Ivins Update On Staff Changes

Manny is obsessed with proving his defense is elite. That’s why he vomits out defensive stats to anyone who listens. He won’t make changes because he truly believes his defense is championship level. His hubris will cost him his job.
Then we play any team not a bottom dweller in the acc and get **** pumped against the run

this is the winner.

What would Manny say about offensive staff members? He'd offer Major Applewhite, Larry Fedora, and Robert Anae...he doesn't know anyone else. Of course he's going to let the OC figure it out. Horton and Craig are good names though...but this just sounds like Ivins digging deep. Craig would be expensive. Currently making 600K at aTm, surely would need a substantial raise to make the move. He's a head hunter though and what we need at WR coach.
How about the four games we lost where we had a lead in the fourth quarter? How about 30 missed tackles against GT? How about giving up 30 points to FIU? How about letting a true freshmen in week two go up and down the field against us?
im not saying that there aren’t changes that could be made on defense. I’m saying that offense was our complete downfall last year. It’s easy to see that. If our defense puts up similar numbers next year we still win a lot more games with a competent offense
Manny doesn't seem like he's going to fire any offensive coaches except Enos. Which honestly is even worse than how he's keeping the D staff intact.
Manny is obsessed with proving his defense is elite. That’s why he vomits out defensive stats to anyone who listens. He won’t make changes because he truly believes his defense is championship level. His hubris will cost him his job.

Exactly....he doing the same thing Golden and Richt......not firing his firends/family even though they are not qualified and under performed...on and off the field

im not saying that there aren’t changes that could be made on defense. I’m saying that offense was our complete downfall last year. It’s easy to see that. If our defense puts up similar numbers next year we still win a lot more games with a competent offense
And I am saying that the defense lost us four games last year even with those stats. Situational defense matters more than stats across a season.