It is okay to be critical of TVD now?

Something happen to this dude during the bye week. He is not right upstairs, I hope he gets it together becuSe he is a baller.
👀👀👀what? It’s like ground hog day with TVD so snap out of it! He ain’t going to get nothing together. It’s been like that with him throughout his tenure here. TVD to the portal!
Always ok to be critical when deserved and when it stays on topic. And after today I don't think anyone can say its not deserved.
Absolutely. And why do you think Dawson did that?

Maybe because he knows the kid isn’t ready to attack the middle of the field over and over. There’s nothing wrong with not being ready, he’s a TF.

Emory Williams made two good throws: the TD fade, and the throw to Young over the middle…then he severely underthrew a jump ball to Young later that drive. Let’s not act like he set the world on fire, could have been pick #2 of the game.

But golly, TVD gonna force a decision here sooner rather than later.
I disagree I think Emory put the ball exactly where only Young could get it if you ask me. He gave him a shot at the catch atleast. Emory is a smart kid that has the feel for the game. It’s like having Spidey senses (The Holy Spirit in him) Emory for QB1!!!! TVD slurping is on life support 😂🤣😂🤣😂
👀👀👀what? It’s like ground hog day with TVD so snap out of it! He ain’t going to get nothing together. It’s been like that with him throughout his tenure here. TVD to the portal!
Maybe baller was the wrong word. He has played some good games here hopefully he gives us four more great games and rides off.
Upper , middle and lower extremities have Injuries. All three levels are involved in mechanics. That has nothing to do with the decisions though.
Shoulder knee and fingers injured doesn’t help at all. Why don’t the coaches sit him if they know how injured he is. He already has trouble Reading defenses and if he can’t sling it cause if the injuries it’s a disaster waiting to happen, like almost INT 3.
Lmao you say Emory isn’t ready then how is it time to move on?

You guys act like we can get Caleb Williams instead next week
No brother👀 we are just ready to move on from TVD period! 😤Goosefraba……. 🤣😂🤣😂


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I don't get it. When he is playing well he is elite. He obviously hasn't played well since the GT game. You would think the coaches would see this in practice and tell him he is not ready.
He had one turnover the first four games. The last three a **** ton. Do you see why I make the correlation that something happen to him during the bye week!
What?? Please share if you know something… Or maybe everyone had enough tape after a few games and just figured him. It’s like he gives the plays away with his body language or is there something else like a nervous tick? It’s puzzling because he has the skills but not the mental capacity to lead the team.
What?? Please share if you know something… Or maybe everyone had enough tape after a few games and just figured him. It’s like he gives the plays away with his body language or is there something else like a nervous tick? It’s puzzling because he has the skills but not the mental capacity to lead the team.
You 1000% right bro. You should change your name to Ivan the increible.
The people that hate TVD go quiet when he’s balling. Then if they do post about him it’s something like his body language or nothing that involves on field stuff. Now they’re out in full force. They like to call me out but I don’t leave. I also rip him when he’s bad like I did against GT.
I've hated him Forever and never gone quite about it. Im a day 1 real one, never thought he was worth a salt. You are very fair in your assessment of tvd. You're honest and intelligent. Tvd just doesn't have it upstairs
I sat there in my seats and clearly this dude can’t go through his progressions. He only looks one way the whole time. Is like he already knows were he is going with the ball before the ball is even snap. And more than half of the time his target is only Restrepo. Then he takes 10 seconds to make a decision in the pocket. And he loves to force it down field into double coverage. He is not it. Kid is just here for the NIL money.
It’s getting to a point with the injuries and decision making that maybe it’s something to think about. I said leading up to today i wouldn’t play him.
I would tell him to start getting ready for draft and thanks for your time at Miami, goodbye. Emory or portal qb please. Mario is dumber coach then I thought
I'm just hoping this was injury related. He got a lot of **** for the UNC game, but even in that one he looked decent. This was just a full blown ****show. He's a much better QB than this performance today.

This is why I was saying that if he's still hurt I'd prefer going with Emory one more week. Cause a perfomance like this can **** a QB up even longer if he doesn't bounce back quickly against NCSt. And he clearly gives us a better chance to win against FSU than Emory, regardless what some of yall wanna believe. Obviously not if he plays like this, but this is almost certainly just about his worst performance of his career. Lets hope he has a major bounce back game against NCST and is fully healthy next week.
I mean call me crazy but I would rather let TVD play it out then throw Emory in for fsu and completely ruin his confidence when he gets murdered that day lol
Y'all wanted Emory to start based on some underthrown jump balls and because TVD doesn't scream or yell enough.

Bench him for poor play like today, but not because of some stupid bull****.
Doesn't matter now. We all see he's completely checked out. I think both sides can finally come together and say we need something fresh at QB.
Say what you want, and I'm with it all.. but those hits he took against unc don't just vanish. I saw him bailing out of the pocket early and often but it's because he got his **** rocked in unc. Don't know what the answer is. Hopefully it's TVD.
He has had the cleanest pocket all season. All QBs get hit. But he doesn't very often. He's as soft as Charmin and a complete ****** though