Rumor Jake Garcia to Nebraska

I think it's a decent conversation. Garcia leaves, we are not looking so good. Portal SUCKS
It’s a decent convo if he was leaving. If that’s the case we can start threads about anybody leaving.

How about this.
Zion is rumored to be leaving To the portal too.
Now that would suck even more.
How about borregales.
Having a conversation about bs speculation being promoted by dudes that barely post is suss AF.
This thread is triple AIDS

Everyone here acted the paranoid hysterical fool during the coaching search. I was embarrassed for them.

Everyone here acted the paranoid hysterical fool during the AD search. I was embarrassed for them.

Everyone here has started acting like the paranoid hysterical fool during the staff search. I am embarrassed for them.

Now this? This board may be a terminal titanic full of irreversible idiocy.

Oh, PS-

Jake Garcia was hosting recruits way back... a week ago. Nuke this stupid-*** thread.
It’s a decent convo if he was leaving. If that’s the case we can start threads about anybody leaving.

How about this.
Zion is rumored to be leaving To the portal too.
Now that would suck even more.
How about borregales.
Having a conversation about bs speculation being promoted by dudes that barely post is suss AF.
Why want to leave when we got MARIO. I don't get it.
Wow a boot for a month? I fūcked up my ankle so many times and I’ve never put anything on it. But then again I’m not playing college football, and I never even went to see the doctor for it. Do you know if it was a high ankle sprain or the lower more common variety
I’m in a boot for a month now trying to avoid having to go in for the third time with a knee replacement because it has come loose twice now…They’re hoping the bone will heal around the joint or if not it’s go in for the third time and start all over again…
this. +100

check my receipts as well. they include the analysis of TVD going back to when both Roman and I were posting on TVD after he signed. he was, and is, the real deal.

this is not a knock on Garcia, who is really talented, but the narrative that TVD only became no. 2 because Jake was hurt, just needs to stop. forever.
I know I am going to get knock for posting this. Between Garcia and TVD if i am choosing I am still going with Garcia. I hope the kid does not transfer save this post for future reference, I still say Garcia if still on the roster next year is the future.
I know I am going to get knock for posting this. Between Garcia and TVD if i am choosing I am still going with Garcia. I hope the kid does not transfer save this post for future reference, I still say Garcia if still on the roster next year is the future.
Lashlee had stated that he didn't look at the big plays but right reads. TVD only missed 1 read. He made no mention of Garcias grade but said he made some wrong reads.
I know I am going to get knock for posting this. Between Garcia and TVD if i am choosing I am still going with Garcia. I hope the kid does not transfer save this post for future reference, I still say Garcia if still on the roster next year is the future.

as Cromwell once said: "well then, you are only fit for heaven."
Have you considered reverse psychology? After numerous requests to the Maudes to lock the thread, maybe now we are trying to keep it at the top of the page until a Maude gets angry enough to lock it...
Whether to lock a thread is a more complicated decision than people think in that we want to encourage open discussion.
Its easy to lock a thread if there is something outright offensive in the comments, or if it becomes political. But in those cases we are not locking the thread because we disagree with the content, but because we think the content will take the site in the wrong direction.

Locking this thread because we think it is dumb that people are discussing Garcia transferring, or even dumber that people are discussing whether TVD should start, is a content based decision. And we let the posters decide if they want engage in that discussion, even if every mod disagrees with the central argument.