It's Official: California to let college athletes make money, defying NCAA

No minor league. Just overthrow the NCAA and build another one. NCAA not built to deal with the new money.Get lawyers and reps from each conference and reps for the players and create a new and better league. Then they could fix some of the other busted crap in their routines.
Okay. While we're at it we should probably get rid of sports scholarships for players making money. I'd be fine with it if you did that. Make them buy their own mandatory meal plan (like mine was). Make them pay for their own student loans with all the money they're making. ****, what you guys really need to be complaining about is how much the NCAA executives are getting paid and demand that money be donated back into sports programs or something.

Or we could, you know, treat sports scholarships like all other types of scholarships.

If i get a scholarship because I’m good at math, the math department doesn’t tell me that I can’t make money tutoring kids on the side, or that I can’t get a job with some company that needs a math wiz. I can make money and keep my scholarship.

The ncaa forbids athletes to have outside employment. This law offers an alternative to that.
I think the SEC will kick UF out if UF follows Florida law. ACC can benefit if they get out in front. Miami could be a big winner but the ACC will probably try to squash it.

The wildcard would be a school like UCF. Orlando is a massive market and UCF is never going to be allowed into the playoffs anyways as a non P5. Nothing to lose. AAC is also in huge markets. NY, Houston, Orlando. Could flip college football on its head. Now might be a good time for Miami to return to the former Big East and sign those streaming deals with Netflix and Amazon (yes, I know grant of rights to acc- would have to find way to break deal)
What can the acc do? I just seen that florida and south carolina might be passing a similar law soon. So that would include clemson.
Standby while I look up the impact Jordan had on minor league baseball

LOL if you are going to use the impact arguably the most popular athlete in the history of sports had on minor league baseball as support for your argument here. That's not even remotely comparable.

Also, despite the better talent that this minor league would get, the play would be garbage because there would be no money for good coaches, proper training facilities, proper diet, etc.
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THis all started b/c one guy was upset that a phantom player on NCAA 14 had his measurables and his approximate abilities and said that EA was profiting off his likeness...they settled out of court and each athlete got pennies. Turns out the true "victims" got squat, millions of AMericans lost their fav game to play, and the only ones that made any $$ were the lawyers.
Maybe here in a few years, we’ll get a NCAA game not made by EA. Unless EA has that contract that they can dust off.
Long story short people came to see a top athlete play minor league baseball. Typically the top athletes play in the major professional leagues but if you took them out you would see a decline in that sports popularity. What exactly is your argument?

Any NBA D-League team would destroy any college basketball team. Yet, nobody watches the D-league. Any MLB minor league team would destroy any college baseball team. Yet, nobody watches minor league baseball.
It prevents “postsecondary institutions,” from banning kids who have gotten paid. High school is not a post secondary institution

So, a kid who has already completed his high school football career could still sign a deal while still in high school. Same thing. It will massively impact recruiting.
This will only further enrich a handful of elite programs at the expense of everyone.

Things like this never have the intended outcomes.

As an example, if you're an elite player, you'll got to Alabama and wait your turn because you'll be directly compensated to do so. There won't be any incentive to showcase your talents most anywhere else, even if it means more playing time because your "likeness" isn't worth anything nationally unless it's attached to a big brand.
I can just see bama boosters buying 20k worth of
Jerseys and sht for some right guard just so he doesn’t transfer.
So, a kid who has already completed his high school football career could still sign a deal while still in high school. Same thing. It will massively impact recruiting.

You’re completely missing my point and changing it bc you were wrong. I said Nike will funnel these kids to their schools by promising them millions when they sign. They will also be more inclined to pay these kids throughout their high school careers as well.

