It’s been real

I'm one of the few people that can comment on your situation that has experience and the education to back it up. OP, if college football does this to you, you have serious problems that only putting down alcohol won't solve. And I mean that in all sincerity. There are many options for help. Find one.
I was thinking this, yeah losing sucks but I know how to separate my emotions from Miami and not give a ****.
Everyone here…. thanks for the 8 years of wasting my time and shooting the **** talking Miami football. The downs were tough and the up’s… mainly in 2017 were great. 4 HC’s, many coordinators, searches, recruiting battles, breaking news, fake news… etc.

Met some of yall in person and chatted up in the DMs. Glad I could break Enos being gone for y’all. What a joyful time. Funny how it all comes full circle and here we are again with Tan Enos.

That being said.. I’ve been going through some depression and struggling with alcoholism to cope. Miami football isn’t doing me any favors and It’s making **** worse and potentially derailing my career.. and I’ve decided that being a fan isn’t the best thing for my wife and I as I only seem to drink on Saturdays anymore.

Thanks @DMoney @Cribby @LeedsCane @gogeta4 and everyone else that I’ve failed to tag. This place has been great but all good things come to an end. Sadly for Miami fans it always ends way too soon. This was the final straw. Maybe I’ll be back one day and we can prosper.

@IndayArtHauz @RVACane delete my account and block the IP.

I’m out
wow bro. Take care of yourself and your family... in the end this is just a game.
Appreciate all the love and kind messages. No worries.. I’ll be alright.

Just so we’re clear… it has nothing to do with Canes football. Canes football just leads me to drink and I get back in the seemingly never ending black hole. I’ve been through a lot since December including several family and friends deaths including 2 kids under 8.. **** childhood cancer… and several miscarriages. If you’re religious.. prayers appreciated. If not.. good vibes or whatever you do. All appreciated. Even Any advice from those who have experienced.

My email was blown up with notifications I had to come back and say thank you.
Everyone here…. thanks for the 8 years of wasting my time and shooting the **** talking Miami football. The downs were tough and the up’s… mainly in 2017 were great. 4 HC’s, many coordinators, searches, recruiting battles, breaking news, fake news… etc.

Met some of yall in person and chatted up in the DMs. Glad I could break Enos being gone for y’all. What a joyful time. Funny how it all comes full circle and here we are again with Tan Enos.

That being said.. I’ve been going through some depression and struggling with alcoholism to cope. Miami football isn’t doing me any favors and It’s making **** worse and potentially derailing my career.. and I’ve decided that being a fan isn’t the best thing for my wife and I as I only seem to drink on Saturdays anymore.

Thanks @DMoney @Cribby @LeedsCane @gogeta4 and everyone else that I’ve failed to tag. This place has been great but all good things come to an end. Sadly for Miami fans it always ends way too soon. This was the final straw. Maybe I’ll be back one day and we can prosper.

@IndayArtHauz @RVACane delete my account and block the IP.

I’m out
Dammit mane. Canes football basically broke JayCane. Whose next?
Everyone here…. thanks for the 8 years of wasting my time and shooting the **** talking Miami football. The downs were tough and the up’s… mainly in 2017 were great. 4 HC’s, many coordinators, searches, recruiting battles, breaking news, fake news… etc.

Met some of yall in person and chatted up in the DMs. Glad I could break Enos being gone for y’all. What a joyful time. Funny how it all comes full circle and here we are again with Tan Enos.

That being said.. I’ve been going through some depression and struggling with alcoholism to cope. Miami football isn’t doing me any favors and It’s making **** worse and potentially derailing my career.. and I’ve decided that being a fan isn’t the best thing for my wife and I as I only seem to drink on Saturdays anymore.

Thanks @DMoney @Cribby @LeedsCane @gogeta4 and everyone else that I’ve failed to tag. This place has been great but all good things come to an end. Sadly for Miami fans it always ends way too soon. This was the final straw. Maybe I’ll be back one day and we can prosper.

@IndayArtHauz @RVACane delete my account and block the IP.

I’m out
Mental health is important, take care of yourself.
Everyone here…. thanks for the 8 years of wasting my time and shooting the **** talking Miami football. The downs were tough and the up’s… mainly in 2017 were great. 4 HC’s, many coordinators, searches, recruiting battles, breaking news, fake news… etc.

Met some of yall in person and chatted up in the DMs. Glad I could break Enos being gone for y’all. What a joyful time. Funny how it all comes full circle and here we are again with Tan Enos.

That being said.. I’ve been going through some depression and struggling with alcoholism to cope. Miami football isn’t doing me any favors and It’s making **** worse and potentially derailing my career.. and I’ve decided that being a fan isn’t the best thing for my wife and I as I only seem to drink on Saturdays anymore.

Thanks @DMoney @Cribby @LeedsCane @gogeta4 and everyone else that I’ve failed to tag. This place has been great but all good things come to an end. Sadly for Miami fans it always ends way too soon. This was the final straw. Maybe I’ll be back one day and we can prosper.

@IndayArtHauz @RVACane delete my account and block the IP.

I’m out
Brother I respect your decision, but just realize this is just a game, back in the day I took it much more seriously but I'm just numb to it now, but you do you this **** really ain't that important.
Good luck brother. Prayers sent to you and family. I can't imagine what you are going through.
I've Never rooted for anyone but The Cane's. What suck *** more I'm from and live in GA and I have to listen to their fans how Great they are. Can you imagine my pain? It took them 42 years and we're 22 years removed from glory with no return to Greatness in sight. I feel and understand your pain. My days as a fan maybe be numbered as well. Cmc must clean house on poor coaches and players if wants to succeed ASAP!
Be well, 1st Canes game at 8 years old. Been there done that. **** sucks but we have to get better. If not after UNC I'm going fishing on my Saturdays...Reds, Snooks etc.... it's what I did last year after 2 games and them fooking us for the green lot .

2 games last year, we Tapped out. I avoided all Canes games.

I'm giving them till UNC to get right, after that I'm done!
I was thinking this, yeah losing sucks but I know how to separate my emotions from Miami and not give a ****.
I’m just numb to this garbage now I used to let them ruin my day now i just laugh at the TV as they get blown out by ****ters lol
Thank you, my friend. I appreciate the conversations in the DMs, I appreciate you sticking up for me when you didn't have to.

You're a good man. Get well and prioritize yourself. This ship will be righted eventually and it would be great to have you on board.

If theres anything I can do for you to help, reach out.
Takin some of my emotions out of my fandom helped me alot, helped me not only with my mental health but with my overall appreciation and knowledge of the game. Hope you get right bro, prayers to you and your family
Appreciate all the love and kind messages. No worries.. I’ll be alright.

Just so we’re clear… it has nothing to do with Canes football. Canes football just leads me to drink and I get back in the seemingly never ending black hole. I’ve been through a lot since December including several family and friends deaths including 2 kids under 8.. **** childhood cancer… and several miscarriages. If you’re religious.. prayers appreciated. If not.. good vibes or whatever you do. All appreciated. Even Any advice from those who have experienced.

My email was blown up with notifications I had to come back and say thank you.
I've been clean now for over 9 years myself and yes getting there wasn't easy... Especially the start...
In 2012 an ex girlfriend of mine committed suicide which was the catalyst for me to stop drinking... It took another 9 months to stop other stuff I was doing but I hit my wall like many do....
One of the first things I learned during the process is there's plenty of people to talk too to help settle your head... That part really matters in the beginning.. the fact you opened up here is a good start... Recognition is important...
If I can offer any advice to you is there plenty like you and I out there and there's plenty of avenues by which you can find help.... Stay strong... You can do this... I know.... I did...