because he was the starter,....but when we lost 4, we lost as a team.

Giving him credit for the past instead of being focused on what's going on NOW in Canes practices are not the words of an objective person that's being objective in the decision making,...whether it be the depth chart or plays called in games. But that's me from my satellite,...lol.

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If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck,...it turns out that it's a duck and I don't need to be in meetings every week to see such. He's a much better football coach than I'll ever be. That doesn't make him a competent playcaller for the Miami Hurricanes. You see how one reality doesn't automatically negate another?? Logically,...this is where you fail at.

His words before the season revealed then and now that he probably shouldn't have autonomy in making these decisions. We don't have an OC and we desperately need one.
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Not going to get into all of that. One guy can at least throw,...the other guy showed the nation on our 4 game losing streak that he can't. Yet back in mid-July,...he was named the starter. And no,...we weren't switching to the Option or Paul Johnson's offense or anything. We were going to once again expect him to do something all season that he simply cant do (i.e.,...throw the football). HUGE BLUNDER and it's really just that simple.

Richt's words....


Those words scared me back then just as much as they do now. "Malik" got us to win 10 games because he was the starter,....but when we lost 4, we lost as a team.

Giving him credit for the past instead of being focused on what's going on NOW in Canes practices are not the words of an objective person that's being objective in the decision making,...whether it be the depth chart or plays called in games. But that's me from my satellite,...lol.

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If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck,...it turns out that it's a duck and I don't need to be in meetings every week to see such. He's a much better football coach than I'll ever be. That doesn't make him a competent playcaller for the Miami Hurricanes. You see how one reality doesn't automatically negate another?? Logically,...this is where you fail at.

His words before the season revealed then and now that he probably shouldn't have autonomy in making these decisions. We don't have an OC and we desperately need one.
what were Perry’s numbers on the year. Post them
I think Pricht is scared to play him cause he doesn’t want anyone to know he sucks like the rest of the QB’s he and Jr have brought in.At least now things will quiet down a little with people expecting JW to come in and light it up.

He plays and sucks and all the quiet becomes an uproar.Richt has enough problems now with this fanbase screaming for a bunch of changes.With the fans thinking JW is the answer quiets at least a part of the noise.If he was to come in and suck the heat on him and his idiot son would get unreal.
At the end of the day we can say all the crap about Richt but he has been around good QB play and awful QB play. I'm sure Richt doesn't want to lose. Perry/Weldon/Williams had to be AWFUL in practice to not beat out Rosier.

Perry's lines against FSU/UVA/Pitt show the guy isn't good enough. Give me a break with the system, if you're just a decent enough QB you aren't doing what you did against those 3 teams
Perry is not a long term answer. Jarren needs a chance. Richt is lost an doesn’t no what to do. IMO expect to see a similar situation as this year with Kosi and Jarren flip flopping.
Perry is not a long term answer. Jarren needs a chance. Richt is lost an doesn’t no what to do. IMO expect to see a similar situation as this year with Kosi and Jarren flip flopping.

I hope not. Battle needs to be won in the spring. And roll with that guy.

Saying that, it would have been classy for CMR to put Rosier in for the last series.
Rosier was worse.

Also undeniably true. My point was about how people thought Perry was for sure going to be awesome and Richt was holding him back for no good reason. Now it's Williams who's obviously amazing if only Richt would play him.

I don't see any reason why one of those two can't be very good, but I also don't see any reason to think either is currently very good. Ride with Perry and see what he does. Williams can have his chance over the off-season.
Absolutely it's Richt's fault, but that doesn't change the fact that he knows what he's seeing in practice. It's very unlikely there's no good reason he's not playing Williams.
That’s like parents blaming the teacher for kids not knowing how to multiply..
No, I don't trust what Richt sees in practice and neither should you. Otherwise, why did he trot out Rosier for half the season when it was clear as day he wasn't the best option? We kept hearing how great Rosier was doing in practice from Richt himself.

Now we're supposed to believe that Jarren isn't as good in practice as Perry? Not buying it. And, even if that's the case, we're talking about practice, man. Not a game. (Spoken in my best Iverson voice.) Some dudes are practice warriors and some show out in games. I prefer me the latter.

Why did he trot out Rosier? Because he valued understanding the play and the coverage over talent. To think Perry was clearly better, you have to ignore a lot of what being a QB is about. It's totally fair to disagree with Richt's assessment, but understand that there's more to the job and Rosier is better at some things than Perry.
Our Receivers lead the universe in drops. Cager langham Harley Njoku havent improved. Pope isn’t ready they say. What does Dugans do besides recruit? dude probably spends entire practices teaching them how to block instead of catch

He fights Jeff Thomas at practice lmao. They square up on the 50 yd line
That’s like parents blaming the teacher for kids not knowing how to multiply..

It would be if I were giving Richt a pass, but I'm not. I think you missed my original point, which was that it's silly to think that Williams is currently good enough to be the saviour, but Richt's not playing him out of stupidity. I used the Perry situation to say that sometimes having real good HS highlights doesn't mean a kid is ready to play right now.

Just calling for a bit of caution. I'm not sure why I bother.
It would be if I were giving Richt a pass, but I'm not. I think you missed my original point, which was that it's silly to think that Williams is currently good enough to be the saviour, but Richt's not playing him out of stupidity. I used the Perry situation to say that sometimes having real good HS highlights doesn't mean a kid is ready to play right now.

Just calling for a bit of caution. I'm not sure why I bother.
Yea..You make some good points
Not getting Williams some much needed live reps is head scratcher for sure. A lot of what this staff does makes you scratch your head, so I guess it shouldn’t be surprising. Why not put Williams in the 4q with 8 minutes left?
Not getting Williams some much needed live reps is head scratcher for sure. A lot of what this staff does makes you scratch your head, so I guess it shouldn’t be surprising. Why not put Williams in the 4q with 8 minutes left?

Because you think you've got your guy in Perry and he needs all the reps he can get. Or because you've learned your lesson about playing musical QBs. Or maybe because you're dumb.