Have you also forgot who owns Nike? Why would a 5 star kid going for one year not take a million more to go to Oregon bc Knight wants Oregon to win? The shoe companies will set the market and decide what school is good and who isn’t. Recruiting will cease to exist
Any moron acting like this is a good thing shows their lack of intelligence. When does this sh*t end. Does High Schools need to start paying their players now since they charge fans to get into those games as well. You mouth breathers completely forget what the name of the sport you’re following. It’s called College Football. Most of the athletes get paid already in the form of a free education, housing, food, etc that the would have to pay for otherwise. In addition, the NCAA is a membership organization that the each school participates in. They provide the platform for these athletes to be on TV in the first place.
You’re completely missing my point and changing it bc you were wrong. I said Nike will funnel these kids to their schools by promising them millions when they sign. They will also be more inclined to pay these kids throughout their high school careers as well.

Have you also forgot who owns Nike? Why would a 5 star kid going for one year not take a million more to go to Oregon bc Knight wants Oregon to win? The shoe companies will set the market and decide what school is good and who isn’t. Recruiting will cease to exist

Maybe in basketball. The economics in football don’t work like that for the shoe companies, which is why they aren’t involved today.
Eleven pages and almost nothing of substance was written. So what does this mean for college sports?

We would have multiple entities that would need to come together before the player could use the team name, jersey, or even the word NCAA in endorsements/advertisements. In other words, a player could as a person endorse whatever but not could wear his own jersey, mention his team, or even the word NCAA. This is why most advertisements with NFL players they refer to themselves as "pro football players".
  • NCAA
  • Conference
  • School

NCAAPA (NCAA Players Association)
The players will need to unionize so that matters of revenue sharing can be easily resolved. EA will not negotiate with every player they plan to put into an NCAA video game, instead negotiations will be had with representatives of the NCAAPA and NCAA. Players would need to pay union dues to pay for the NCAAPA staff.

Players would need to hire agents
There is no way that a player would be able to handle inquiries, contacts, negotiations, etc. This would be an area where NFL agents get involved in hopes of building a relationship. You would likely see big prospects hire agents coming out of high school to help with college selection.

Players could also sell gear that the schools give to them or buy
I doubt this would be a big issue but a player could not "steal" from the school to sell gear. In other words, Robert Knowles can't go grab 100 jerseys and try and sell them.

The player can endorse whatever but the school and NCAA will have a say
I know many of you think that Kosi is going to be performing in a BangBros episode rocking a UM jersey, but that **** isn't going to happen. Kosi doesn't own the brand and this goes for anything else.

There is not much of an endorsement market for most players
Players wearing full pads and helmets don't translate well to no team logo and a generic logo. Living in Atlanta I only see a few Falcons players on TV. In other words, no one is paying Navoughn Donaldson to endorse their ice cream parlor. Well known players like the QB, RB, and top WR might get some love.

The money is in autographs and speaking fees
Signing items purchased from CanesWear would obviously help the player but again it depends on the player and how bad fans want their autograph. Jalen Hurts would hold much more value in Norman then any QB we have ever had at UM. Speaking fees are a quick and clean way to pay a player. Tell a recruit that they get $100,000 their first week on campus for speaking to big donors and signing memorable.

Let's rehash and talk about how this flows
  1. Player completes the senior year of high school and signs with an agent
  2. Agent helps player evaluate schools to determine which school would bring in this most income
  3. Player commits to the school of choice
  4. Agent begins working on revenue streams
    1. This is important because there is a lot of hype around signees and value could go down if the player gets to camp is dissapoints
  5. Player enrolls in school
  6. Agent helps the player navigate school, practice, and business
  7. Player does events and gets paid
  8. Player votes a team representative to the NCAAPA
  9. Union representatives vote on a contract with NCAA, and Conference

See this image of Saban below, notice he isn't wearing BAMA gear and he doesn't mention the team. This is the type of advertisements players would be doing.
Maybe in basketball. The economics in football don’t work like that for the shoe companies, which is why they aren’t involved today.

If you could read you would know my first post said this will impact basketball much more than football
Eleven pages and almost nothing of substance was written. So what does this mean for college sports?

