Jaiden Francois reaction to signing day

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Imagine watching the TV coverage of Miami during Super Bowl Week. Warm, gorgeous weather. Numerous shots of South Beach loaded with scantily-clad women sunbathing by the beautiful torqouis water. Exciting, crowded, decked out and live all week long.

Super Bowl's over. You turn off your TV. You get up and look through the frosted over glass of your dorm room window and stare out wantingly into the cold, dark, empty night. Then it hits you. You're in dreary *** Lincoln, Nebraska. You had every opportunity to remain THERE.

****. You done fvcked up..
Maybe he’s just a fan of Empire Strikes Back and likes to envision that Lincoln, NE is Hoth.

But yes....beautiful sandy beaches exchanged for endless fields of corn. A vibrant city in exchange for a town that has one stop light. Uncle Luke for Uncle Jebediah. Swagger for shivering. Alas, he’ll have all of the popcorn that he could ever want.
I wonder if the dorm rooms still only get dialup?
That rising, screeching sound as you wait for AOL to connect only to see 18K.
I have 2 issues with his tweet. First, assuming the tweet is meant as a put down of Williams' decision, what level of immaturity does this display that Francois would wish something negative on another player? Frankly, I am of the opinion that everyone should wish everyone else well in life, short of someone who is just a terrible person, which I doubt Williams' is at the age of 18. I am thinking bad like; serial killer, rapist, child molester, Stalin, Hitler, Pol Pot. You get the point.
Second, assuming again that Francois is putting down Williams' choice, Francois' twitter handle is jhumble. How moronic must he be to be so arrogant and call one's self "humble".
If my assumption is correct as to Francois' motivation, then he is an absolute moron. I still wish him the best as he has done nothing to hurt me, my loved ones, or society as a whole, but he is an idiot as he apparently does not know the definition of the word "humble"
Stupid fckbag loser. Wait till he’s hanging out in Lincoln in February in 8 degree bone rattling cold. Portal in 3 months.
That weather out there is no joke, it's *** f' out there.. Nebraska probably don't push for OOS recruits to enroll early, they tell them just wait til after graduation!!