We would have multiple entities that would need to come together before the player could use the team name, jersey, or even the word NCAA in endorsements/advertisements. In other words, a player could as a person endorse whatever but not could wear his own jersey, mention his team, or even the word NCAA. This is why most advertisements with NFL players they refer to themselves as "pro football players".
  • NCAA
  • Conference
  • School

NCAAPA (NCAA Players Association)
The players will need to unionize so that matters of revenue sharing can be easily resolved. EA will not negotiate with every player they plan to put into an NCAA video game, instead negotiations will be had with representatives of the NCAAPA and NCAA. Players would need to pay union dues to pay for the NCAAPA staff.

Players would need to hire agents
There is no way that a player would be able to handle inquiries, contacts, negotiations, etc. This would be an area where NFL agents get involved in hopes of building a relationship. You would likely see big prospects hire agents coming out of high school to help with college selection.

Players could also sell gear that the schools give to them or buy
I doubt this would be a big issue but a player could not "steal" from the school to sell gear. In other words, Robert Knowles can't go grab 100 jerseys and try and sell them.

The player can endorse whatever but the school and NCAA will have a say
I know many of you think that Kosi is going to be performing in a BangBros episode rocking a UM jersey, but that **** isn't going to happen. Kosi doesn't own the brand and this goes for anything else.

There is not much of an endorsement market for most players
Players wearing full pads and helmets don't translate well to no team logo and a generic logo. Living in Atlanta I only see a few Falcons players on TV. In other words, no one is paying Navoughn Donaldson to endorse their ice cream parlor. Well known players like the QB, RB, and top WR might get some love.

The money is in autographs and speaking fees
Signing items purchased from CanesWear would obviously help the player but again it depends on the player and how bad fans want their autograph. Jalen Hurts would hold much more value in Norman then any QB we have ever had at UM. Speaking fees are a quick and clean way to pay a player. Tell a recruit that they get $100,000 their first week on campus for speaking to big donors and signing memorable.

Let's rehash and talk about how this flows
  1. Player completes the senior year of high school and signs with an agent
  2. Agent helps player evaluate schools to determine which school would bring in this most income
  3. Player commits to the school of choice
  4. Agent begins working on revenue streams
    1. This is important because there is a lot of hype around signees and value could go down if the player gets to camp is dissapoints
  5. Player enrolls in school
  6. Agent helps the player navigate school, practice, and business
  7. Player does events and gets paid
  8. Player votes a team representative to the NCAAPA
  9. Union representatives vote on a contract with NCAA, and Conference

See this image of Saban below, notice he isn't wearing BAMA gear and he doesn't mention the team. This is the type of advertisements players would be doing.
View attachment 98175

Good analysis, and this is exactly why I said that for football, most of the money would just be existing bag money coming out from under the table. Football recruits coming out of high school, with few exceptions, have no real monetary value to anybody but crazy boosters who want to cheat to win. Only the guys who have been on campus a couple years and have become bonafide stars will have any real value.
So in this case, the only thing that changes is that the player is no longer penalized. That's exactly what the law is designed for. All these payments from boosters happen anyway, and the only one who gets in trouble is the player. No booster has ever been punished for their actions, and now the players won't get punished.

Your wrong there.Theres Been boosters penalized and made to stay away from the program.Auburn has had them and I believe Alabama also.
I don’t think this will level the playing field as much as people think. The bag game will still be a massive draw for kids looking for a double dip. Why not get $100k to sign and then $500k for your advertisement? We still can’t compete with the first part. We still don’t have the purchasing power. We have the exposure and the opportunity for someone once they start, but this won’t solve buying signatures unless I’m misunderstanding how this law will work
Because that 100k won't seem like that much when you are getting 500k for an advertisement. If it is a close decision between Miami and Georgia, and Miami will make you 500k and Georgia 600k it is more likely that you will be fine with the 500k because of all the additional benefits of playing in the city of Miami. Plus it is far easier to secure multiple advertisements (if you are good, big IF) in Miami than any other big school outside of USC.